SEC-S12W1: A bedtime story: Ability the magic child

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Hello friends!!

Steemit engagement challenge season 12 just began and am super excited that Recreative steem was chosen for this season's engagement challenge. And now we begin with a beautiful topic.

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful little girl whose name was Ability. Ability has magical powers which she inherited from her parents.


Ability has the power to transform to anything she wanted, I guess this was why she was given the name Ability.

Little ability lost her parents at a young age, so she lives alone in her home where she enjoys transformation into whatever she likes and also transforming her furnitures into been her play mates whenever she felt lonely.


Ability has never left the comfort of her home to anywhere so one day, she decided to step out of her home to go see what outside looks like. She finally stepped out.

She found a some helpless widows who had lost their children and was helpless. She made up her mind that she was going to help those widows. But how? She asked her self.

Every afternoon, Ability would transformation into an adult and would go to the homes of those widows to help them do house chores and run errands. Those widows were always happy to have Ability in their homes.

But something happened.. Ability began to get exhausted because of the many chores she does for the women. She felt she was going to die.


Did she die? No she didn't, Ability decided to venture into using her magical powers the more. She decided to secretly visit the homes of theses women, use her magic to fix everything that needs to be fixed instead of doing it by herself. At least her strength is saved.

A woman got curious and angry at the help Ability rendered to the windows. She wasn't even a widow. She wasn't even childless. She decided to consult a seer about the matter.


The seer told her only one thing can destroy the powers of Ability. Water! If she can only get water to be poured on Ability, her power will be weakened. Even ability wasn't aware of this revelation, although she was warned by her late parents not to ever touch water.

And so Ability walking along the street was poured water by the woman. Who did she do it? She called the attention of ability asking for help, when ability arrived the woman quickly poured water on her. Ability fell down and woman was scared and thought she died, she ran to the seer. Before she came back, ability disappeared never to be found again.

The end..

I invite my friends @sahmie @lhorgic @mile16


How come I am just hearing this story for the first time? You have never shared it with me.

I thought you to be a good narrator of movies in your movie highlights, never have I ever imagined you to be such a great story teller. This is indeed an awesome story. All the best in the contest.

Hahaha you never asked for a bed time story that's you I never shared with you.

Am glad that you know now that am a good story telling . I also recommend you visit my entry in steemkids community last week to see some of the hidden talents I have when I showcased my DIY

Thank you for your support

Holaa un cuento muy bonito y lleno de muchas cosas para aprender😎 cuando las cosas se cansan no vuelven a ser igual que triste por habilidad. Suerte en su reto.

Thank you for appreciating my publication and am also glad you learnt some lessons from it.

Thank you for your best wishes too.

 last year 

Un cuento con una trama cautivadora, desde el inicio hasta el final, hability una niña muy habilidosa 😂 creo que todos deberíamos de tener un poco de habilidad en algunos casos .

Muchos éxitos cariño y bendiciones por tu participación en este reto .

Hahaha! Thank you so much for beautiful compliments. Am so happy you like my story.
Hahaha I agree with your thoughts..

Thank you for your best wishes, it is appreciated

What a beautiful story, skill wanted to use her powers to help others feel good and alleviate their sadness, but the envy of that bad woman led her to end with skill what a sad ending

Am glad you like my story..this is what Practically happens in life, some people try to take advantage of others people's goodness or find ways to end it.

Thank you for the support.

What? I can't take this to be the end of this beautiful story. That woman must die, why is some people wicked.

Hahahah! You are so funny is just a story.

But in reality it actually happens. Some people are just antagonist or should I say sadist. They don't like good things happening to people.

Sungguh kisah yang luar biasa. Anda berbakat untuk berbagi cerita.
Suatu pekerjaan yang sangat mulia bagaimana gadis itu telah menggunakan sihirnya untuk membantu para wanita janda itu.
Tetapi sangat menyedihkan ketika dia dibuat celaka dengan air oleh seorang wanita jahat.

Salam sukses untuk anda my sister 👏

Oh how did I miss this beautiful comment from you?

Thank you so much for your beautiful compliments. It was really sad to see that her good will didn't last. Some people just have a way of not liking what is good, so they find ways to destroy it.

Heart of human is very wicked even though the little ability was just out to help but still to order it was not enough, How I Wish I know what happened to her next, best of luck dear.

My dear friend such is life. Sometimes some person's do not like to see good things happening to other people. They do all they can to stop it

WOW! Ability is such a great character. She is too brave. The way she helped the widows is quite amazing. She put her life in trouble.

Your story is just amazing. I really enjoy reading it. Wish you best of luck in the contest.

Yes it's true ability is such a great character, she decides to use her powers to help people and got into trouble.
Thank you for enjoying my story.

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