The LEGO Community and my dumb-assery

in LEGO5 years ago

If you knew me personally you would already know that I can be a dumb-ass at times; I make mistakes like the rest of us and whilst I'm not averse to failing every now and then I like to get things right where possible.

So, I recently launched a new Community here on steem called the LEGO Community which due to Communities still being in beta actually appears as


I know you're with me so far...But are probably wondering where my dumb-assery enters the story...Well, right now in fact!

So, in my first ever post in the Community I created I actually typed the tag incorrectly, leaving the hypen out from between the word hive and the 142010...Yep, dumb-ass move as the intro post is now not in the Community's feed! Damn it!

I was positive no one else would make the mistake and was going to re-post about it next week to warn people but...Someone did.

Who made the error? This is the funny part...My brother @tarazkp. You can read the post here. You should do so because it's a really good post featuring a pretty cool little chicky-babe, namely, my niece @smallsteps doing some Lego building.

Anyway, I take full responsibility for his mistake as I had made the same one myself which obviously set a bad example.

So, if you're keen to join in the Lego fun in the LEGO Community follow this link to subscribe and simple tag...

hive-142010 your first post tag to place your post within the Community. Don't be like me and get it wrong.

The images in this post are of one of my Lego builds, the 2019 Landrover Defender which was a really awesome build I finished prior to Christmas. I am going to do a video on it when I get the time to put it together. I'm actually waiting for a bit of camera equipment to help with the video so it shouldn't be too far away.

So, if you have Lego, like Lego, want to talk about Lego, have seen and photographed Lego, dreamed about Lego, want to sell Lego, buy Lego, stepped on a Lego, have a kid with Lego, don't know what Lego is but want to post about it...In fact if you have an idea for a post that revolves around Lego at all then tag the following as the first tag in the post and head over to LEGO Community and subscribe.


And don't forget...If you have to go then, LEGO.

Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺


I blame you too :D

Yeah I'll wear the blame.

As the great man dobartim would say in his fucking ass-hat poetry...

Blame is like a salt of grain in love of tree golf on the dusty plain of the desert of watery expansiveness of the rain falling upwards in the desert of dryness or the wet areas of the dry.

You'll have to work out what the hell that means...Just the like the rest of his poetry that no sane person could decipher.

One day it will been seen for what it truly is. Crap. Oh, that day has been and gone.

you accidentally upvoted this one @flysky

I saw quite a few times when you tagged posts with simply hive, but I thought you just wanted some uniqueness using tags. Didn't paid attention to that particular post and the tag because I am not a lego guy. I guess it would take me a year to build such a Defender. I assume though that you can post about the community again, and do this properly tagged this time, and nobody will get pissed. If you believe in this community what's another post to spread the word about it. I might resteem it if I remember, that's why I don't want to promise that I will actually do that. I hate breaking promises.

Didn't paid attention to that particular post and the tag because I am not a lego guy.

Fair enough.

I might resteem it if I remember

No stress if you don't, it's not like it matters too much.

Oh, I have some Lego stories to tell!!! Let me see if I can find some.old photos to go with it.

That would be cool!

Hey, when did you change your profile picture?

Oh man I just came SOOO close to making the same mistake with the wrong hive tag for your Lego community! I just posted my first post in the community. I was literally about to hit publish when I double checked the tag and realized it was wrong - I had copied it from the link @tarazkp left me in the comments on my Lego post the other day and it was wrong! LOL

That @tarazkp man...A bloody trouble maker! Lol.

So glad you got it right though! Buggy build huh? I'll head over and have a read. Thanks for supporting the community. :)

Lol, we all make mistake, but improving and learn from those mistake is the best way to keep going.

Ah yes, I heard this somewhere before also, that we all make mistakes.

Ah yes, I heard this
Somewhere before also, that
We all make mistakes.

                 - galenkp

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

You got haikued, ROFLOL!

I hadn't looked at these hive listings, might be time to look.


Lol, ya fanny! :op

Haha, yep, that's exactly what I thought too. Goddamn it, I got through the entire post without any other errors and then bugger up the most important bit.

Ahh don't worry about it, you are male, you can't help it its in your genes
LOL 🤣🤣

Haha, yep that's my excuse whenever I fuck up! 😂

Which will be quite a bit 🤣🤣

Naturally...More often than I admit to. 😉

FWIW, I misspelled Cryptocurrency in one of my titles. I edited it, but the URL still shows the original spelling. I think about that way too often.

LOL, I did that too! :)

Haha, yeah I think this is going to linger...The dumbassery will endure. 😂

Don't worry, there's plenty of dumb-assery going around! Yours pales by comparison... :D

PS: What interface do you use to write your community posts? Why not one of the betas? I often do that to avoid such errors, which you can't fix since it must be the primary tag.

Not my first mistake, and surely not my last.

I use Steempeak.

Yeah, we all do them...

There's now if you want to try it for communities.

lol.."don't know what Lego is but want to post about it." ha! That's some funny stuff. Funny how a minor mistake can mess things up so bad!

What got messed up?

The community name, the hive tag thing.

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