The Diary game: The Friday 16th April, 2021 for season 3

in Steemit Nursery3 years ago

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my diary today. Well today was stressful but quite eventful. There is a newly opened hospital in my street that organized a free medical program as a means of advertisement. So my whole day revolved around the hospital.

I woke up this beautiful morning by 6:30am, said my prayers and got up to do my morning chores. After the work, I took my bath and then had breakfast and went to the hospital with my friend @armstrongdiho and my big sister.

Abba Trinity Hospital was newly opened in my street and decided to organize a one day free medical program by 9:00am today Friday being the 16th of April 2021. So I decided to attend to check my health status. We got to the place by about 9:15, and wrote our names down.

A snapshot of I and my big sister

The medical personnel came a bit late, like some minutes to ten. We started with opening prayers, then they usher us to a chair and started taking our vital signs. After which they started calling by numbers for u to go in to see the doctor. Because we came a bit late, our number was fifty five. We waited and waited. But they gave us snacks (meatpie and maltina) for refreshment.

By after eleven, they got to our turn, we were ushered in, giving containers to collect urine sample for test. After that, they took blood samples too to test. We will then asked to wait for the result before we can see a doctor. We waited from 12pm to about 2pm before we could see the doctor.

So I went in to see the doctor, and after he said there was nothing wrong with me , but just a small trace of maleria, and gave me anti maleria drugs with some blood capsules. Oh it quite eventful, from the waiting, to seeing and meeting different kinds of persons. We went home around after three in the afternoon.

A snapshot of me while going

When I got home I had to go to market to buy foodstuffs for cooking because the next day , there is an election, and there is going to be no movement. So I had to cook in the evening, so we can have what to eat the next day. After that I took my bath, had dinner and watched some movies before going to bed.

 3 years ago 

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