SEC - S9W4: "My Passion for The Arts"steemCreated with Sketch.


THIS is my second time participating in a contest on Recreative Steem with the theme My Passion for the Arts” at Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W4. For me, art is a gift. Being an artist is an advantage. Therefore, art is interesting enough to be peeled off at any time.

I invite my friends to join this contest. I hope @gift08, @adinduglory @tocho2 participate in this contest. I hope we get lucky this time.

Desain by Canva

What is the art that you are passionate about and why?

Talking about art is actually talking about life. In principle, I love all art. Starting from the arts of speech (speech/voice/literature), body art (dance), and painting (visual). For me, art is a calling of the soul. Everyone can make art a part of self-expression.

Because that's what made me love art. Although until now there has not been a single field of art that I have mastered. I am more in a position to enjoy. I will enjoy all the beautiful and attractive works of art. One of the works of art that I enjoy is painting.

From what age did you discover that you had the ability to develop this art, have you taken classes or studies to improve it?

When I was in grade II of junior high school, I took dancing lessons at school. But it's not for long. Just a few weeks. Then quit because his mentor couldn't afford it and moved elsewhere. Apart from dancing, I really know some of the artists in my city. There are poets, painters, and singers (band vocalists).

However, I have written several poems which have been published in local media. The poems are in the form of social criticism and allusion to the authorities, aka the government.

Photo by Alexander Ant

What is your greatest inspiration when practicing this activity? Which famous character in this field do you identify with?

After expressing my feelings through poetry, there is inner satisfaction in it. So I want to continue writing poetry on social themes. These inspirational figures, especially writers in Indonesia are Taufik Ismail and WS Rendra. Who's he? You can read about it in this post.

Both are seasoned poets in Indonesia. The major works of both of them are still interesting topics in literary discussions in Indonesia. The books by both of them have been translated into various languages in the world.

Do you practice this art professionally or are you just an amateur? Have you participated in any competition?

I am not a professional in art. Because art is not my livelihood. So, I am more in an amateur position to channel my hobby. Because of that, I never took part in or took part in any competitions.

Not that I didn't participate, but as an amateur, of course, I lack experience. In my opinion, to take part in the competition, a poet must have good social capital. Capital is his works in the form of books of poetry or other.

Photo by aboodi vesakaran

Share a sample of your skills in this art (either creating a drawing, singing, writing a poem, dancing, etc.).

This is one of my works or poems that I have kept for a long time and have never been published in the media. It would be different if this poem was translated into other languages, especially English. Because it is a literary language, English should also have a more literary taste. But, right now I can't.

Our Land, Earthquake Land

The moans are getting sicker
New blood
flowing in the veins
Express our sorrow

when the earth is angry
nature rules
we are powerless
remember God

Thanks to Steemian friends and the Steemit Team who always support me. I really appreciate it. Thank you for your time


INI kali kedua saya mengikuti kontes di Recreative Steem dengan tema My Passion for the Arts" di Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W4. Bagi saya, seni itu anugerah. Menjadi seniman adalah sebuah kelebihan. Makanya, seni itu cukup menarik untuk dikupas kapan saja.

Saya mengajak teman-teman untuk mengikuti kontes ini. Saya berharap @gift08, @adinduglory @tocho2 untuk berpartisipasi pada kontes ini. Semoga kali ini kita beruntung.

Desain by Canva

Apa seni yang Anda sukai dan mengapa?

BICARA seni sebenarnya bicara kehidupan. Pada prinsipnya saya suka semua seni. Mulai dari seni tutur (bicara/suara/sastra), seni tubuh (tarian) dan seni lukis (rupa). Bagi saya, seni itu adalah panggilan jiwa. Setiap orang bisa menjadikan seni sebagai bagian dari ekspresi diri.

Karena hal itulah yang membuat saya menyukai seni. Meski sampai sekarang tidak ada satupun bidang seni yang saya kuasai. Saya lebih pada posisi menikmati. Semua karya seni yang indah dan menarik akan saya nikmati. Salah satu karya seni yang saya nikmati adalah seni lukis.

Sejak usia berapa Anda mengetahui bahwa Anda memiliki kemampuan untuk mengembangkan seni ini, apakah Anda pernah mengambil kelas atau studi untuk meningkatkannya?

Pada saat saya masih kelas II SMP, saya pernah mengikuti les tari di sekolah. Tapi itu tidak lama. Hanya beberapa minggu saja. Kamudian berhenti karena mentornya berhalangan. Selain tarian, saya memang kenal baik dengan beberapa seniman di kota saya. Ada penyair, pelukis, penyanyi (vokalis band).

Namun, saya pernah menulis beberapa puisi yang kemudian ditayangkan paa media lokal. Puisi-puisi tersebut berupa kritikan sosial dan sindiran kepada penguasa alias pemerintah.

Photo by Alexander Ant

Apa inspirasi terbesar Anda saat mempraktikkan kegiatan ini? Siapa karakter terkenal di bidang ini yang Anda kenali?

Setelah mengekspresikan perasaan saya lewat puisi, ada kepuasan batin di dalamnya. Sehingga saya ingin terus membuat puisi bertemakan sosial. Untuk karakter yang menjiwa ini, khususnya sastrawan di Indonesia adalah Taufik Ismail dan WS Rendra. Siapa dia? Anda bisa membacanya di postingan ini.

Keduanya, penyair kawakan di Indonesia. Karya-karya hebat keduanya masih menjadi topik menarik dalam diskusi sastra di Indonesia. Buku-buku karya keduanya diterjemahkan dalam berbagai bahasa di dunia.

Apakah Anda mempraktikkan seni ini secara profesional atau Anda hanya seorang amatir? Sudahkah Anda berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi apa pun?

Saya bukan seorang profesional dalam bidang seni. Sebab, lewat seni tidak menjadi sebagai mata pencaharian saya. Jadi, saya lebih pada posisi amatiran untuk menyalurkan hobi saya. Karena itu, saya tidak pernah mengikuti atau berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi apa pun.

Bukan tidak ikut, tapi saya sebagai seorang amatir, tentu kurang pengalaman. Saya berpikir untuk mengikuti kompetisi, seorang penyair itu harus punya modal sosial yang bagus. Modal itu adalah karya-karyanya dalam bentuk buku puisi atau hal lainnya.

Photo by aboodi vesakaran

Bagikan contoh keahlian Anda dalam seni ini (baik menggambar, menyanyi, menulis puisi, menari, dll.).

Ini adalah salah satu karya atau puisi saya yang sudah lama saya simpan dan belum pernah dipublikasikan di media. Memang akan berbeda ketika puisi ini diterjemahkan dalam bahasa lain, terutama bahasa Inggris. Karena ini bahasa sastra, maka bahasa inggris pun harus lebih beraroma sastra. Tapi, saya belum mampu pada titik itu.

Tanah Kita, Tanah Gempa

Rintih kian perih
Darah-darah baru
mengalir dalam pilu
Menguak duka kita

Kala bumi murka
alam menata
kita tak berdaya
ingat pada tuhan

Thanks to Steemian friends and the Steemit Team who always support me. I really appreciate it. Thank you for your time

Kind Regards @Munaa
 last year 

He leído tu poema amigo @munaa y me ha parecido bastante realista si lo contrastamos con los tiempos actuales que vive la humananidad.

Gracia spor la invitación, excelente participación.

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
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The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.


Greetings dear friend thanks for inviting me.

I totally agree with you that art is life because you can create what you don't love.

If I may ask , if you're given the opportunity to go back and learn how to dance, do you think that you will agree?

If you're given the opportunity to go back and learn how to dance, do you think that you will agree?

Yes, of course, I will learn to dance to preserve the local culture where I live. I think so.. thanks for reading my post

That's really nice, I like that

 last year (edited)

El disfrutar del arte también es válido, ya que es lo mejor de todo, sentarse y escuchar una buena poesía, leer un libro, bailar o ir a una exposición y ver excelentes pinturas,de todas las formas que existan lo mejor es apreciar cada rama del arte.

Está muy bonito tu poema del final, el realizarlos es un momento muy bonito en el que hay que dejar que nuestra inspiración fluya para así crear un excelente poema como el que haz creado, éxitos.

Hi - nice to meet you here ;-))
I think you also have a good taste in art! All the best for you!

Sin duda, un arte que despierta los sentidos en gran magnitud y requiere de gran talento y dedicación. Saludos cordiales y exito en su entrada!

Hola @mariami
Gracias por leer mi publicación. Saludos

Hello friend,

Dear brother, your entry in today's Engagement Challenge was very good. Nice to know your expertise on Islamic poetry. There is an inherent satisfaction in expressing your feelings through poetry. So you want to continue writing poetry on social issues which is really nice. You get these inspirational figures especially from Indonesian writers Tawfiq Ismail and WS Rendra which is really nice. I appreciate your skills and post presentation. Good luck to you.

There is an inherent satisfaction in expressing your feelings through poetry.

Yes of course.
I also think you can write the best and good poetry. Hope you have the opportunity to do so. Thank you very much for reading this post


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator05. We support quality posts , good comments anywhere and any tags.
Curated by : @muzack1


Thank you so much Sir...

Greetings @munaa
Your artwork is described as not just something done with skill, but something that was created to find beauty and express the artist's emotions. Nature is exalted, and spirituality and free expression are celebrated. I appreciate your artwork.

Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful publication of yours with us and I wish you success in the contest.

Thank you very much for the appreciation, friend, good luck in this contest too

Es un hermoso poema dedicado a la tierra @muna. Ojalá pronto puedas dedicarte a la poesía más allá de un aficionado. Y tienes razón todas las artes son hermosas y dignas de disfrutar, saludos y bendiciones.

Hola, muchas gracias por los comentarios, espero verlos en este nuevo concurso. Saludos!!😊

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