SEC S17W3: Tribute to the Book | Who is more noble, humans or angels?

in RECREATIVE STEEM3 months ago (edited)


I love reading religious books, understanding more about religion will strengthen our belief in carrying out all the commands of Allah SWT and avoiding all its prohibitions. One of the most interesting books I have read is a book that discusses the issue of who is more noble, humans or angels?

This book has inspired my life so that it further encourages the spirit to continue to do good to fellow humans and all other creatures, I also feel like being like an angel for many people in need. I hope that by sharing the contents of this book can inspire all my friends who read it to become angelic people in the future. Amen.

# 1️⃣ Tell us about a book you read that changed your life.


This book is about which is more noble between humans or angels. We all know that humans are given reason and lust, while angels are only given reason and do not have lust like humans. Therefore, angels always obey the commands of Allah SWT without even violating and refuting his orders. For example, if Allah SWT gives an order to one angel to prostrate for 1000 years, then the angel will prostrate for 1000 years without even complaining.

Humans are given reason and lust, humans must be able to control lust with their minds. Fighting lust is the toughest trial for human life, the fact is that not all humans are able to control lust. For example, officials in the government who have been given a large salary by the state coupled with various allowances for their positions, but still do not feel enough, always lusting to get rich quickly so they want to commit corruption.

Humans who are unable to control their passions are like animals, while humans who are able to control their passions with their minds are more noble than angels. Humans are given reason and lust so that they have severe trials and temptations, while angels are only given reason so they do not have any temptations. Therefore, humans can be more despicable than animals if they only prioritize lust even though they have been given the mind to fight it.

# 2️⃣ What is your favorite literary genre and author, tell us why.

My favorite genres of books are religion and philosophy, as I said at the beginning of this article that I love religious books, reading many religious books can encourage humans to continue to do good every day, reading religious books can also reveal many secrets of God that humans do not yet know.

The next book genre that I like is philosophy, philosophy is the mother of all kinds of science. Reading more philosophy books can hone the activity of thinking critically, freely, and deeply to the roots to find the source of truth.

20240330_120819.jpg I was studying a philosophy course at the graduate school of IAIN Lhokseumawe

Where the lecturer was explaining the content.

# 3️⃣ If you had the opportunity to write a book, what would you write about?

I love reading books but have never planned to write one, but if I had the chance I would learn more about philosophy then I would like to write all religious materials with a blend of philosophy. It is very difficult to find teachers who are experts in philosophy.

# 4️⃣ Recommend books to your readers on Steemit.


I encourage all readers on Steemit to read more books related to religion, reading religious books will increase our faith and piety. Reading religious books will encourage us to continue to do good, do good with fellow humans and other living things.

Reading religious books can also open our minds to the secrets of God. The creation of the heavens and the earth, the creation of humans, and other living things still holds many mysteries that can only be known if we read more and learn about them.

garis pembatas @miftahulrizky.png

Thus this article, I hope it is useful and inspires all who read it.I also invite you to participate in this contest. @kouba01 @fadia @sohanurrahman @fantvwiki

Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to comment.
Greetings by @miftahulrizky


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saya senang mendapatkan dukungan dari anda, saya mengucapkan terimakasih atas dukungannya. apakah anda memiliki komunitas khusus di platform steemit?

Very nice to read dear up's post, you have given a great presentation, the way you have expressed your thoughts about books, I am also very happy to know that you like to read religious books, really religious books. I have given us the information that will be useful to us in our time to come and we have provided us with knowledge for the time to come. By reading them it is easy and convenient for us and not only the improvement of the world but through them. We will be leaders in the hereafter and will get a better position.

saya setuju dengan yang anda katakan kita akan menjadi pemimpin di akhirat dan mendapatkan kedudukan yang lebih baik, tentu itu semua dapat di peroleh dengan terus meningkatkan keimanan ketakwaan kita kepada tuhan sang pencipta, dan perbanyak berbuat kebaikan.

Honorable @miftahulrizky,,Greetings to this challenge,,

I am really fascinated by the description of your reviewed book about who is the best among humans and gods. Angels never disobey any command of Almighty Allah . But, humans always disobey Almighty Allah . Because angels have no lust but human hearts are lustful. full. However, those noble people who love Allah with their hearts cannot be touched by lust. These people are better than angels.

Philosophy is a very good subject. Those who have good skills in philosophy are highly valued in this society. But, the sad thing is that there are very few good and experienced people in philosophy. Best wishes in advance for writing a book on philosophy as per your wish. Good luck.

•Best Regards

aku senang anda membaca seluruh isi dari postingan ini tentang siapa yang lebih baik antara manusia dan malaikat. Benar manusia selalu durhaka kepada Allah SWT, namun ada juga manusia yang selalu mampu menjaga nafsunya serta taat dalam melaksanakan ibadah dan perintah Allah SWT. salam sukses.

Best wishes and thanks for your kind reply.

Terimakasih banyak anda sudah mengirimkan konten yang menarik untuk di baca. Buku merupakan gudang ilmu pengetahuan. Semoga sukses di kontes ini

Semoga semua isi gudang yang ada dalam buku bisa tersimpan dalam memori kepala kita sebagai pengetahuan yang kekal dan abadi.

Hello @miftahulrizky hope your day is going well your post is really cool.I love how you enjoy reading religious books, and it's awesome how they help you believe in Allah SWT more strongly. It's interesting how a book about humans and angels has made you want to be kinder and help others like an angel.

Sharing what you've learned from the book to inspire your friends is a great idea and your interest in philosophy is neat, and it's great how it helps you think deeply. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and book recommendations with us,wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺.

Aku senang Anda membaca postingan ini semoga postingan ini dapat bermanfaat untuk Anda yang telah membaca. Sejujurnya Saya bukan orang baik, tetapi saya hanya orang yang berpura-pura baik, Karena terus-menerus berpura-pura baik akhirnya aku menjadi baik beneran. Hehe.

Hello dear ,
You have told a very good difference between an angel and a human. An angel does not have to work so hard but if a human controls his senses then he becomes superior to even the gods and if a human cannot control himself then he falls even lower than an animal. That is why a human can become greater than the gods with just a little effort.

Sedikit usaha yang dilakukan manusia hanya cukup mengendalikan hawa nafsu menggunakan akal pikiran, jangan menggunakan nafsu untuk memperbanyak perbuatan dosa dan tercela. Terimakasih anda telah menyukai postingan ini

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