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RE: Community Kuratoren + Wettbewerb: Kritik und Ideen / Community Curators + Competition: Criticism and Ideas

in Deutsch Unplugged2 years ago

Hi! I think the Steemit team will take care of the diversity of the September trustees in the tried and tested way (if enough qualified applications come in...) I was actually thinking of putting the succession arrangements in the hands of the community: e.g. if we were in a team, you could choose my successor, I myself could choose the successor of a third person in the group and he could choose yours...? I thought of it that way. It could be more elaborate, but it seems unnecessary to me.

What I find even more important is the openness of the curation for good contributions outside the so-called guidelines (which can be understood as a recommendation, but not necessarily as a condition - I think).

Hi! Ich denke, für die Vielfalt bei den September-Kuratoren wird das Steemit-Team in der bewährten Art und Weise sorgen (wenn denn genug qualifizierte Bewerbungen eingehen...) Die Nachfolgeregelung gedachte ich tatsächlich in die Hände der Gemeinschaft zu legen: z.B. könntest Du, wenn wir in einem Team wären, meinen Nachfolger wählen, ich selber den von einem Dritten im Bunde und der den Deinen...? So in der Art dachte ich mir das. Das ginge auch noch aufwändiger, scheint mir aber unnötig.

Wichtiger noch finde ich die Offenheit der Kuration für gute Beiträge außerhalb der sogenannten Richtlinien (die darf man als Empfehlung verstehen, aber nicht unbedingt als Bedingung - finde ich.)


What I find even more important is the openness of the curation for good contributions outside the so-called guidelines (which can be understood as a recommendation, but not necessarily as a condition - I think).

I agree with that part. Personally, I take clubs seriously only. An author should be making significant power ups and not taking everything out. Having said that I don't decide my vote percentage based on a club status. That is solely determined by the quality of a post.

Other rules like word count can also be bent. It depends on a post, some people manage to write a gem piece in few words and some write crap in 1000 words.

 2 years ago 

Exactly ;-))

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