The Control of Anger

in STEEMIT HEALTHlast year (edited)


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Controlling anger is no easy task, but it can be done. It requires effort and dedication to build the skills that are necessary to effectively manage anger. Here are some suggestions for how to control your anger:

  1. Practice Relaxation Techniques: Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness can help to reduce the intensity of your anger. When you feel yourself getting angry, take a few moments to practice relaxation techniques.

  2. Take a Break: Taking a break from the situation can be a great way to manage your anger. It gives you the opportunity to take a step back, gain some perspective, and calm down. When you can, take a few minutes to yourself in a quiet and safe place.

  3. Talk it Out: Venting your anger can help to reduce its intensity. Talk to a friend or family member about what is making you angry. If you can’t talk to someone, try writing your thoughts down in a journal.

  4. Express Your Feelings: Instead of acting out in anger, try expressing your feelings in a healthy way. Talk about how you feel and why you feel that way. This can help you to better understand and manage your anger.

  5. Find Healthy Ways to Discharge Your Anger: Find ways to discharge your anger in a healthy manner. For example, go for a run, listen to music, do some yoga, or take a break and focus on a hobby or activity that you enjoy.

  6. Acknowledge Your Anger: Acknowledge your anger as a valid feeling. Don’t try to ignore it or push it away. This can help you to identify and understand the sources of your anger.

  7. Identify Triggers: Identifying the things that trigger your anger can help you to be more aware of them and better prepared to manage your reaction when they occur.

  8. Practice Self-Care: Taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health can help to reduce the intensity of your anger. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy, exercise regularly, and spend time doing activities that bring you joy.

  9. Seek Professional Help: If you find that your anger is difficult to manage or is having a negative impact on your life, it may be helpful to seek professional help. A mental health professional can help you to better understand and manage your anger.

These suggestions can help you to better manage your anger. However, it is important to remember that controlling your anger takes time, practice, and dedication. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it. With the right tools and support, you can learn to effectively manage your anger.

Thank you for Reading



 last year 

Hello friend, anger is an emotion that we should be able to control, otherwise things can get out of control, there are many situations or attitudes that can cause us discomfort for example, but we should always be able to control our reactions.

The recommendations that you present today are very good, talk about it, get to know each other, but above all, work on our emotional intelligence, that is the fundamental thing at this point. Whoever enjoys a good emotional health will not fall into anger, it is as simple as that.

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 last year 

But good anger is good. It is better to remain silent in anger

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