#burnsteem25Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W4: Healthy Routines by @rafk

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 years ago (edited)

[Edited with Canva]

Hello my friends, welcome to week two of the season 4 engagement challenge. Hope we all ready and fire up to engage more better this week. As for me I am more than ready and today, I bring to you my entry of this week's engagement challenge.

Going through the various communities wondering which entry I should engage in first, I finally stop here because this topic of engagement: Healthy Routines, really got my attention and I wish to share to you my audience the basic routines I'm involved with.

Healthy Routines

Healthy Routines are the rules we set or things we do to keep our body healthy. Routine range from nutrition-diet, exercise and also getting enough sleep.

To made known, not all routines must be done at once but occur in a series or intervals. For instance getting a normal sleep should be as healthy as having a proper diet.

Healthy Routines can not just keep our body in good health but also prolong our lifespan.

What Moves Me Each Day To Go Out Into The World To Fulfill My Responsibilities?

Life is full of ideas and things we must do to keep it simple and going. I am a person who in no way would want to skipt any of my daily responsibilities except I'm down health wise .

A lot of things push me to rekindle my daily responsibilities in life of which I will specify right away.

  • Quest For Better Future: I am a young adult in my late 20s and I go out every blessed day to fulfill my duties in order to build a better future not for myself alone but for my family and also contribute to my country's development .

  • Making Things A Habit: Habits are things we do repeatedly to keep the cycle, there are life activities which we must make it a habit for it better effect. example can be sport/exercise.

Attached this the are more details of daily routine which will be discussed further as we proceed.

What Things Do I Do Or What Methods Do I Use To Keep Myself Balanced? Explain (health, Beauty, Fitness, Sport, Devotion).


Devotion if we want to explain can be express in many context and it all comes down to one point, commitment. In my sphere, I love to start my day by being committed to prayers, I thanks God for making it possible for me to see another day. and also pray for divine protection for the rest of the day.



Research has also proven that taking a glass of hot water in the morning help improve our digestive system and reduce risk of constipation and heart burn.

So every blessed morning I always take a glass warm of water and lemon for it Health benefits.



[skin care routine]

Beauty is something most people consider a thing for women alone but as humans irrespective of gender we all have to keep up with good body routines to keep us good and fresh .

I love beauty products made up of natural herbs and no bleaching or whitening agent involved, just something which will help moisturize the skin and tender the body tissues.

Also I make sure I clean up at least 2 to 3 times in a day. I clean up before work and when I return, I clean up again before bed time.

These are the routines I have used to keep my beauty up and good enough.

Fitness and Sports:

One of the most favorite and healthy Routines I love is sport and fitness, Every morning I go out for jugging and I most at times cover distances like 2 mile or 3 before returning to the omispore center to do normal body exercises with other spotters.

[ Fitness goals ]
[Swimming exercise]

Since I jug every morning it's impossible to carry out weights before going to work and so I carry out my fitness exercises mostly at the end of the day when I'm back from work. I lift weights to keep fit and also to due to it health benefits.

With swimming it some exercise I carry out every weekend after a long week of work, I end up cooling myself in the pools and this activity helps me relax a lot. it's just a routine I can't afford to missed.

Nutrition-Diet :


When I made my introduction on health routine, I talked of nutrition as another aspect of health routine. Nutrition plays a vital role in our health as it not only about eating but also eating healthy.

Most food are toxic to the system on excess consumption and we should make it a habit to always eat healthy. I usually love to take nutrition of green leaves or vegetables as it's rich in lots of vitamins and I try as much as possible to avoid fatty animal foods.



[ e-source]pexels

As humans we all know there's one most famous thing sleep helps us in, relax. When we spend too much time working without sleep, I going to have adverse effects on our bodies.

I usually keep a specific sleeping routine and I make sure I follow it except I am spending the night out of home. sleep helps me relax, calm down and also giving me a fresh memory to resume next time.

Do I Feel There Are Things I Can Improve In My Routine?

Of Course Yes. there's a few things I could do to improve my routine, Few times I have missed workout because I finished work late and couldn't make it to the gym.

I Suggest maybe I the later, I could get some few gym equipments so that I am able to practice at any time that is convenient to me.

Also it's difficult maintaining a healthy diet as sometimes I go to purchase these foods but there are unavailable. so I suggested, whenever I come across scarce food, I can purchase in great quantity and store them in the cold store.

As for sleep sometimes I missed the routine but it's okay as I recover it as soon as possible.

Would i Like To Add Any Other Routine To My Life? What Would It Be?

I admire a particular routine in the sports domain, but I have not been opportune to take part in it. I love playing football but so far I don't have a Scott close to me were I can practice,

Nevertheless if opportunity shows up and I am moving out to an area where I am able to play football, I will make it a routine and play it every Saturday morning.

I'm I Satisfied With My Current Lifestyle Or Do I Think It Could Be Improved?

Someone like me never get satisfied with anything until I have it all. someone like Elon Musk is my inspiration because he keeps looking for opportunities to exploit so far as there are available.

That's the kind of mindset I have and I would say No. I'm not satisfied and I think I deserve more. Improving in many aspects including my routine will be creating more time or chance for other activities to fit in.

Which Of The Routines I Perform Would i Recommend?"

First of all I know times are hard and people have extend their working ours. at the end of the day some end up not having a proper meal to say.

But then I would recommend we all try as much as possible to have a proper nutrition and enough sleep to maintain the body balance. Try it and you won't regret

Finally I conclude by saying healthy Routines are the best thing or activities to do in our daily life to leave healthy and have a long life. I love my routines and I am recommending the above routing to you as well. you will be looking gorgeous as me.

To actualize this engagement, I will call on the following steemian to engage with me and participate too.

IMG-20220809-WA0003.jpgAuthor: @rafk
25% to @null

Hello dear friend, swimming is something I have never tried in my life because I am scared of the water. But I see you enjoy it so much.

Sleep also is vital for our health and is very necessary we add it to our daily health routines.
The things we eat matters a lot and it is left for us to make good food choices in order to stay healthy. Thank you for sharing your healthy routines with us.

It's just breaking the fear and trying ma'am. It is great.

Thanks for your support on my post

I love your fitness style. Swimming and juging. Quality sleep as a baby will help our brain to function very well.

Yes. That's true. Thanks for visiting my most 😊

Hola amigo tienes unas buenas rutinas, hacer ejercicio, comer bien yndormir mucho es muy importante, y fortalece el cuerpo, y como dices todo va segun su horario.


Thank you ma'am

 2 years ago 

Execelente publicación, tienes toda la razón que cuando se mantiene una buena alimentación y un buen descanso se mantiene un buen equilibrio.

Todos debemos cuidarnos por dentro y por fuera, eso no tiene género como lo dices acerca de la belleza ustedes los hombres también deben cuidarse mucho.

Saludos y mucho éxito 🤗

Thanks so much ma'am 😊

You have done a very good reviews about my heathy routine
Showing all the different activities you carry out to keep your body healthy and also the kind of food you eat to ensure that the body continue to be healthy and strong
You have also shown what you also do to make sure that your body is kept beautiful but from my own point of view it seen like you are a celebrity but never mind that was just a multivational talk

Waouh brother! You didnt come to play at all, i see how well you schedule your days to make sure that your body remains fit and sound. That's amazing, and you made mention of beauty! Oh my😅 so in your mind now you can thief pipos girls eh! Good luck bro.

You really look fit and healthy! That's beautiful. I wish you all the best in the contest

Haha 😂. Thanks for complement bro. Just keep ya gf w me for 5 min. Just eye contact no words and that's all about her gone.😂

Ask @chiabertrand for more details

It is nice to have gone through your article, I love the fact that you said the truth, you said someone like you cannot get satisfied.

It is the same point I was trying to make, hardly will humans get satisfied, we always want more.

This is indeed a great article

Thanks so much bro. You review is great

Hola amigo, llenar nuestro día a día de rutinas que fortalezcan nuestros cuerpos y almas es muy importante, descansar de manera adecuada como mencionas en vital para mantenernos sanos. Debemos cuidar nuestra salud mental y equilibrarnos para disfrutar de la vida plenamente.

Disfruté visitar tu publicación. Saludos y bendiciones.

Wow thanks for your great and wonderful comment. It's true and we must make it a habit

I think we have a very similar routine, with the difference being that my major is sleep.. Lol 😆 .

But then I would recommend we all try as much as possible to have a proper nutrition and enough sleep to maintain the body balance.

Oh, then I guess I am on the right track. Thank you for this beauty and Good luck.

Hahah 😂.
Always ready to move some smoke.. thank you and I'm watching out for you

Really.. But I don't do smoking. Lol

Haha 😂. I don't mean smoking. It's a local way of saying... doing something better or extra. 😂. Hood phrase

Oh! You mean smoking hot 🔥 !

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