SEC S17W2: "Protecting children

in RECREATIVE STEEM3 months ago


Assalam-o-Alikum to All Steemians!! Hopefully everyone will be fine. Kids are the precious gift blessed by Allah to us.Extra taking care of them is our first priority. I feel very sad for those parents who neglect their kids and that reason they are badly effected. That's why protection of kids is very important for thier physically and mentally development. Being mother of kids , Here's with going to share my view about protecting childrens.

In your own words, what does Child Slavery mean and what are its most common manifestations?


In order to perform labor that is detrimental to a child's mental, physical, social, or moral development, adults may use pressure, force, or fraud. This practice is known as child slavery. Domestic servitude, forced work in industry or agriculture, involvement in military warfare, and commercial sexual exploitation are among the most prevalent forms of child slavery.

How does forced labor impact the lives of children?

Children who are forced to labor suffer greatly because they are deprived of their youth, education, and growth. It can cause long-lasting emotional and psychological harm, expose them to hazardous and unhealthy surroundings, and result in problems with their bodily and mental health. In addition to separating children from their families and communities, this exploitation prevents them from living regular lives and from reaching their full potential.

What strategies do you consider effective to eradicate forced child labor?


Well, We should increase the access to education and vocational training to provide alternatives to labor, educating the public about the negative effects of child labor, and fortifying legal frameworks and enforcement to safeguard children's rights are all effective ways to end forced child labor. Supporting economic growth and giving families financial assistance or incentives might also lessen the financial strains that result in child labor. Treating cross-border and supply chain forced child labor issues also requires international coordination and partnerships.

Do you think it is fundamental for children to have the freedom to fully develop and fulfill their dreams? Explain your answer.

Yes, it is essential that kids have the flexibility to grow up and achieve their goals. Ensuring this independence encourages healthy growth, inventiveness and creativity, and the development of well-rounded people who can make valuable contributions to society. Encouraging youngsters to follow their ambitions can also contribute to ending cycles of poverty and inequality, improving economies and communities overall.

In the end, I would like to invite my Steemit fellows @patjewell @shiftitamanna @msharif @jyoti-thelight & @suboohi for taking part in this engagement challenge. Thanks for valuable feedback and appreciation. Wishing to succeed.

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Welcome to this week's engagement challenge my friend. I have seen so many children being enslaved. On a second thought I ask myself what could be the reason for such treatment. But then we all are to protect these children and make sure people maltreating them are punished.

 3 months ago 

Hola amiga, los niños son nuestra generación de relevo, por lo tanto tenemos que cuidar, amar y proteger, sobre todo cuidarlos de los depredadores pedófilos, vigilar que ve, Lee y habla por los celular. Un mundo de Buenos ciudadanos depende de nosotros desde el hogar.

You are right that how child labor is affecting children mental social physical emotional and psychological health because children stay deprived of some of the major facilities which they should have available just like other children and due to this reason it effects the children negatively.

I want to wish you good luck because you wrote very well in your participation and I enjoyed it

Your insightful analysis about my publication is highly appreciated. Thank you sharing your valuable feedback. Stay blessed too you.

Thanks for your appreciation

Estamos todavía muy lejos para cambiar la mentalidad de las personas en cuanto a lo que conocemos como esclavitud infantil, hay muchos países donde se explota mucho a los niños usándolos prácticamente como esclavos y condenándolos a una vida traumada
Los niños merecen crecer y divertirse alejados del trabajo, muchos niños son alejados de sus familias para ponerlos a trabajar quitándoles su derecho a estudiar y divertirse
Muy buena exposición del tema amiga le deseó mucha suerte en su participación

La esclavitud infantil se ve en todo el mundo muchos niños trabajan horas y horas para ganarse el sustento muchos de ellos son obligados a trabajar sin ningún tipo de pago bajo un clima poco agradable se les priva de sus derechos de ser felices de estudiar y de aprender por eso es que debemos tomar medidas necesarias para que esta situación se erradique para siempre

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Hello dear @uzma4882 hope your day is going well.Child slavery where little kids are forced into harmful labor, deprives them of their childhood and potential. We must focus on education awareness, and legal measures to end this injustice and ensure every child can pursue their dreams freely,thanks for sharing wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺💞.

Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good there.

You have defined child slavery according to your own understanding. You said that, child slavery is the detrimental to a child's mental, physical, social, or moral development, adults may use pressure, force, or fraud. This practice you called child slavery. You have mentioned some major things which comes under exploration and child slavery. It includes sex abuse, labor work, agricultural work, and some other.

I wish you very best of luck in this contest.

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