The Diary Game 03.01 | Interview and Steemit promotion in the biggest newspaper in Argentina

in RECREATIVE STEEM3 years ago

Interview and Steemit promotion in the biggest newspaper in Argentina

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Interview was made online, so don't have any photos, but Steemit loves pictures of every type, so I am sharing my photos from the Polish interviews in that chapter instead. That one is from 2013 - I loved that shirt

Today I was interviewed by the journalist from Clarin, answering her questions mostly about my polyamory relationship and all those relationship-related stuff. I managed though to mention Steemit twice and now I am keeping thumbs that those parts won't be cut while editing the article. Unfortunately, I am not in the position to demand keeping it in the article. If it would be published, Steemit would have an enormous advertisement for free - Clarin is the largest newspaper in Argentina and second largest in Latin America. Its website has 4 million viewers every day, so we are talking about hundreds, maybe even thousands of new users.

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It's already the second article about me in Argentinian media. First, made for Infobae, was published one year ago (I wasn't on Steemit yet). It had a lot of readers and even weeks after, newly met people were mentioning that they recognize me from it. I know from Poland, where I was present in media constantly because of my charity, that it works like a snowball and one news is leading to another. If it would be true and if in some time I will be invited to make the third or fourth interview, I will surely remember about promoting Steemit in the best possible way.

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As soon as the article will be published, I will share it on Steemit, no matter if it will be with the mention of the platform or without it. If a lot will be cut, I may share also my original, extended version of the answers. It will most likely take a week or two to edit it and then publish, but we are not in hurry, are we?

Work at Steem and shopping for my boys

I was talking about the winter in Poland in one of my posts today...

I have spent most of the day working on Steemit, checking the publications in my community and writing posts, including three contests: My best memory of 2021, Reasons why you love winter and the one that I am especially proud of, because it's my first publication in Spanish: Tus 12 deseos por 2022.

... I even mentioned that I used to snowboarding a lot as the teenager. I miss it a bit, maybe I should go to Mendoza next winter?

Besides work, I managed to cook quickly some soup (it's so hot that liquid food is the only option) and make the shopping for my two boyfriends from another home: geos90 and isaacelias, who are quarantined. They feel good and it's not confirmed yet if they have a covid or not, but because of the risky contact at work of one of them, they cannot leave the home until it's confirmed they are totally safe.

Speaking about the Covid, I do have my second dose planned for tomorrow. That means I will have to go to sleep early (ayayay...), to wake up on time. So, as it's already midnight here, I will keep it short. Have a great night everyone!


 3 years ago 

Hola @papi.mati que interesante lograste engranar en la entrevista a Steemit, espero leer pronto el reportaje.

Deseo que se recuperen pronto @geos90 y @isaacelias, estoy notando un repunte de casos positivos de covid en Argentina.

Gracias por compartir con nosotros😊

 3 years ago 

por suerte los chicos ya tienen sus resultados y no tienen covid :) ¡Gracias por tu comentario!

Me encanta que estes interesado en todo lo que tiene que ver con relaciones, genero y sobre todo poliamor. Es un sendero por el que estoy caminando, no se hacia donde me llevara pero aprendo muchisimo!

 3 years ago 

Entré en ese camino (poliamor) hace más de cinco años y me llevó al lugar donde soy más feliz que nunca. Buena suerte y si quieres hablar, no dudes en comunicarte conmigo en discordia :)

Gracias, seguro lo haga.!
Que loco que el lugar donde sos mas feliz que nunca sea mi pais! Argentina

 3 years ago 

That's Good work for promoting steem 👏

 3 years ago 

I'm already fascinated by your news, sir🥰.You answered their questions about your relationship in an interview with Clarin's reporter. You mentioned the steamer twice. There are 4 million visitors to this Way site. Such statements will be published in this newspaper for free. All in all I like it. You will be fine sir🥰

"Gracias por participar en The Diary Game en Steem.

Esta publicación ha sido recompensada por @adeljose con el apoyo del Proyecto de curación de la comunidad Steem".
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