SEC S17W2: Protecting children

in RECREATIVE STEEM3 months ago
Greetings Everyone, This is SHOHANA From #Bangladesh

We human born to be free but at the beginning we are helpless and our parents help us to grow up. Childhood is the time when we human should have special care, security and safety and that ensured by our parents or family. Unfortunately still child labour found and kids suffer from both physical and mental pressure at the early stage of life.

Children didn't choose their parents or family when they were born so sometimes this is a bad luck for kids who born in slum and their uneducated parents force them to beg or work even when they are only 5-6 years old. No wonder that I saw kids on street working like a labour or become bus helper or contractor at their early age.


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In your own words, what does Child Slavery mean and what are its most common manifestations?

For me child slavery means giving them pressure of work that they can't bear at the early stage of life. Many uneducated parents can be found who treats children like their slave and force them to do something that they can't as a little kid. Not only uneducated parents or family but also some so called educated parents pressure their children to be a slave.

For example, educated people force their children to carry heavy bags of books on their shoulder and mentally pressure them to do the top in the class and never give them space for playing and other activities. It seems these kids are on the race like a horse and parents are training them to run faster on the race. This is one kind of pressure or torture that educated parents give to their children forcefully.


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How does forced labor impact the lives of children?

We human have a physical and mental capacity limit. Kids are soft and can't handle heavy load of work that we adults can. Kids lost their interest to life and can be drug addicted to overcome work stress. I often saw slum kids to do smoke and took drug and this is the result or bad impact of forced labor of children.

Forced labor doesn't allow kids to study and enjoy life as a kid. Childhood is the time when kids are growing but forced labor can badly affect on their physical and mental growth. If a kid face the hardship at his primary stage of life then definitely he will find the life cursed and full of bitterness.


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What strategies do you consider effective to eradicate forced child labor?

Well I think parents or family members need to be more caring and conscious about the rights of children. Beside giving basic needs parents should take care of both physical and mental health of their children. Being kind, soft and easy with the kids can be a effective way to eradicate forced child labor.

Do you think it is fundamental for children to have the freedom to fully develop and fulfill their dreams? Explain your answer.

Yes I think it is fundamental for children to have the freedom to fully develop and fulfill their dreams. Children need guidelines to follow to have a good shape and character, they shouldn't nip in bud. Their growth may be stunted for endless stresses and forced labour so they need some freedom to grow up in a healthy way. Children need to be saved from any kind of physical and mental stress and I believe only healthy kids can develop and fulfill their dreams properly.


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A #steemexclusive Blog Written By @shohana1



Child labor is not something we should take lightly, many children are held hostage. They are being enslaved without proper food and health care. Some of them die even on the process. There's need for the authorities to look into this matter.

Yup I think government should take necessary and strictly followed steps to resolve this issue asap. Thanks for sharing your opinion on this matter and I agree with you!

De esclavitud infantil es imponerle trabajo duro a los niños y este trabajo no está acorde su edad son maltratado física y verbalmente trabajan bajo condiciones infrahumanas por un bajo sueldo o en muchos casos no tienen ningún tipo de pago la niña necesitan vivir en un ambiente donde ellos puedan crecer y desarrollarse libremente
ya no más esclavitud

Yes it is stressful for kids at their early age but many parents still give them unnecessary stress and kids are mostly nip in bud. Thanks for reading my friend, good luck!

Hello my friend ☺️
Yes dear friend almost the child slavery is found in every country because when the parents remain unable to send their children to school for getting education, then they send them to any shops where they learn skills. But the people there behave them like slaves which is very bad thing I noticed. Anyway that thing must be stopped and every child should be in schools. Thank you so much for mentioning me in your post. Good luck 🍀❤️

yup it mostly found in Asian country as we are part of this region. Good luck to you too and thank you so much for reading my post and appreciating my thoughts. Have a nice day!

 3 months ago 

Saludos cordiales estimada amiga shohana1, un abrazo desde la distancia, un gusto para mi saludarte, leer y comentar tu participación en este reto.

Los niños son sagrados, nadie puede dañarlos, ni abusar, son actos que no deberian de existir, es un mal que como sociedad estamos dejando pasar.

Te deseo un feliz, bonito y bendecido día.

Hello@shohana1 hope your day is going well sad to see some children forced to work hard when they should be playing and learning. Kids should have the chance to grow up freely, without being pushed too hard. Parents and everyone else need to make sure kids are safe and happy, so they can grow up well and chase their dreams.,thanks for sharing your views wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺💞.

Child slavery deprives children of their fundamental rights, subjecting them to unbearable workloads and robbing them of their innocence. It's crucial for parents to nurture their children with care and understanding, fostering an environment where they can flourish freely. Every child deserves the chance to pursue their dreams without the burden of exploitation weighing them down.

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