{BEGINNER'S GUIDE} My top 5 tips on how to start running 🏃‍♀️

in Steem Wellness3 years ago

Running is, by far, one of the best ways to keep you fit, healthy and to help you on your way to weight loss, if that's what you're looking for. Despite this, sometimes keeping up with the motivation and the training can be pretty hard, specially if you're quite new to this sport.


This is me running London Marathon. I know that's not a happy face, but I swear I was having the time of my life 🤣

As I've told so many times, I'm a long-distance runner. I've been into it since I was 14 years old and, in all these years, I've learnt some stuff that have helped friends and collegues that were trying to pick up the habit as well, let me share them with you.

5 tips on how to start running

Little by little

When we start something, we might be way too encouraged to give it our best and, don't get me wrong, that's great!! But bare in mind that your body needs time to get used to this new activity. On your first weeks, it'd be great for you to start slowly and built up gradually, it's great to start by setting a target that includes a few minutes of running and small periods of walking. I remember going for 200m short run (no, I didn't pretend I was Usain Bolt here either! haha) and 100m walking. Test what's best for you!

Try new places

Sometimes, running can be quite boring, specially if you're feeling no motivation at all. This is where you need to be creative and to hold on to your discipline: try new running paths, go to parks or other places of your city that you've never been, call a friend and go for a run together, listen to your favourite playlist. Possiblities are endless! Don't laugh about it, but what works for me is watching some of Rocky's films/scenes and there you go, instant motivation! Haha.

This is me running a half marathon in Rosario, Santa Fe. Back in 2016!

Nutrition is vital

As you keep up running, you'll find out what nutrition strategy works best for you. We're being told that oatmeal, bananas, dairy and other healthy stuff are great for a pre-run snack, but truth is that you might feel too heavy for running afterwards. It's easier to go for some toasts, an apple perhaps, and have a nourishing meal after you're done. Also, there's no need to get into supplements, you can get all you need from real food.

Don't be friends with discouragement

Whatever your mind's trying to tell you while running, don't believe it. It's pretty hard to let thoughts go, but your mind will make you quit a thousand times before your body actually needs to stop. When running, you're not only training your body, but your mind as well. Don't be discouraged if at first things aren't easy, you will start enjoying it as long as you're consistent. As Rocky Balboa would say, 'Every champ was once a contender that refused to give up'.

Enjoy it

As a beginner, you might be overwhelmed by information and motivational quotes, but whenever you start running, it all feels like hell. Remember, you're doing it just for yourself. Your mind and body will be really grateful for all those minutes you took for your wellbeing and I bet you it's worth it. Find strenght within you and don't let anything get in between you and the version of yourself you're willing to become.

This is me during a 60km race in the woods in Tandil, Argentina

These are my beginner tips for you to catch up with this beautiful sport. I swear that once you're consistent with it, good results will start showing up, and there's even a time in which you actually enjoy running for several hours. You just need time and patience, it's all worthy in the end!

I'm at my happiest when I run and I want you to feel the same way about it!
If you happen to have any questions, ask away here and I'll be happy to help you!


Hola, que chévere tus tips a mi también me encanta hacer running, cuando estuvieron muy de moda aquí las carreras de 10K llegue a participar en varias de ellas, de verdad que correr es un ejercicio que nos hace sentir muy bien, yo siento que libera la mente y hace que uno se sienta muy feliz cuando lo practica.

Gracias por compartir. Y por cierto te deseo mucho éxito con esta nueva comunidad :D

Hola amiga!! Gracias por tus buenos deseos!! :)
Sin duda alguna, correr es de las cosas mas sanas y mas beneficiosas que podemos hacer por nuestro cuerpo!

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