Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 3: Smoking Kills

in STEEMIT HEALTHlast year
Hi, Greetings to Everyone


Well, I am grateful to @steemithealth admin and team for keeping very crucial theme of S8-W3 to meditate smokers for come back in their healthier life . I reviewed on some inviting me posts,l really inspire to see their valuable views on Smoking 🚬 kills I enforced my self to share my participation in quality form. Before giving my reviews on required questions, let me share you my already participation to stop smoking in seminar.


I remember, I had active participated in my college days since 2018 , Given speech on 🚭 Smoking kills in a seminar Lahore, Pakistan

Now , I have got opportunity to share my perspective on smoking Kills . Here with going to share reviews on given questions.

Give your views about the phrase "Smoking Kills 🚬!".

In my views, Smoking kills is not just a about the loose of smokers lungs, throat, mouth , liver or any other physical part of body , It also kills the family bonding relationships because of smokers bad smell coming from mouth , body and clothes as well also non- serious attitude towards perform his/her responsibilities. That's the main reason of breaking relations just because of addicted of intense smoking.

What are the main reasons why people become addicted to smoking?

There are couple of reasons needed to ponder to deep think for overcome such a bad habit to may cause deadly situation.

  • Conflict between Father and Mother always hurt their kids and their neglected behavior majority enforce them to addict of smoking

  • Failure in life to achieve their goals , Mentally disturb and got affected of smoking

  • Fail to deal and sustain social relations , Feel alone and become victim of smoking

  • Heavily responsibilities on shoulders and no financial and moral source & support to perform. Used to smoking

  • Psychology disorders due to personal and social problems and no have counselor to deal. Mentally retarded become victim of smoking

These are some common and practical reasons in my views , Due to insufficient way to come out repeating scenario, Mentally disturb person can become easily addicted of smoking.

Are you addicted to smoking, or someone you may know have addicted to smoking? What changing have you seen after addiction?

Yes, unfortunately, My youngest brother and my husband too addicted of smoking from 4 years ago. I took hard by giving them good environment, loving behavior and healthy diet but they have addicted from back couple of years that's not easy to get rid from this negative habit. Yes, I am witness of their rude behavior due to they intake smoking many times in a day. I have seen aggressiveness in their behavior, irresponsible to perform very important responsibilities and also showing mismanagement to do task on time.



What should we do to reduce the rate of smoking addiction?

I think , First quiting tip is to reduce smoking Counseling Knowing deeply with kind heart what are the main reasons to become victim of smoking. Then give to home right guidance try to reduce smoking addiction. An other is Making a strong will power and make a decision to save life from harmful effects of smoking Beside of them , very important to save smoker's life is to give them Healthy and Happier environment by actively involve them in worship and physical therapy activities Yes, through following on these tips and practice in daily life we can save our blood relations from very deadly situation.

I would like to invite my steemit Fellows @nahela @goodybest @damithudaya @fantvwiki and @alegnita to take part in S8-W3 Smoking kills . Good luck:)

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Its good to learn that you've sensitize people about smoking before. Indeed smokers are liable to die young, thank you for sharing with us.

This comment has been upvoted through steemcurator07.
We support quality posts anywhere and any tags.
Curated by : @fantvwiki


 last year 

Thanks for support 💐

 last year 

I like your last picture in the post. Yes, it's hard to quit but it's possible and there many things which looks difficult but we can achieve them.

Proper counselling, rehabilitation and therapies are necessary for getting rid of smoking. Thank you for sharing your participation. Best of luck for the contest. I have also share my participation share your views too.

 last year 

¡Saludos amiga!🤗

Ningún vicio es malo y, menos si se trata de una adicción pero, el tabaquismo es un hábito muy repulsivo el cual, incluso son solo mencionarlo o sentir el olor a larga distancia, nos puede hacer mucho daño.

En lo personal, el olor tabaquista me asfixia y a toda costa, tengo que distanciarme porque de lo contrario, no voy a respirar.

Excelente participación💚

yup very true healthy and happier environment can also lead to reduce stress reduce pressure and they can lead to quiet smoking but also lead to happier life as well. Quieting smoking is very hard once they addicted and as mentioned their performance abilities also reduce as well.concentration ability lost and they are just lack of capabilities they are doing

Cigarettes and other forms of smoking are very harmful to the health of the body. Smoking increases the risk of cancer. The chances of them being oral cancer are very high.

However, your post is very important. Thank you very much for sharing an important post using valuable words.

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