Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 2: My Traditional Medicine

in STEEMIT HEALTHlast year
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Hi, my friends how are you?. Hope you are all well. I'm fine too. Today here is Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 2: Ready to participate in another awesome competition. The title of this contest is "My Traditional Medicine" So today I will tell you about the traditional medicine of my country. My country is known as the birthplace of traditional medicine. I learned a lot about them from my childhood. So happy to participate in this challenge. Thanks to the STEEMIT HEALTH community for organizing such a beautiful competition. Without further ado, let me begin my article on this challenge.

1. What are the names of traditional medicines in your country that you know?

There are several traditional medicines in my country. I know a few of them. My grandmother has taught me the traditional medicines of our country since I was a child. So let me tell you some traditional medicines that I know.

  • Tamarind


One of the most important traditional medicines in my country is tamarind. The medicine is used for various diseases and as far as I know the most effective disease is Urinary tract infection. This disease can be cured very quickly by dissolving tamarind in water and eating a cup.

Photograph is Taken by me using Oppo A16 Mobile Phone

  • Lime


Lime is one of the most important medicines in traditional medicine. It is used for various ailments and my grandmother told me that it is very good for indigestion. Drinking lime juice can prevent the disease quickly. Also, various diseases are treated quickly.

Photograph is Taken by me using Oppo A16 Mobile Phone

  • Neem bark


Speaking of neem, it is one of my favorites. I usually drink these kohlrabi peels almost every week. You can reduce her fever by boiling and drinking the neem bark. And it gives more results for skin diseases.

Photograph is Taken by me using Oppo A16 Mobile Phone

  • Pomegranate leaves


Pomegranate leaves are usually said to be bitter. They provide the most treatment for facial eye diseases in Sri Lanka. Eye diseases can be reduced by boiling pomegranate leaves well and washing the face with that water.

Photograph is Taken by me using Oppo A16 Mobile Phone

2. Please share with us a traditional medicine recipe that you know, then write down the steps for making it.

Neem juice is a medicine that provides quick treatment for diseases. This improves skin health, detoxifies the body, and is more beneficial for watery ailments. Neem juice is a very important traditional medicine in Sri Lanka. So I will tell you how to make this recipe easily.

Step 01

  • First I took a very clean bath. After adding neem leaves to it, half of the fresh milk was added to it.

Step 02

  • Then put it in the blender and blend it well for some time. After blending it, put it back in the saucer.

Photograph is Taken by me using Oppo A16 Mobile Phone

Step 03

  • The fresh milk saved earlier was added to the blended neem juice and mixed well.

Step 04

  • After that, the mixed neem mixture was filtered into a glass.

Photograph is Taken by me using Oppo A16 Mobile Phone

Step 05

  • I drink it with honey to drink it with the end result.


  • In this way you can easily make neem juice. It is very beneficial.

Photograph is Taken by me using Oppo A16 Mobile Phone

3. What are the uses (benefits) of these traditional medicines?

The extract of this plant has many helpful benefits. Neem is a plant that provides quick treatment for various diseases. I will present to you some of its benefits below.


Photograph is Taken by me using Oppo A16 Mobile Phone

Skin diseases

  • Neem is especially important for skin diseases. It can be formulated like a sunblock cream and applied daily to prevent skin exposure. And by drinking this extract, you can avoid skin diseases.

Insect repellent

  • Applying a well-squeezed extract of neem leaves on our skin can repel black flies. Applying it on the skin twice a day can protect against some mosquitoes. Therefore, by applying neem extract on the skin, one can be careful from various mosquitoes.


  • The bark of neem tree has a special property and boiling the bark and drinking it once a day can reduce intestinal ulcers. It also provides quick solution to internal diseases of the body.
4. Are there any negative effects from it? If so, please state anything!

Photograph is Taken by me using Oppo A16 Mobile Phone

Talking about the side effects of neem. People with kidney or liver related diseases should not use neem supplements at all. Also, excessive use of it is harmful to the body and causes diseases such as liver damage and acidity. Avoid using neem more than twice a day.

5.At the end of the discussion, share your selfie with the traditional medicine you made.

My selfie with neem juice, a traditional medicine I made.


Photograph is Taken by me using Oppo A16 Mobile Phone


This is my submission in this competition. I hope you like it, I hope my traditional medicine will be very useful for you. It is a pleasure to participate in such a wonderful challenge. see you again. God bless you all.

I invite my friends @anasuleidy, @jufrimj, @chukwu10 participate in SEC S8-W2

Thanks for being with me.

 last year 

@m-fdo, Due to your comment that your grandmother passed on her knowledge of traditional medicine to your family, she surely knows how to use a large number of medicinal plants from your country.

I take both tamarind and lemon very frequently to stay healthy.

I take tamarind as normal water during the day as an excellent diuretic and helps purify the body.

Lemon I also use it since I take it every day on an empty stomach with garlic which has helped me strengthen the immune system.

The bark and leaf of the pomegranate, although I do not know it for sure, is widely used in your country to cure diseases.

Neem juice, I see, has extensive benefits for the skin and its care.

In addition to being an insect repellent, I would use it often since I hate flies and mosquitoes.

Seeing also its properties, as it says, very good for healing intestinal ulcers, thus avoiding having to go to an operating room to have these ulcers operated on.

Thank you for sharing your traditional medicine with friends in the community.

I say goodbye wishing you have an excellent day.

 last year 

I think you are a person who puts a lot of things about medicine. And I learned a lot from your comment. Thank you very much for viewing my post.

 last year 

Como dije en mi post, la mayoria de estas recetas que hemos mencionado son de nuestros ancestros y que van pasando de generacion en generacion.
muy bien explicado la preparacion de tu bebida medicinal
Exitos en el concurso

 last year 

Thank you very much for viewing my post.

Lemon or lime is always a essential natural ingredients of all traditional recipe. The way in which you explained you remedy is very effective. Hopefully, it's very effective and comment used recipe of Siri lanka..

Thank you for sharing with all of us. This is overall a good post. Good luck for the contest.

 last year 

Yes, the quality of lime has really increased. I'm glad you saw my post. Thank you very much for your comment.

It's my pleasure dear.

Amiga que lindo que haya Sido tu abuela quien te dejará todos los conocimientos que tienes en la medicina natural, sin duda que son recetas maravillosas que sirven para muchas cosas y aliviar muchos malestares .

Tiene un gran Post y muy informativo muchos éxitos.

 last year 

Yes, I learned a lot from my grandmother. She teaches me a lot about medicine. Thank you very much for your comment and compliment.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by Blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Visit our Discord - Visita nuestro Discord

 last year 

Thank you so much.

 last year 

Hello dear friend, thank you very much for participating in our challenge, very good your entry, as always, the truth is that there are several medicines that you mention that I did not know, this preparation that you have shared with us looks very good, I think it could be of great help based on the benefits that you present to us.

A very well written post, good pictures and you have fulfilled all the requirements of the challenge. Don't forget to support other users with your comment and vote. Greetings!!!

Description❌ ó ✅Score
Plagiarism Free1/1
BOT Free1/1
Status Club1/1
Voting CSI1/1
Post quality3/3
Date of verification:08/03/23



 last year 

Thank you very much for your comment and review

 last year 

By using natural herbs and especially lemon is very effective for any disease effects overcome. Thanks for sharing very productive tutorial with respect to traditional Medicine always satisfying by users. We will definitely apply . Thanks and good luck :)

 last year 

Thank you very much for your comment. Overcoming any disease using lemon is definitely yes. It is a very important medicine.

 last year 

You have used a combinations of different herbs, neem bark, lemon, tamarind and definitely this remedy will be useful for skin disease, insects repellent and ulcers now i may recommend it to others.

 last year 

dear friend Thank you very much for your comment and compliment.

 last year 

Hola amiga, que bueno tu abuela te transmitió todos estos conocimientos sobre ls plantas medicinales, leyendo tu post veo que el neem tiene muchas propiedades, eso sí hay que utilizarlas con precaución porque tiene sus contraindicaciones.

Suerte en el concurso amiga☺️

 last year 

I learned a lot about this from my grandmother. Thank you very much for your comment and compliment.

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