This is my introduction post @tanju123

in Beauty of Creativity2 years ago (edited)

Assalamu Alaikum Ormatullah
Hi beautiful people.
how are you all? I hope you are well by the grace of God.
I am also good with everyone's prayers and God's mercy.
I feel great having the chance to join the 'Beauty of Creativity' group.
I'm TANJILA AKHTER. My username is @tanju123 on Steemit.

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I am 22 years old. I live in Titas, Comilla. I studied in meshkat jamaat from qaumi madrasa and passed SSC from school in 2022.
Currently, I am working as the head teacher of a women's madrasa in Comilla.

My family members are 5 people. We are 2 brothers 1 sister and my parents. My father is an expatriate in Dubai. My mother is a housewife. My elder brother is a small businessman. My younger brother is studying Holy Quran in Hafez and Qaumi Madrasa. I love my family very much.

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I love spending time with my madrasa students and teaching them new things. In shaa Allah. I will write about this.
I love reading books. Like novels, sermons, epistemic, etc.
My favorite color is white and black. My favorite food is fish, rice, meat, fuchka, and ice cream. I love to see nature. I like to travel. Love to learn new things. I like to cook very much.
I love the photograph. Such as pictures of nature, pictures of animals and birds, pictures of flowers, pictures of interesting things, etc.

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The current technology era is the virtual era. In this age, more or less everyone knows about online. I come online whenever I have the chance. To see something new to learn something new. I often learn something new from YouTube and try to learn. Try to do something online.
I found out about steemit on YouTube one day.
I watch more videos on this topic. Meanwhile, I verified my achievements 1 and 2. I would like to express my gratitude to @goodybest for verifying my achievements 1 and 2. Here is my achievement 1 link:
I am happy to be here with the Beauty of Creativity community. I would like to thank all the moderators and admins related to the community who work hard for the community. From moderators and admins, everyone here is very good. See you all here helps, I hope inshallah. Please help me bring out my inner beauty. Hope everyone is well.



This is a one-time notice about a free service on steem.
There are communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like ours, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
Finally a good curation trail that helps its users achieve rapid growth, its fun on a bun! check it out.

A note on other bots warnings:

It's come to our attention that some of the people on this network (keys-defender run guityparties, and bots run by pfunk) have been attacking our advertorial notices by calling it a scam/fraud.

We have contacted the owners of those systems, we've shared our complete source code and processes, and explained that we've been running for longer that they have, and have been trusted by large subsets of users troughout, expressed all of our processes, which are simple, free, opensource and legitimate, and beneficial the blockchain and its users.

After doing lots of research and speaking to many other developers on this network, it's become clear that they use these false policing services to demote other projects in order to promote their own paid upvote scams and vote-abuse systems where they demote anything thats not designed to upvote their friends.
We respect their right to communicate what they want to, even if its false,however our project is highly respected, as well as open source, its already been audited by many users and its easy to confirm that there is no risk in using it.
Both our enrollment system and upvote bot is open source and whitelisted by MalwareBytes, accepted by Github, and we've serviced thousands of users since 2017, our bot is free and will only ever vote on your behalf if your idle reaches 100%.
We respect our users freedom, enrollement as well as unenrollment from our system is done directly on the blockchain and you do not need our services to join/leave.

Bot source:

Landing page source:

School of minnows is FREE OPEN SOURCE software, we run the bot on our own resources and maintain it for free, if you have any questions about the platform, the quickest way to make contact is directly contacting the lead developer on discord: moonshine#6211 if you want to add a friend directly, or on the entrypoint discord:
We are always active and happy to answer any questions you may have.

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