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RE: SEC S17W1: "Let's Celebrate the Arts

With what you have written above the bonsai is a really wonderful city located in Japan that has wonderful art works.

This bonsai garden is a monument to the people who lost their homes and lives in the infamous bushfires that are common in Australia.

Oh how emotional i am right now, it shows that this is a very wonderful place ordain by God imagine creating a place to accommodate people who are homeless.

The arboretum is spread over an area of several miles and contains over 100 forests, gardens, and playgrounds.
Hmm this must be a tourist attraction center.

Art and culture especially painting and photography makes the world to look more beautiful. ✨️

I really enjoyed reading through your blog and i wish you success 🙌 in this challenge do have a nice day sir.

Regards from @bonaventure24

 2 months ago 

To be frank Bonsai is a plant that is potted and kept in its miniature form which is then carefully styled to achieve an aesthetic effect. It was started in China but later Japanese brought it to their country and now they are the masters of it.

Thank you for your emotion-filled words and your kind support.

The pleasure is all mine sir 🙏 😀

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Thanks for the support @patjewell i appreciate 🙏 it mam 😊

Pleasure! 🎕

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