ESCAPE THE ISLAND OR ADAPT WITH STEEMIT @ caleb090steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steemit Nursery4 years ago (edited)

I keep on writing the dates on the sand and watch the ocean wash it away. Time has no much importance to me, I have forgotten the taste of anything else apart from fishes that @alphafx cooks. My body shuts down slowly and I start to think of my life before this God forsaken Island.

Growing up you get to learn that things don't turn out as you expect it too. I don't want to be blunt but from where am from , there's two types of people, the ones that have it all and the ones that want what you have. You have to shed your skin and become as hard a crab if you want to make it out of here. I grew up in a beach in Jamaica, papa couldn't feed us so he left, mama had to put food on the table so she let strange men into the house. But we all know that kind employment has a short life span. I was ten, when they had found her body near the beach, a customer wanted more and she refused and in this world some men always get what they want.
At sixteen I knew I was never going to leave this place , I am going to die in my father house and they gonna bury me next to my mother.
When you're mother was a home wrecker, you kind of have some sort of reputation. You always hear the women mock you when you pass and the children call you names but I was used to it, I have shed my skin and nothing you say can hurt me. I have only to friends in this world they are @alphafx and @awesononso, they are my brothers and I could die for them. @alphafx works in the kitchens his father owns a restaurant, he feeds me leftovers without him I could have been food for the vultures by now. @awesononso comes from a family of hunters, that man knows how to kill anything that moves. His good with a gun and in this parts those set of skills can save your life. We hunt game together and share the spoils, his teaching how to hunt, let's just say am not a fast learner.
My name is Tobi and this is my story.


I am not a man of faith but I believe everybody has a destiny and a man can't outrun his destiny. Since my mother's passing I have been curious to find out my purpose on this Earth . That's why have been going up the hill to seek @cryptokanon(” the Seeer"), she calms to see all man's fates and I want to know what fate holds for a gutter boy like me . She is this wisest of all in the land. Since day one my fate hasn't changed she always tells me, "there will come a time when I will have to make a great sacrifice for the ones I love".

It was summer, the weather was hot and the temperature could make water boil. The Prime minister (@axeman) had an annouced a cruise to the gulf of Spain . This was my chance to get out of here, it is now or never . I needed to find a way on that ship or am never getting out of here. I tell my brothers that I have a plan to get us on that cruise ship, in the ship there are different departments there are people on every level that work as staff , and @alphafx father had been selected to serve as a chef for the twenty two days cruise, all we need is uniforms from the kitchen and we could sneak into the ship and act as staff on board. @alphafx said "My father knows you guys, what if he sees you, then what? I say , "when the ship is in motion, he can't do anything but have us on board, all we need to do is to be on ship, when it leaves".

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On the third day of the cruise, the engine overheated and blew a hole in the lower deck and the ship sunk to the bottom of the ocean, we only survived by grabbing hold of a table top and slowly drifting to shore. The prime minister (@axeman) was certainly dead and trip was supposed to last for twenty two days, our objective is to wait for a search party as we prepare to move to higher ground. I make knives out of shells and Spears for hunting fish. @alphafx hasn't spoken to me since we arrived on this Island , he blames me for his father dead and I understand him and let him grieve. @awesononso being a hunter has great survival instincts without we couldn't have made it this far.

It was day 20, and we had to make the journey to the mountains peak ,if are to have a chance of the search party seeing us. Any where we stop we will have to make camp because the mosquitoes and Apex predators walk around at night so we talk turns to take watch at night.

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On the day 22 we were on top of the mountain, we made a huge fire and sat on the floor around it and prayed for help. I felt myself losing hope, but I knew I had to be strong for my brothers. When all hope seem to be lost , a rescue plane got sight of us and came to our rescue. On the plane the prime minister (@axeman ) sat on the plane beside @cryptokanon they smile at us and I know the seer is the only reason we are still alive, maybe destiny still has plans for me. Our story became popular and was published all over the world on a platform called Steemit. THE END

The events that take place in this write up are fictional. Thank you.



You are giving me tough competition @celeb090

Im honestly scared

 4 years ago (edited)

Im honestly scared

😎 I got 60% vote from @booming01

Cool man

Congrats to you , that's amazing🎉

Bringing F18 jet fighters to a pillow fight😭
Of what use is contesting against this😪

It's nothing personal 😁😁😁

I loved it!! You have an amazing imagination and so many writing skills!! Thank you very much for such a great story!!

I loved participating in this contest. Thanks to you for also making me push my boundaries.

You can be a great fiction writer on steemit 😄 It's only that you made me a seer on the story that made me chuckle.. I'm still working on honing my skill to become an exceptionally good one then I will help you see into your destiny in this lifetime 😊 good entry and thanks for participating!

I love the you help us newcomers, that why I made you a seer because you smart and wise 😁🤝

you're too kind, I'm just doing what I'm expected of and share what I know 😊

Congratulations!! You won 2nd place in the weekly Steemit Nursery Contest! Thanks for participating.

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Nursery Community contest!

You have been voted by @belenguerra, as a member of the Steem Greeters team STEEM POD Project and we are voting with the Steemit Community Curator account @steemcurator03 to support newcomers who enter steemit.

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Have a nice day!

Thank you very much for this opportunity 🙌

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