SEC S17W1: "Let's celebrate the Arts."

Creative art and culture have become an integral part of my life, I am a person who loves taking pictures of wonderful and creative things around me.
Taking part in this wonderful contest makes me happy, and I am very happy happy to drop my entry into this wonderful challenge.


As a devoted Catholic Christian that I am, we always adore our Lord Jesus christ, and this is an image of him when he died on the cross for our sins.
Images God sending his only begotten som just to die fornour sins.
This image is a reminder of the suffering tat Jesus christ went for us for our sins, just for the salvation of the world so we as Catholics always adore this image so that we can show appreciation to our Lord Jesus christ who died for us.

As you can see above, his hand is always open to accepting sinners into repentance, so I urge all of us to leave our lives according to the teaching of the church.


This is a wonderful image that I captured during the celebration of the famous event in our area known as the West Aftican Social Activities, which is celebrated once every year in my community.
During this occasion, different ethnic groups in my country, Nigeria, come and showcase their culture through dancing, singing music, and also acting of drama that will make you very happy.
I enjoyed this activity as it was a memorable one, infact thus year celebration was different from last years own because it was very unique.


Good Friday is the day that every Christian mourn for the death of our Lord Jesus christ and we Catholic commemorate this day by doing some passion play drama to remember each and every one of us what Jesus christ went through for our sake.
This image is hold a very special story, because the boy you see pm white was the person that played the part of Jesus christ and it was very real, and I didn't even know when tears rush down my eyes.
Every good Friday we gather and after a play of what Jesus went for our sake, and also some of us will dress like soldiers with cane in our hands flogging Jesus, the picture above have a lot of art and drama in it and I decided to share it with you.


The image above is an image of Jesus and his mother Mary, as a Catholic we have a society name block rosary where we come together to pray for our great nation Nigeria so we use this image as a reference to Jesus and his mother Mary.


This picture above reminded me of when I participated in quenching a fire in my area that nearly entered our cassava farm, I was at home when I received a call from my dad that fire have just entered into our farm and i quickly went and change into a good clothes so that I can assist in stopping the fire from escalating.
Thank God that some soldiers in our barracks were around to assist in quenching the fire.
Fireoutbreak is very dangerous to our lives, and it was a horrible experience for me, but I thank God that everything ended well.


An image of our mother Mary on the alter, this is a picture of the mother of Jesus, and we always honour her as Catholics when necessary.
Catholics are devoted to honouring the mother of Jesus, unlike other churches. Our mother, Mary, who is the queen of all angels, has a special place in our life, and she helps in interceding for us.


Jesus christ, the son of the most high God, as Catholic, we adore Jesus all the time, and some churches think we worship images, but no, this image reminds us of Jesus christ and we always go to home for prayers because we believe that God is present in that image.


This picture contains that drum set, piano, and also local band in my church.
You know, as a lover of music, a church without all these instruments is nothing, and it won't be enjoyable.
So this is a picture of some of the instruments in our church and it makes me happy whenever I see it, because playing this drum will make you dance and forget about your sorrows.


Visiting a ship has always been my dream in life, and I finally had the opportunity when I went to the ship to do some installation of air conditioners and it was a memorable day for me because I enjoyed every moment that I spent there.
Inside the ship is just like a house and I was very happy entering inside the ship because I had the opportunity to eat some seafood.


This is a trophy that me and my choir members wom during a competition organised by tye commanding officer in our barracks, as a family that we are we decided to commemorate last year festive season by organising a singing competition between choristers in our community.
We prepared very well and we came out victorious, this was the trophy that we won and also a cash prize of 50,000 NGN.


This image contains all the vestments used by a priest during eucharistic celebration of mass, you can see that they are different colours in it and how unique it looks.

I am using this opportunity to invite @josepha, @cive40, @simonnwigwe, @pandora2010, @rdp89, @paholags and @marito74 to join me and participate in this wonderful contest

 3 months ago 

Saludos amigo! Excelentes fotografías nos presentas en este desafío. No todo el mundo tiene ese don de capturar buenas fotografías, pero tú lo haces muy bien. Me encanto la foto de Jesucristo en la Cruz, esa imagen nos recuerda que él sacrifico su vida por nosotros, por eso siempre debemos adorarlo y amarlo. Siempre debe estar en primer lugar en nuestras vidas.

Éxitos en el reto, bendiciones.

Gracias amigo ❤️ tienes mucha razón Jesucristo pasó por el infierno solo para salvarnos 🙏 así que es bueno que siempre lo adoremos

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Art is present in many aspects of our lives, from the landscape we see every day, the cup of coffee we drink, a simple drawing is a sample of art. You share beautiful photos of moments lived, artistic cultural expressions, I really like traditions because they generate a sense of identity.

Thanks for the invitation, see you soon.

Thank you very much for dropping this wonderful comment i really appreciate 🙏 😊


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 3 months ago 

Conocer tu fe, lo afianzado que te notas, conocer tu cultura, tu esfuerzo por resguardar lo propio del fuego es valioso. son fotografías que marcan tu existencia, y espero que sigas avanzando siempre en el camino marcado.

Espero tengas buenas oportunidades en este valioso concurso @buenaventura24

Gracias mamá por tu maravilloso comentario ❤️ te lo agradezco mucho 🙏 mandando saludos desde esta parte del mundo 🌎 🇳🇬

 3 months ago 

El arte para mis es dibujar algo especial que en su momento llegue a nuestra imaginacion y le demos vida, muchos piensan que pintar es pintar y para mi no lo es asi porque con cada paso que hacemoa cada color dice algo muestra alegria y tristeza

Tienes mucha razón 👏 y te deseo éxito 🙌 en este desafío.

mandando saludos desde esta parte del mundo 🌎

 3 months ago 

Greetings friend bonaventure24, I hope you are successful in your participation and it goes very well, I appreciate your invitation mate.

Each image reflects the art of life, that of our Lord Jesus Christ and that of you around you friend, we also celebrate the passion and death of our Savior Christ Jesus.... Thank God the soldiers supported and were in the right place to help to fight the fire.....

Happy day friend.

Thanks my friend for your wonderful comment i really appreciate it 😀 🙏 do have a nice day.

 3 months ago 

have a nice today to You too My friend bonaventure24... success for You.

Art comes in so many forms. All we need to do is to open our eyes and be quiet in the moment like with these photos you have shared.

This time it is for me to choose my favorite and.. drum roll... the vestments photos. It looks like it comes from a magazine.

Good luck with the contest!

Thank you very much mam 🙏 for your wonderful comment on my blog i really appreciate 😊

This time it is for me to say... it is a pleasure! 🎕

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