in RECREATIVE STEEM2 years ago

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Good day, Steemians. I'm happy to be here again, trust you all are good, today I will be discussing the interesting contest topic organized by this wonderful community which talks about how I build my blog. We all know that our platform is mostly for blogging on various topics that would interest fellow users and the audience. Go with me as I share with you how I do build my blog.

A blog can be defined as a website where people or someone write, share and record their thoughts, about various subjects and their experiences for many people to see, learn from, and interact by commenting on the subject. The person that regularly writes and shares subject, thought or materials on a blog are called a blogger. To be a blogger that would attract many people, one has to be active and ensure the posting of relevant topics that the audience is interested in reading.

Pixabay Image

What kind of content do you develop on your blog?

I mostly develop content that talks about lifestyle which will interest my audience and I do ensure I don't repeat posting of the same content to avoid being tagged as a plagiarist, and even when posting diary games, I develop content that I find educating and interesting that would keep my reader on their screen once they start reading it. Also, I write crypto contests in the Academy.

What is the content that you like to Post and develop on your Steemit Blog?

The main contents I usually post on Steemit's blog are:

  • Diary Game.

  • Health Topics.

  • Educating and Interesting Contests.

  • Diary Game: I like posting diary game content to make my audience familiarize with me and what I do, like I said I dislike making a repeat post, so I do ensure I don't post the diary article when my daily activities seem the same to the ones I wrote previously, instead I post the activities of my day when there is a new thing or special activities that happen during the day spending.

    Example of the Diary Game Post I Made

    Health Topics: As a health practitioner I love making posts relating to health, mostly about Laboratory investigation, its health implications, disease, treatment, and how to prevent such diseases. Also, I do talk about different blood types, their health implications, couple compatibility, and what to do to avoid giving birth to a sick child or not being able to give birth again due to rhesus Incompatibility.

    Example of the Health-related Post I Made

    Health-related Topics are topics I love making because it is my way of sharing information about health with my audience and making them understand deeply. I do write it as a direct topic and also add it to my diary game post how I spent the day at work and the laboratory tests I performed that are not related to the ones I've made an article for before. I use this to share the knowledge with my reader ensuring they see the importance of such tests and its implications to one's health.

    Educating and Interesting Contests: I do participate in contests I find interesting, educating, and sometimes fun, I participated in Engagement challenge contest from different communities, and also contest organized by communities that are not for engagement challenges, and other contest organized by individual users. I love contests that are lifestyle related, those that I can learn from by making research, and also enjoy my time writing.

    How often do you post?

    Due to the nature of my job, I do not make posts daily but I ensure I make 3 to 4 posts weekly, there are weeks I don't have much work, but I do make my post daily. I believe it is not about making an article but making an interesting, educating, and attractive article that can attract my fellow users to my blog.

    What are those things that you do to start the creation of a post

    I love starting the creation of my post in a friendly manner, by welcoming people to my blog, greeting them, share my feeling as at the period of creation, I love making them feel welcomed and not just going straight to the point. After that comes informing them about the topic that I'm discussing before diving properly into the topic. I did this every time I start creating my post so that my audience will have an idea about what they are about to read.

    Furthermore, I do love to avoid distractions by making a post when I'm less busy and alone so that I can give total concentration to the article am making to ensure it is well written.

    Things I add to make my post Special

    I do make proper research and findings before making any post to ensure that I have a better understanding of the topic I will be discussing and gather my facts correctly so as not to mislead or give out false information to my audience, as a good writer, there should be uniqueness in one's article not just writing for writing sake but to impart knowledge to the readers and build their trust in one's article because they are sure you will always deliver, and they will enjoy reading the author's article and learn from it.

    Being specific does make my blog special, I do discuss my topics clearly, not beating around the bush and discussing the irrelevant things that has nothing to do with the topic, I make it precise by focusing on the topic.

    I do ensure I discuss my topic in detail and comprehensively making sure my audience has a better understanding of the topic.

    Use of grammatical tools to ensure my content is good grammatically, written simple so that it's easy for my audience to understand.

    Application of markdown to make my article well-arranged and neat.

    Proofreading and cross-checking my article before posting to ensure it is well written, the images are well cited and only original or copyright-free images are used.


    Building one's blog requires activeness, consistency, uniqueness and being attentive to your audience, and producing great articles that would interest them and keep them on their screen. One has to be friendly, communicative, and attentive to the audience. Proofreading, spelling checking, and applying markdown are very important when making good and quality articles that would attract the audience. Thank you for reading.

    I invite @msquaretk, @oneldoors, and @pelon53 to participate in this contest.

    Hi, @temitopef,

    Thank you for your contribution to the Steem ecosystem.

    Your post was picked for curation by @graceleon.

    Please consider voting for our witness, setting us as a proxy,
    or delegate to @ecosynthesizer to earn 100% of the curation rewards!
    3000SP | 4000SP | 5000SP | 10000SP | 100000SP

     2 years ago 

    Hello friend, Steemit has given us the opportunity to create excellent content such as daily games. I love that you always make informative and educational publications. It has not been long since I published but here we are trying to share excellent publications. You are very organized and with great talent. I wish you good luck and blessings 💕

    Thanks for your word of encouragement and wishes, indeed Steemit allowed us to create excellent content.

    Veo que tu blog esta impregnado de interesante contenido realizado con dedicación y constancia; mejorando gradualmente y orientado a ser cada vez mejor. Éxitos amigo, es ud un gran bloggers!

    Truly I've improved a lot compared to when I just joined the blogging platform. I appreciate your comment on my post friend.

    Cómo creadores siempre procuramos la variedad de temáticas para no caer en la monotonía. Que bueno que tengas tan claro los temas que te gusta abordar en tu contenido, realmente los temas de salud y educativos son muy interesante ya que siempre nos dejan un aprendizaje y eso es muy bueno. Por otra parte el juego del diario nos permite mostrarnos tal cual somos, de una forma muy sincera y natural.

    Thank you for engaging on my post.

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