Beauty of Creativity "Most featured posts & Plagiarism report" -- 01-Jan-2024.

in Beauty of Creativity6 months ago


Hello Everyone! Hope you all will be happy and well.

It is our 1st community report of jan. The weekly report aims to highlight the most featured quality posts of the week for appreciating the authors. In the weekly report, we also share the suspicious user list and the weekly plagiarism content list. Our BoC community purpose is to appreciate the creative work. Every user can share their creative content whether you like Art, Photography, Traveling, Music, Poetry, and Lifestyle, etc. Everyone can share the creative content according to their own taste.

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Now I am going to present the following featured weekly posts.

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How are you? Hopefully in good health, Amen. On this occasion I would like to share a photo of a mushroom that I found when I was looking for an object as usual, because the weather conditions where I live are currently experiencing a dry season because the rain never falls so many plants and trees dry up.

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I really enjoyed doing the photography because the flower plant looked very beautiful the way the flower plant took this picture was very beautiful in the photo I brought more flower plants from the nursery some flower plants are not yet grown if they are big and if they flower then with you I will share pray for me that I can share with you the photography of flowers plants.If you like the photography of today's flower tree, please let me know by comment.

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The flowers of this beautiful carrot grass are very small and white. When carrot grass begins to flower on the upper slopes, those slopes have fewer leaves and many flowers at once. Looking at the carrot grass from a distance, it is very nice to see only flowers and flowers. I capture images with a microlens. Because these carrot grass flowers are so small it is difficult to focus with a normal mobile phone camera. These carrot grass flowers can be said to be equal to girls' nose flowers.

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আসলে আমি কিছুদিন আগে একটা জায়গা নেমন্তন্ন খেতে গিয়েছিলাম। সেখান থেকে আসার পথে রাস্তার পাশে বেশ কিছু ঘাসফুল দেখতে পাই যেগুলো এত সুন্দর হয়ে ফুটেছিল বিশেষ করে গুচ্ছ কারে ফুটে থাকার কারণে দুর থেকে দেখে অনেক সুন্দর লাগছিল। চকচকে ফর্সা বা সাদা এবং সবুজ ঘাস সব মিলে এত সুন্দর একটা কম্বিনেশন মনে হচ্ছিল যে রাস্তার পাশে কার্পেট বিছিয়ে রেখেছে কেউ। যাইহোক সাথে সাথে গাড়ি থেকে নেমে ঝটপট করে কয়েকটা ফটো তুলে নিয়েছিলাম যদিও প্রথম থেকে ফোকাস ঠিকঠাক মতো হচ্ছিল না। যদিও ফুলগুলো আকার এ অনেক ছোট ছিল তারপর অনেকবার চেষ্টা করার পরে সুন্দর করে ফটো তুলতে পেরেছি। অনেক কথাই বলে ফেললাম চলুন এবার ফটোগ্রাফি দেখে নেওয়া যাক করে।

Reposting Posts with Scammer Name.

@Not FoundNot Found

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We hope that our BoC members will present their creativity in upcoming posts. We look forward to seeing your creative content. Before starting the posts please read our community rule carefully. Rules.

We also have the discord server where you can give feedback about our community, questioning, and talking with other BoC members. Discord Server.

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Thanks for giving your precious time to my post.

Our Curators are: @royalmacro , @photoman , @curators , @blacks , @beautycreativity


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Quality Controller Mod @bountyking5

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CC: @shy-fox

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