Das positive von venezuela - the positive of venezuela by @theonlyway (Deutsch - English)

in Deutsch Unplugged2 years ago

Heute werde ich keine Frühlingsblumen veröffentlichen, wie ich es in dieser Saison tue.

Diese Veröffentlichung basiert darauf, mein Land ein wenig bekannter zu machen und nicht nur, was außerhalb unserer Grenzen darüber gesagt wird.

Venezuela durchlebt eine der schwersten sozialen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Krisen auf dem südamerikanischen Kontinent. Wir haben Führer, die die Ressourcen misshandelt haben, die Gott nicht jedem gewährt hat, aber ich glaube fest daran, dass er es tun wird, wenn wir auf Gott schauen . Hilfe aus dieser Krise.

*Wie in allen Ländern gibt es Dinge, wir haben gute und schlechte Dinge, einige, die die Nation bereichern, und andere, die sie überschatten.

*Man kann zum Beispiel nicht glauben, dass sich alle Japaner mit Elektronik auskennen, oder dass alle Chinesen Kung-Fu bekämpfen, oder dass alle Mexikaner scharfes Essen essen.

*Ich werde Ihnen kurz sagen, was Venezuela, mein Land, positiv charakterisiert.

*In Venezuela befindet sich das größte hydrographische Becken der Welt.

*In Venezuela gibt es ein meteorologisches Phänomen namens Catatumbo-Blitz, das 80% der Ozonschicht der gesamten Erde wiederherstellt. Strahlen 4 km hoch und mit einer Frequenz von 18 bis 60 Blitzeinschlägen pro Minute ein Guinness-Rekord.

*Der Orinoco ist der drittgrößte Fluss der Welt.

*In Venezuela gibt es die größte Anzahl von Tepuyes des gesamten Planeten.

*Es hat den größten Nationalpark der Welt.

*Die Anden Südamerikas werden in Venezuela geboren.

*Es hat das größte Vogelschutzgebiet der Welt.

*Sie hält den Weltrekord für den weitesten Sprung in der Leichtathletik der Frauen.

*Es hält den Rekord für das größte Sinfonieorchester der Welt.

*Wenn Sie Schokolade mögen, halten wir den Rekord für die größte Schokoladenmünze der Welt und verdrängen Italien.

*Die Venezolaner haben mehrere Schönheitswettbewerbe weltweit gewonnen und zwei aufeinanderfolgende Schönheitskronen erhalten.

*Es hat die höchste Seilbahn der Welt, 4765 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel.

*Ein Rekord, der @chriddi interessieren würde, ist der des Lehrers mit den meisten Jahren der Praxis, 87 Dienstjahre als Lehrer. Ihr Name war Medarda de Jesús León Uzcateguiz.

Ich weiß, dass dies Kleinigkeiten sind, wenn ich sie mit den Errungenschaften der am stärksten industrialisierten und entwickelten Länder der Welt vergleiche.

Mein Land ist wunderschön, leider gibt es wie in allen Ländern Korruption, Böse, Satansanbeter, mit krummen, heuchlerischen und hartherzigen Lehren.

Aber schließlich sind die Anständigen, Respektvollen und Ehrlichen mehr.

Denken Sie nicht, dass mich die Kommentare einiger beleidigen, ich wette mehr auf Unwissenheit, dies wird mich dazu inspirieren, einige der Dinge zu malen, die mein Land hervorheben können.

Ich hoffe, auf Ihre Kommentare zu antworten und dass Sie mir einen großen Gefallen tun, dass, wenn andere Leute schlecht über mein Land sprechen, sie alles Positive erwähnen, was es auch hat.

Übrigens kann ich auch positive Dinge über Deutschland hervorheben, für mich ist die Industriemaschinerie die beste der Welt, ganz zu schweigen von den Autos, ich habe einen alten, aber schönen VW-Kombi, dessen Motor ich gerade repariere. Ich kann auch sagen, dass es nette Leute wie @chriddi, @weisser-rabe und @germansailor.


Eine Umarmung aus der Ferne aus dem schönen Venezuela.


Today I am not going to publish spring flowers, as I am doing this season.

This publication is based on making a little more known about my country and not only what is said about it outside our borders.

Venezuela is immersed in one of the most serious economic, political and economic crises on the South American continent, we have leaders who have mismanaged the resources that God has not granted to everyone, but I am a faithful believer that if we look at God, he will will help to get out of this crisis.

*Like all countries there are things, we have good things and bad things, some that enhance the nation and others that overshadow it.

*It cannot be believed that, for example, all Japanese know about electronics, or that all Chinese fight kung-fu, or that all Mexicans eat spicy food.

*I will tell you briefly what things positively characterize Venezuela, my country.

*In Venezuela is the largest hydrographic basin in the world.

*In Venezuela there is a meteorological phenomenon called Catatumbo lightning that recovers 80% of the ozone layer of the entire earth. Rays 4 km high and with a frequency of 18 to 60 lightning strikes per minute, a Guinness record.

*The Orinoco River is the third largest river in the world.

*In Venezuela there is the largest number of Tepuyes of the entire planet.

*It has the largest national park in the world.

*The Andes of South America are born in Venezuela.

*It has the largest bird reserve in the world.

*She holds the world record for the long jump in women's athletics.

*It holds the record for the largest symphony orchestra in the world.

*If you like chocolate, we hold the record for the world's largest chocolate coin, displacing Italy.

*Venezuelans have won several world beauty pageants, obtaining two consecutive beauty crowns.

*It has the highest cable car in the world, 4765 meters above sea level.

*A record that would interest @chriddi is that of the teacher with the most years of practice, 87 years of service as a teacher. Her name was Medarda de Jesús León Uzcateguiz.

I know that these are minuscule things, if I compare it with the achievements of the most industrialized and developed countries in the world.

My country is beautiful, unfortunately like all countries there are corruption, evil, worshipers of satan, with crooked, hypocritical and hard-hearted doctrines.

But finally, the decent, respectful and honest are more.

Do not think that the comments of some offend me, I bet more on ignorance, this will inspire me to paint some of the things that can highlight my country.

I hope to respond to your comments and that you do me a great favor, that when other people speak ill of my country, they mention everything positive that it also has.

Oh by the way I can also highlight positive things about Germany, for me its industrial machinery is the best in the world, not to mention its cars, I have an old but beautiful VW kombi whose engine I am currently repairing. I can also say that there are nice people like @chriddi, @weisser-rabe and @germansailor.


A hug from the distance from the beautiful Venezuela.

**This photo was taken with my Cell phone LG risio**

 2 years ago 

The VW bus is ingenious! An ancient van with a hinged lid - that's a joy!

It's obvious that you love your country and I think it's very beautiful there. I know Colombia and found the nature impressive.

I could probably google it now, but what are "tepuyes"?

Der VW-Bus ist genial! Ein Uralt-Bulli mit Klappdeckel - das macht Freude!

Man merkt, daß Du Dein Land liebst und ich glaube selber, daß es sehr schön dort ist. Ich kenne Kolumbien und fand die Natur beeindruckend.

Ich könnte es jetzt bestimmt googeln, aber was sind "Tepuyes"?

they are plateaus or mountains with walls and a flat top.

small video

 2 years ago 

Oh, looks amazing! I didn't know about. Thank you ;-))

 2 years ago 

Man kann zum Beispiel nicht glauben, dass sich alle Japaner mit Elektronik auskennen, oder dass alle Chinesen Kung-Fu bekämpfen, oder dass alle Mexikaner scharfes Essen essen.

Definitiv! Es essen auch nicht alle Deutschen Weißwurst und laufen den ganzen Tag mit einem Dirndel bzw. Lederhosen herum ;-))
Solche Vorurteile gibt es wohl überall...

Of course

 2 years ago 

Yes, I also think Venezuela is a very beautiful country. It was also a very rich country with its oil resources until the powerful military government ran it down, right? It is very sad that so many people have fled your country. Young people who had the potential to rebuild it. But I can understand it. No one goes hungry voluntarily, especially if they have a family to support.

Well, I'm less interested in the teacher. Are there so few staff in your school system that even old people still have to work? One can only hope that she was still in her right mind at such an advanced age... ;-)
On the other hand, my heart beats for the van, of course, but we've been through that before... ;-D

Dear @theonlyway, because you are a verified user and you explicitly address this article to "us Germans", your contribution is welcome in this community this time.
Otherwise, I'm afraid I have to ask you not to publish in "Deutsch Unplugged". There are reasons why we do not actually accept translated texts ("unplugged" actually means "free of technical aids"). This community was founded for German-speaking users from or in Austria, Germany, Switzerland. Users who love their language and are able to "play" with it while writing.
Please do not mind, it is nothing personal and has as said reasons, which are to be looked for in the development of a few years of the once very strong "community" #deutsch. Thank you for your understanding.

Many warm greetings,

 2 years ago (edited)

Yes, I also think that Venezuela is a very beautiful country. It was also a very rich country with its oil resources until the powerful military government ran over it, right?

If unfortunately they mismanaged the resources, with bad populist policies, in the last 10 years it got worse and the population tries to overcome the circumstances.

Well, I'm less interested in the teacher. Is his school system so understaffed that even older people still have to work?

Yes, many teachers have left the educational system due to low salaries. I even have two sisters who have degrees in primary education and are now engaged in activities other than education.

The case of this Lady is that she started teaching when she was only 12 years old, she founded a school and continued teaching until a very old age. I think she went more out of a vocation than out of her own need.

On the other hand, my heart beats for the van, of course, but we've been through that before... ; -D

hahahahahaha you might think that it took me a long time to repair it, the truth is that it has been a bit uphill for me, due to additional expenses, there are priorities, I am going to direct a little more force towards it.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I have to ask you not to post on "Deutsch Unplugged". There are reasons why we don't actually accept translated text ("unplugged" actually means "no assistive technology").

I clearly understood this and I apologize to all members of this community.

 2 years ago 

Hey, you don't have to apologise - everything's fine.... :-))

Thanks for your detailed answer! It's always good to learn about other countries directly. That way you learn a bit more than through the general media. We'll keep in touch!

Hello. The post is wonderful. I learned a lot of interesting things about Venezuela. I'm nominating your post for a competition. #wox-bestpick

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @scilwa, which is a curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. We can also be found on our hive community & peakd as well as on my Discord Server

Manually curated by Blessed-girl


Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia

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