APPICS Blockchain migration questions 💭❓ ➡️ What will happen to our account when ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... the migration to the new APPICS blockchain powered by Telos takes place? Do we need to sign up for a new account?

When we migrate to the new APPICS blockchain, every user that opens the app will be guided through the process of creating a new account.
❗️ You can either choose to create an account with your current username, or with a different username - it’s up to you.
We will then link your old to your new account to transfer your APX balance there (more on that in the next post).
❗️Your APX token balance is the only thing that will be carried over - everyone will start off with a new account on the new APPICS blockchain, without the current followers or content.
❗️We also encourage users not to post the same content again that they’ve already posted on the old account. this is simply because the old content remains on the steem blockchain and has already been rewarded - and we want to support original content on APPICS!

We are humbled by everyone’s support and excitement about the upcoming migration and can’t wait to share it with our APPICS family 🌎💙


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(Tapping fingers) 🤩🤩🤩

Can’t wait ⏳ 😁

Great information for us

Thanks, you’re welcome!

I'm waiting for this😍 and thanks appics community for valuable information ❤❤🙏

Thank you for your support 💪

OMG. Here it is. we’re getting there. 🚀🚀🚀🚀

Yes 😁⏳💥


Thank you!

Great information for us, &i am waiting fora new telos blockchain♥♥

Thank you! We are also looking forward to share the new blockchain with everyone in our community!

Most Welcome ♥

When will this take place?

We still have 2 phases of testing to complete and will update the community in time!

It will be amazing 🔥🔥

Thank you 😄

Thanks for these clarifications are very important points, I will translate it into Spanish. 🔥😍✌️

Great news, yes please translate it so we can spread the news in our global communities! 🌎

Now I'm enlightened with what really happened after migration.🥰

Yes 💪 we wanted to clear up some of the most frequently asked questions about the migration from the community

yes please make things clearer e.g. how Votingpower on the new Blockchain will work or handled and lost we our Reputation?

The voting power and reward system

Will work in the same way as they do now. As for your reputation: you start with a totally new account. So yes, also the reputation level start again.

Thanks for the info 👍

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