SEC S17W3: Tribute to the Book".

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 months ago

Like they always say, knowledge is power and they always say that readers today are always great leaders tomorrow. I have grown up to be lovers of books and even till today I still read books of different categories and I must confess it has really changed my life around positively.

Tell us about that book you read that changed your life.

Like I said earlier, I have read so many books that has really changed my life ranging from either frictional stories or non fictional stories. I have read books ranging from finances, academics, Spiritual, health and even personal development but I will say one of the book that I read that really changed my life was "Atomic Habit" by James Clear


Pictures taken by me.

I picked that book at the stage of my life when I actually need to get away and conquer some bad habits in my life. I have tried several times to actually overcome those habits but it keeps proving so so stubborn. I opened up to someone about it and then someone actually advise me to read the atomic habit by James Clear. Immediately picking that book, I must tell you that a whole changed about me even till today that I was actually able to break away from those habits I was suffering from.

What is your favorite literary genre and author, share the reasons.

Well I don't really have a favourite Literature genre author but if I am actually to pick one, I will definitely go for James Clear as the author. Not only because I read his book as been the book that changes my life's but James Clear as a person and through his book I have read, focused on helping people to grow and in self development and I think this is really one of the major reasons why I actually fall in love with him the more.


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Anytime and Anyday, I can actually pick his book and read and read without not actually getting tired at all anytime and anyday. Till today, he is still one of my favourite authors and I will never be tired of reading his book

If you had the opportunity to write a book, what would it be about?

Wow that is really an interesting question I must actually confess. If I actually have the opportunity to write about a book, I will definitely be writing on Finances. Majorly how people can attain financial freedom. Though I actually know that I have not achieved the financial freedom but common I know a whole lot of people who are actually suffering because of lack of money.

It will be great to write a book that will be magical and show people the step by step process to attain financial freedom they all desire and wants actually.

Recommend a book to your readers on Steemit.

If definitely I will want to recommend a book, I will recommend everyone on this Steemit to go and read "Satan Get Lost" by Bishop David Oyedepo. The book has really changed my life all around and even till today the book still blessed my life.

I invite @lovelystar , @newekemini5 and @okere-blessing to participate in this contest.

❤️I hope you enjoyed very much by reading my post. Thank you so much for reading till the end❤️

Best Regards By


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Bishop David Oyedepo is a good writer I think this one will be a good one. I will try to check it out.

Yea bishop Oyedepo has really inspired me so much I must confess

Dear @mandate,
Habits are a very important thing in our life. Because if we can always follow a good habit in our life then success in our youth is within our reach. We can definitely achieve it. And if we adopt bad habits, no one can stop our decline. The book "Eric Habits" teaches us to develop good habits in our life and to eliminate bad habits.

At present, people's knowledge about finance is very little, which is getting lower day by day. Even I don't know much about it myself. Hope to read your book if it comes out.

Yea we must pay careful attention to habits because they can either make or mar us

I really like your post, very informative and the way you told about your favorite book and the book you recommended is also very good Atomic habit it really sounds like a great title. By the way, I have studied many books, but I didn't know about this book. Thank you so much. I am glad to know about this writer. I will study it and I will benefit from it. Anyway, this writer writes very well. He talks about every aspect of life. Plays a role gives a positive reaction. It's great to know your opinion and the way you have a taste for books is also admirable. Thank you so much.


Wow glad you really love my post and also thank you so much for stopping by

 2 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Los libros de autoayuda nos permiten conocernos de una manera sorprendente... Te confieso que cuando leí Los hábitos atómicos ratifiqué que, muchas veces nosotros mismos somos nuestros propios enemigos y, conocernos es la mejor manera de evitar que esa enemistad se agrande ya que, cuando no crecemos como seres humanos, nuestra vida es muy abrumadora.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you so much for stopping by to drop such a quality comments


Your love for the book atomic habits is obvious because coincidentally it is my favorite book too . It gave me solutions to my problems and helped me overcome things that i thought no one would be able to help me in.
Well I love reading books on finances so if you write one let me know my friend. I will read it with all my affection , for sure .
Your post is beautiful and interesting. Best of luck for the contest.

Yeah I so much love the atomic habit. It is still one of my best and favourite book of all time

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