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RE: SEC S17W3: Tribute to the Book | Who is more noble, humans or angels?

in RECREATIVE STEEM3 months ago

Very nice to read dear up's post, you have given a great presentation, the way you have expressed your thoughts about books, I am also very happy to know that you like to read religious books, really religious books. I have given us the information that will be useful to us in our time to come and we have provided us with knowledge for the time to come. By reading them it is easy and convenient for us and not only the improvement of the world but through them. We will be leaders in the hereafter and will get a better position.


saya setuju dengan yang anda katakan kita akan menjadi pemimpin di akhirat dan mendapatkan kedudukan yang lebih baik, tentu itu semua dapat di peroleh dengan terus meningkatkan keimanan ketakwaan kita kepada tuhan sang pencipta, dan perbanyak berbuat kebaikan.

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