Heute haben wir den Geburtstag meiner großen Tochter gefeiert. Wahnsinn wie die Zeit ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... vergeht. 9 Jahre bereichert sie nun schon unser Leben. Wir hatten einen tollen Familienausflug und haben die Sommerrodelbahn besucht. Danach haben wir den Tag auf einer Almhütte, mit gutem Essen, ausklingen lassen. Die Worte meiner Tochter „Bester Geburtstag ever“ -Today we celebrated my big daughter's birthday. Crazy how time flies. She has been enriching our lives for 9 years now. We had a great family outing and visited the summer toboggan run. Then we ended the day in an alpine hut with good food. My daughter's words "Best birthday ever"


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so beautiful place 👌

Wow!Such a attractive place it is😍

Yes it’s breathtaking

What a Magnifent photography😍😍

Wow😍! Wo ist das genau? Wie schön, dass deine Tochter in dem Alter schon so sehr die Natur wertschätzt und sie daran Freude findet ☺🙌!

In Tirol. Nähe Kufstein. Ja sie liebt es auch schon so wie wir...

Eine schöne Zeit, genießt sie!... unser Großer hatten seinen 11. am Samstag....

Alles Gute nachträglich 🎉

That is wonderful to read, time does fly as we raise our children and they learn from us and we learn from them, the family growing stronger together with nurturing love, life lessons and enjoying nature. My daughter harmony is 6 years old and it is unbelievable. It feels like yesterday when she was so small being cradled and cuddled in my arms as a newborn. Now I have Symphony to hold and cuddle and she turns 6 months soon. It is way too fast this life... Fantastic nature shot, you should enter this or another photo into the SmileyAppics challenge.

You’re right. Life’s is so fast. Enjoy every second of it. Especially with your kids and family. I took part once but will take part in the smiley challenge again. I’m now searching for the right picture 😎

I definitely shall enjoy every bit. We are looking forward to your entry. 😎

We have it every day. Lucky guys

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