SEC S17W3 || Tribute to the Book

in RECREATIVE STEEM3 months ago (edited)

How are you steemit friends ? Hope you will be healthy happy and well . I am also fit and healthy.Today i want to take participate in RECREATIVE STEEM contest SEC S17W3: Tribute to the Book". organized by @hive-141434.

White Grey Books List YouTube Thumbnail_20240424_232340_0000.jpg

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Tell us about that book you read that changed your life.

We can celebrate the wonder of books and how much they can teach us about life on World Book Day. The Holy Quran is one book that has had a real impact on my life. Its words have the ability to change the way we think and guide us in the direction of goodness and wisdom.

It is similar to having a smart friend who is constantly full of advise. Reading it is like discovering the keys to a better more satisfying existence. Thus as we celebrate World Book Day,
let us appreciate the understanding that books like the Quran have to offer.

What is your favorite literary genre and author, share the reasons.

(Picture taken by me)

Novels are my favorite kind of books, especially the kind that inspire strong emotions and profound thought. Halam by Nimra Ahmad is one of my favorite choices. With its likable characters and engaging narrative it is a heartfelt story.

When Nimra Ahmad writes you are drawn into her world and are moved to laugh, cry and consider the ups and downs of life. I have a particular place in my heart for Halam because of its wonderful story and heartbreaking themes.

If you had the opportunity to write a book, what would it be about?



I would be lik to write a book of my own life story. If I ever I had the opportunity to publish a book. It would cover all of my experiences both ups and downs of my life journey as well as the challenges I face in my life .

I would write about the two unique persons I lost who meant the world to me but most significantly. I want to share how much they meant to me and how their absence has impacted my journey in order to honor their memories and fill the huge gap left in my heart.

Recommend a book to your readers on Steemit.


picture taken by me

For all of you Steemit users I would like to suggest the book Fazail-e-Amal written by Molana Mohammed Zakariya Sahib. It is an absolute gold mine of motivational tales and lessons from the Islamic faith.

This book is full of valuable lessons that will motivate you to improve yourself and help you navigate the difficulties of life. Fazail-e-Amal is a must have addition to your bookcase because it provides something for everyone whether you are looking for spiritual direction or just a pleasant read.


I invite @chasad75 @kouba01 and @abb-e-hayyat to take participate in this contest


Thank you


Bundles of thanks to you for taking the time to read my post, and I sincerely hope that my creative insights will be enjoyed by everyone here.



@neelofar from Pakistan



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 3 months ago 

¡Saludos amiga!😊

Las novelas son una categoría del género narrativo y, sin duda alguna, son sensacionales porque, tienen la facultad de estimular nuestra creatividad e imaginación. En mi caso, he leído todas las novelas de Gabriel García Márquez y, allí he aprendido que la imaginación es vitamina para el alma.

Haré lo posible de buscar el libro Fazail-e-Amal y, te confieso que desde el colegio la cultura musulmana despierta mi interés de aprender.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thanks for kind words and your visit my blog. I feel much glad that you look for Fazail-e-Amal Muslim culture fascinates to you. Good luck to you too

It was very nice to read the post of Gee dear and the incident is the same no doubt there is no sectarian thing this is our Islamic book and we get knowledge and guidance from it for every time that comes this life. plays a very important role in changing The more we study it, the more we get pleasure and happiness from Allah Almighty. With the help of the Holy Qur'an, if we read it, we will be leaders in this world and the hereafter.

Thanks dear for your kind words and leave valuable comment.Best regards to you

Sungguh menarik membaca postinganmu sobat, karena menjadikan Alqur an sebagai pedoman hidup ke arah yang lebih baik dan tidak ketinggalan pula membaca novel-novel yang bermamfa'at. Sobat juga bercita-cita untuk menjadi pengarang buku, saya do'akan semoga berhasil sobat.

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving valuable comment.Using the Quran as a guide and reading beneficial novels is admirable. Best wishes on your aspirations

Thank you for inviting me in this contest. Unfortunately I am not a book reading person. Once I read a book gifted from some close one but after that I never read a book. But maybe in future I will read some books.

Hhhh it's nice that you read one book in life . Surly it's shows that it will be given you by someone special 🤭😉


Hello @neelofar hope you are having a good day for you, the Holy Quran have made a real impact, guiding you towards wisdom and goodness. Novels like 'Halam' by Nimra Ahmad, are your favorites because they stir up strong emotions and deep thoughts.

If you could write a book, it would be about your own life journey, sharing both the ups and downs. And for your fellow Steemit users, you recommend 'Fazail e Amal' by Molana Mohammed Zakariya Sahib.,thanks for sharing wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺💞.

Hello dear! Thank you for sharing your inspirations and recommendations. Wishing you success too

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