SEC S15W4: "Broken Trust"

in Steem4Nigeria5 months ago

Broken Trust

Photo by Алесь Усцінаў :


Good day to you, I welcome you to my page.

Here I'm going to be discussing about the topic Broken Trust.

I talk about trust and what it means between two parties.

As you go through the write-up, I hope it will be worth your while.

What do you think the word trust means?

The word Trust has so many meanings.

To some it means to believe something or someone, to another it is to back something or someone, yet again to another person it means to have confidence in something or someone.

But one thing is common and that is trust is usually related to something or someone else.

To trust another person is to believe that person can't harm you or disappoint you when the time comes.

You have it at the back of your mind that someone can't do you wrong no matter what.

And if any wrong doing is about to happen, they will let you know. You are in alignment with that person knowing fully well that the person can come through.

Presently in your country, do the citizens feel safe to trust one another? If not why? And if yes why?

Presently, in my country one of the hardest virtues we have amongst ourselves is trust.

Except of course in situations where some citizens know themselves, so they already have that trust.

As a nation, we are marred in illegalities, corrupt practices, anyhowness, and lack of support for the right thing.

This mentality and mindset has been with us as a people for a very long time.

So it affects our relationship with ourselves generally.

You would have to know someone for a while before you can trust that person and even at times, it can lead to betrayal.

We don't do things with love and trust in our hearts, we usually do things out of evil and how they chose to understand life.

Another thing is that as strangers it's usually hard to trust someone because you don't what that person is all about.

Have you had any experience where your trust in someone was broken? Or such a scenario from a Friend?

Yes! I have experienced a situation where a friend lost his trust for me.

It was a sad and terrible period in my life. And up till this day, I still feel pained.

We both wanted to venture into Forex trading business. So I had the skills and he had the money.

My skills though good, I still had some things to brush up on.

So after we discussed about it, then he went ahead to send me some money to begin trading.

I made my first successful live trade and I told him how much I have made.

But I wasn't satisfied, so I wanted to make more from that particular play. I ended up getting burned. All the cash I had made went into flames.

The worst part was I lied to my friend for a while, before I finally told him the truth.

That was what killed our friendship and he lost total trust in me.

Can you suggest ways to mend broken trust?

To mend broken trust usually takes a while. A lot of convincing has to take place.

But to begin with, the person who broke the trust has to go back and apologize first.

After making apologies, the person would now have to convince the other person that he can be trusted.

This conviction takes a very long time, but with consistency, it can be achieved.

 5 months ago 

Hi dear,
Sorry for your lost you lost not only your friendship but friend too but sometimes life give lesson and some kick that we needed you were sorry in your case so it's good thing you will may be never do this to anyone.i wish best of luck for the contest ✨

Saludos amigo

Es muy lamentable el episodio que nos cuentas, aunque creo que no fue con mala intención ya que operar con las criptomonedas tiene mucho riesgo y eso tu amigo debería saberlo.

Entiendo que te duela porque la verdad no fue tu intención hacer daño, pero como dices el perdió la confianza en ti y allí no hay mucho que hacer lamentablemente.

La confianza es fundamental para una buena relación de amistad.

Éxitos amigo y bendiciones para ti.

Greetings to you.

Our world is fill with lack of trust, currently trust is like blood pressure,it's silent, vital to our good health, and if mistakenly abused, it can be deadly for life.

I learned from your experience, mending may trust take a lot of time.

I wish you success in this contests
Much love and blessings 💞🙏.

 5 months ago 

Saludos amigo.
La confianza es una virtud que hay que cultivar siendo honrrado y respetuoso dura años en construirla pero se daña en cuestión de segundo.

That is true and being in the position is always terrible as I have come short before. To build trust takes longer process that losing it

 5 months ago 

your thoughts on trust and I appreciate your honesty in discussing a personal experience. It's unfortunate to hear about the challenges with trust in your country and your story of a broken trust emphasizes the delicate nature of such relationships. Healing broken trust indeed requires sincere apologies and consistent efforts to rebuild. Your openness adds depth to the discussion and I hope for positive changes in trust dynamics both personally and within your community.

I can't wait for it also especially with the environment I find myself, thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it

 5 months ago 

Hello dear, I wish to you to be in peace and living their best moments of life.Today, due to people's wrong activities and wrong intentions, the word trust is getting broken. Due to some bad people in the world, people are not able to trust each other.
I enjoyed reading your post. Wish you good may you always achieve whatever you aim for yourself in life and make the best journey .Greetings from me Have a beautiful.

Thank you so much dear friend and thank you for finding my post worthy of your time.

 5 months ago 

Your story about broken trust is poignant. The impact on your friendship and the lesson learned from the Forex trading experience is significant. It takes courage to admit mistakes and work towards rebuilding trust. Your insights contribute to the discussion on trust, and I appreciate your participation in the contest.

 5 months ago 

La confianza es verdad realmente a través de ella y mostrando las acciones a nuestras personas cercanas podemos generar un mayor índice de esta, si perdemos está confianza es algo difícil de recuperar pero si se puede, suerte en la dinámica! 👾👾👾

Hello friend

How was your day been? Your post is very amazing and captivating, I really enjoyed reading it as is very amazing and cool.

Is very bad when we break someone's trust because they will no longer trust us anymore and this will change the nature of our relationship with these persons. It takes alot of time before a broken trust gets amended.

I wish you success in this amazing engagement challenge, have a wonderful weekend.

Thank you so much and the only thing we can of God is to keep us together.

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