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RE: What Is the Smoothie Diet?

HI @sammyk8

hope you doing well . We have some restrictive rules on our Steemit platform. You must follow those rules. Copying this post of yours from somewhere else is a violation of our Steemit platform rules. To be a real blogger you must use your creativity . Your content is totally copied from another source . You have to mention or give the link from where you copied content .Otherwise it will be considered as plagiarism . Also you only can 25% (of course have to mention the source ) of the rewrite article from somewhere else and the remaining 75% have to write from your own . Hope you will try to follow our steemits rules from now on.

Thank you .

Your post are written from this source link .


Hi there, well are you aware that I posted that article in the community after I wrote it on my personal blog? Is that also plagiarism?

I first published the article on my blog then copied and pasted it in the community, is that not allowed even though the article came from me?

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