Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W4: Heathly Routines by @amryksr

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 years ago

Very interesting theme for the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 Week 2 held by the community Recreative Steem, where the theme raised this week is about health routines. The original post from the Challenge can be seen here Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W2: Rutinas Saludables // Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W2: "Healthy Routines.

Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W4 - Heathly Routines.png

What moves you each day to go out into the world to fulfill your responsibilities?

I am a married man and have 2 sons. The first one is over 3 years old and the other one is only 2 months old. Of course I have the responsibility as the head of the family to meet the needs of my wife and children. Not just giving love and attention to my family, of course I have to provide for them, so that they always get what they deserve.


It's true that for a while I don't have a steady job that I have to do every day, but I always leave the house every morning to find out how today's needs are met. Sometimes I do something that works hard to become a reef worker. I have no problem with the job, as long as I can support my wife and children.


Before, before I was not married, I had never worked as a construction worker. But when I have my own family, I can't help but have to do the work so that my little family gets what they need. There is no shame when I work as a construction worker, the important thing is that I can bring money with my own hard work, without oppressing others.

What things do you do or what methods do you use to keep yourself balanced? Explain (health, beauty, fitness, sport, devotion)

To maintain self-balance, the first method I do is to maintain health. If health is not maintained, it is impossible for self-balance to be fulfilled. From eating healthy foods, I have included maintaining my balance. We don't have to exercise and do fitness every day so that we grow healthy. By regularly consuming healthy foods, we can maintain a balance.


When I have free time, I take the time to exercise. From again in the morning for a distance of several hundred meters, and sometimes I find time to play football and play volleyball with friends. I'm not very good at playing football and volleyball, it's just that I do this sport to maintain a balance in my body so that I always look healthy. If we never do sports, it is certain that we will often be plagued with disease.

Do you feel there are things you can improve in your routine? Mention them

Of course I have other priorities that I can improve. Where I have to undergo a new routine, be it in terms of work or in terms of health. In terms of work, I have to find the right job to support my family. Because I can't get a permanent job and do what I can do, in the future I must be able to get a decent job and financially it must match the work I do. Currently, if I work erratically, then the income is definitely uncertain.

In terms of health, I used to do sports when I had free time, now it's time for me to do sports every day, either in the morning or in the evening. If it is not possible to do exercise every day, then I can do it every 2 or 3 days, therefore I have to be smart to control the time as much as possible.

Would you like to add any other routine to your life? What would it be?

If I could choose, I would do other routines, including opening my own business with entrepreneurship. Because entrepreneurship has been my dream since childhood, and today it has not been achieved because I do not have enough income to be able to open a business. Indeed, people who are successful in their first entrepreneurship do not have a lot of income when opening a business, from the persistence of entrepreneurship, the business grows.


When I can do my entrepreneurship routine, of course I don't become a burden to other people, even when I am successful in entrepreneurship, of course I can add work to other people. For now, I have not thought about doing a particular entrepreneur, the important thing is that I can be an entrepreneur. The reason I want to go through the entrepreneurship routine is because I'm not the type of person someone else can tell me to do. If when other people tell me and I'm not in a good mood, then I will act as I please.

Are you satisfied with your current lifestyle or do you think it could be improved?

Everyone will not feel satisfied with what has been achieved so far, nor am I satisfied at this time. For the field of work I am not satisfied, until now I do not have a permanent job, therefore all I will try to be able to have a permanent job or have my own business.

As for the health side, then I will increase to exercise and do or consume healthy foods. When you eat healthy food, not only your body will be healthy, your mind will be healthy too. Nowadays I have to adjust my sleep pattern, so that I can always be fit when I wake up in the morning. I realized that at this time I had not been able to control my sleep pattern on a regular basis that would allow me to sleep on time.

Which of the routines you perform would you recommend?

For routines that I will recommend for yourself or for others, try to spend time on vacation with your family. Because no matter how busy the work we do, the family is a shelter in times of joy and sorrow. If it's not possible to take your family on vacation once a week, then take the time to take a vacation every 2 weeks with your family.


Another routine that I recommend to maintain health is to donate blood. When we donate blood, we are already taking care of our health. Where the benefits of donating blood are not only helping people who are in need of blood transfusions, but the benefits of donating blood are maintaining heart health, increasing red blood cells, reducing cancer risk, being able to detect serious diseases, and having many other benefits. For that I recommend to others to be able to donate blood. Until now, I routinely donate blood every 2 months and I have donated blood for 48 times.



Blood Donation Card


To become a healthy routine comes from ourselves, not other people who make us healthy, but it all lies in ourselves. If we are healthy, then everything we will do is healthy. From clear thinking to think, to the work we will do.

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For that I invite other friends to be able to participate in the Challenge held by Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W2: Rutinas Saludables // Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W2: "Healthy Routines. I invite @liasteem, @husaini, @jufrimj, @ridwant, @ayijufridar, @zainalbakri, @sofian88, @musdezal, @klen.civil, @irawandedy and other friends. Thank you admin and community moderators for the time and opportunity given and thank you to SC01 and SC02 for their support so far.


About me @amryksr

Achievement 1



Rutinitas yang luar biasa brother, anda menyempatkan diri anda untuk membuat perjalanan hidup menjadi lebih baik dan lebih membahagiakan bukan hanya untuk diri anda sendiri melainkan juga orang lain,
Dan aksi mendonorkan darah adalah aksi kemanusiaan yang sangat baik bagi kesehatan dan menolong orang lain,
Semoga sukses untuk kontesnya

Saya rutin mendonorkan darah dalam 2 bulan sekali dan ini sudah menjadi rutinitas saya.
Malah saya membuat jadwal khusus saat waktu donor darah tiba.

Itu sangat bagus brother, ini bisa membuat darah beregenerasi menjadi lebih baik dan baru,
Anda memiliki cukup darah dan hb, sedangkan saya tidak memiliki hal ini dan tidak bisa mendonorkan darah saya,
Yeu teuh saket awak laen gara-gara darah tanyoe

Hana cerita saket ureung laen gara-gara geutanyoe.
Saat melakukan donor darah petugas tidak serta merta mengambilnya, mereka akan mengikuti prosedur yang ada.

Itulah dia,
Darah saya tidak memnuhi kriteria manapun😂

Yang penting ada niat bu.
Kalau sudah ada niat, anda termasuk orang-orang yang mau berbuat baik.


Tener un trabajo estable es una forma de quitarse las preocupaciones del día a día, también hay otras formas de emprender en línea como por ejemplo Steemit y algunas páginas que ayudan, Dios mediante puedas montar tu propio negocio y ser tu propio jefe.
La donación de sangre es un gran acto de humanidad
Excelente post
Saludos y bendiciones

Los ingresos en Steemit son definitivamente inciertos, todavía quiero tener un trabajo estable. Porque con un determinado trabajo podemos predecir nuestros ingresos.

Me gusta donar sangre, además de ayudar a los demás también tengo muchos beneficios después de donar sangre.


Kukomen bang beuh sesuai arahan. Haha

Jelas, hana masalah nyan.
Teurimong geunaseh ka neu komentar.

sama sama adun hehe


Berbagai aktivitas yang di lakukan. Merupakan prilaku hidup yang mengarah pada kesehatan fisik dan mental. Semoga selalu sehat dan bahagia bersama keluarga. Sukses untuk kontes nya ya.

Sesibuk apapun keluarga adalah segalanya. Kita bisa melakukan aktivitas apapun, tapi ingatlah keluarga yang utama


Saya mengucapkan terimakasih atas waktu dan kesempatannya.

 2 years ago 

Hello @amryksr donating blood is a laudable and wonderful activity, helping others and ourselves by the amount of advantages this brings to our body. I hope you will soon get a permanent job for your family's livelihood.

Glad you shared with us and encouraged to participate in the Challenge.

Have a great day 😀

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recreational fine separator (2).png

I will continue to do commendable deeds, namely donating blood. Until now, I regularly donate blood every 2 months. I also want a steady job.

Rutinitas yang sangat baik, bersama keluarga membahagiakan mereka

Kerja boleh sehari gelap, tapi jangan lupakan keluarga. Karena keluarga adalah segalanya.
Kebahagian diperlukan dalam sebuah rumah tangga, dengan melakukan liburan maka kita sudah membuat keluarga bahagia.

Kerja sehari gelap, dapat uang dua biji, mana bisa berdiri uang

Jelas nyan.
Maka jih hana peu neukarat kerja.
Seubab wate meukarat Tuboh han sep peng ngon yang ka na.

Akan trok masa tuboh akan saket adak got that tajaga

Jelas nyan, tapi bek that ta meujaga.
Meunyoe gadoeh ta meujaga hantrep meuteume saket

Your article has been supported with a 30% upvote by @fredquantum from Team 2 of the community curator program. We encourage you to keep producing quality content on Steem to enjoy more support from us and a likely spot in our weekly top 5.


You have written so well about your healthy routine sir. indeed your routine are so unique, donating blood to save other life is very impressive. Exercise is also a good routine that will help everyone maintain physical health.

As for your recommendation, i never know donating blood makes the body more healthy. Maybe i will give it a try one day.

I wish you all the best in this very contest.

The point is that until now I still donate blood. And as long as I donate blood, I don't have any serious illnesses. With blood donation we can check health for free.

 2 years ago 

Espero que sus aspiraciones de un trabajo estable y su proyecto de contar con un negocio propio se cumplan para el bienestar tanto de usted como de su familia. Todas sus actividades están encaminadas hacia el progreso económico, la salud, y el equilibrio familiar; algo que lo honra y habla de sus hermosos sentimientos. Saludos y éxitos en estos avatares y en todo lo que se presente en el futuro.

Sí esperaba mi propio negocio y ese ha sido mi sueño desde que era pequeño. Con mis propios esfuerzos puedo controlar mi situación económica, por supuesto.

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