Steemit Engagement Challenge: Building my Blog

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 years ago


Hello beautiful people. Trust your day is going well? I'm delighted to be in this community and participating on the contest "building my blog". Follow me as we journey into how I build my blog

Introduction to building my blog

A blog is before I introduce you to building my blog, I will like to tell you what a blog is. A blog is a journal where one post activities, hobbies, experiences of themselves and others can watch and read from it. I am a blogger on steemit. I post different activities for people to read from.
Building a blog start first with posting captivating content regularly. The contents need to be very captivating to gain the attention of your target audience. Also, the contents need to be regular and consistent. This is because the more I post, the more people read the contents and the more I gain their attention.
From experience, the more I post on my steemit blog, the more I learn how to explore the steemit world and how to use the markdown features easily
Here is my blog on steemit

The Type of Content I Develop on My Blog

Since I am a lover of the weekly steemit Engagement Challenge, I always post content based on the challenge of the week. But Majorly, I post about my daily activity also called the diary game, I post on cryptocurrency, on health related issues and on food. I also post spiritual content

The Type of Content I like to Publish and Develop on My Steemit Blog


The Type of content I like developing on my blog is mostly my own view about things or a subject. For example, my own view of Parenthood and family, on Christmas, on friendship, on hygiene etc. I feel more connected when I express myself on topics like that

How Often Do I Post

I engage in at least 3 weekly contest per week, so I will say I post at least thrice weekly on steemit. This is because I love writing and posting when the subject is fun and I connect well with and not just randomly

The Things I Do To Start Creating a Post And What I Did To Make It Special

How to start creating a post is more intense than just knowing what to post. This is how I go about posting on weekly engagement challenge

√ I search through the weekly contest and find one I will love to attempt

√ I read the sub topics I am to build my post on

√ I make research on google to get a broad knowledge on it

√ With this, I begin to write. Starting first by introducing the topic and putting up a captivating cover picture

√ Then, I go over to the sub topics. Adding suitable pictures where necessary

√ Then in my conclusion, I summarize all I have said in very few lines

√ I go through the post again, but slowly, making corrections and editing where necessary

√ I carefully put in my hashtags and delegations.

√ Then with this step, I post my content


Owing a blog is good, but building the blog is much more important. To build my blog on steemit, I make captivating post regularly at least 3 times in a week. I love making contents where I give my own view on matters of different subjects. Building a blog is a continuous thing. It doesn't stop

I invite @adylinah @goodybest @ngoenyi to join this contest


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!


Your post has been supported by @astilem from team 2 of the Community Curation Program. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.

Voting date: 25/11/2022


La principal búsqueda de todo creador de contenido es lograr que nuestros post sean del interés y agradable para los lectores. Es por ello que es bueno poder diversificar las temáticas, para ellos tenemos muchas opciones como lo es el juego del diario, los diferentes concursos y los temas que son de nuestro interés como en tu caso las criptomonedas, temas de salud, entre otros.

This article shows that you are indeed a content creator. The tips in which you use in creating your blog are helpful.

Thank you for inviting me.
Success to you!

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