SEC-S14/W4 - Sustainable Animal Productivity and Environmental Footprint Towards Global Food Security.

in Steem of Animals9 months ago (edited)

Hey Steemian friends!

I have no idea what kind of blessing I have done to live in this green paradise of Sri Lanka and it is a true blessing. Our rich soil ensures a year round harvest, offering us some level of food security. But recent changes in our daily lives, especially the surprising price hikes during this Christmas season, got me thinking about the shifts in our food culture and their impact on Mother Nature.

Right now we're witnessing a steep rise in our food prices

A week ago, the sudden hike in vegetables and meat prices in the market brought up a conversation with my mother. I asked her whether she remembered the time that vegetable lorries would unload heaps of cucumbers and pumpkins in front of my grandparent's house in my village back when I was little. Then she said that in her childhood her father (my grandfather) didn’t even have to go to the market because back then, villagers freely shared all their vegetables and fruits. Times have changed, though. A month ago, our local markets sold 01Kg of onion for Rs.200, and today it is Rs. 750/-

What's the reason behind it? 🤔

Now my experience about this topic is very limited so I had to find out on the internet about the current affairs of the topic. The data are so insane that I even can’t imagine it. For a moment, have you ever thought about how many animals are slaughtered each day for our consumption! Do you know how many cows are slaughtered every day? Perhaps how many chickens? In 2021, it was nearly 900,000 cows and a staggering 202 million chickens. That’s about 140,000 in every minute. Did you get the picture now!?

Now I'll be the first to admit, I used to see my meat loving habits as part of the circle of life. But hey, I think it is a very good time to change, and it's high time we reconsider our choices. So, let's talk about the elephant in the room (or maybe the cow or pig or hen, in this case) the environmental footprint of our food choices.

Goats freely roaming on Sri Lanka's roads

Our beloved animals, even the tiniest insects play a crucial role in our ecosystem which directly affects our food supply chain. However, the current methods of raising the animals in the livestock often leave a hefty carbon footprint. The use of global land, deforestation, and water and food consumption of the animals, it's like we're throwing a one big stupid party for climate change, and the animals are the unwitting guests of honor.

So, what changes can we make for a better future?

  • Finding an alternative Protein Sources,

We already have plant based food to get the protein we want but the taste is the issue. However, ongoing research worldwide aims to create meat replacements like cultured meat, grown in labs without harming animals. This could be a big invention if it happens soon.

  • Sustainable utilization of the land,

Do you know that 77% of agricultural land is used for livestock! leaving only 23% for crops. Now you will see why we need these fertilizers for all the crops. However, instead of confining them to one space if we let them roam freely on different pastures, it will help to preserve soil fertility and reduce the need for artificial fertilizers. Animal manure becomes a natural fertilizer, reducing the need for synthetic chemicals. A way better sustainable approach with less animal suffering because now they can roam in the natural environment.

source | Global land use for meat and dairy production adds up to a staggering 37 million km²

  • Go Local,

Let's support our local farmers! Buying locally-produced goods not only ensures fresher, tastier treats for us but also promotes sustainable farming practices in our own village without going for those trendy big farmers. It's a win-win for everyone.

  • Educating about the future,

While all the above suggestions are in the bigger picture and hard to scale, I would recommend everyone to think about these stats and where the world is heading. Global issues like inflation, health concerns, and climate change are interconnected. To secure a better future with a thriving Mother Nature, we need to act fast and make informed choices.

This topic has been an eye-opener for me and I learned a lot about sustainable practices and how all these impact our food supply. Thank you for this interesting contest @steem.ofanimals. Looking forward to taking on the next week’s challenge. I would like to invite @ninapenda, @walictd & @yuswadinisam to participate in this contest.

Thank you.

Peace to all 🙏

The cover image has been developed by Midjourney and photoshoped by me. Proper sourcing has been ensured for any other pictures used in the content. All other pictures are from my gallery.

Reading references:

How many animals get slaughtered every day?
By 2040, 60% of ‘meat’ won’t come from dead animals
Land Use

 9 months ago 

Agriculture is a wonder but malpractices tend to cause hazards in our farmlands and also reduce output of products. It is true crops and animals products are witnessing serious hike in prices. In my country people attribute the rise in prices to the war in Ukraine since importation prices of fertilizer has increased. So many other things have caused the rise in prices.

I asked her whether she remembered the time that vegetable lorries would unload heaps of cucumbers and pumpkins in front of my grandparent's house in my village back when I was little

This is true bro, vegetables have now become as expensive as luxurious goods. I can remember when I could buy vegetables for 400 FRS in a bag and my family will eat for two days but now at 2000 FRS I can't even get half of the same bag and we can't eat for a day. Things are just so crazy now.

We really need to revamp the agricultural sector especially by promoting our local farmers as we can't make these new changes without them. Those strategies you've proposed are really good and worth adopting.

Thanks for sharing with us and good luck in the contest

 9 months ago 

Looks like we're in the same boat! I'm thinking we should explore the concept of homegrown vegetables more, relying less on the market. If we can manage to produce even a meal or two from our garden, it could change the game for the big farmers. Right now they are controlling the market price. When they see the opportunity and the demand they make sudden price changes hiding their real stocks.

 9 months ago (edited)
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 14 in the Steem of Animals Community,

Buy directly from farmers who work traditionally, even for fertilization they also use organic fertilizer which is all processed from nature, so that farmers become more prosperous and this is a very important thing for us to pay attention to that what farmers do is to maintain the balance of nature.

The presentation of your post is great and I wish you all the best for the competition. Wish you success.

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Steem of Animals community team.

 9 months ago 

I actually buy my milk and meat (chicken) from the local farmers who does this small scale. So, I practically now how important is to support them rather than opting for brands that advertise on TV.

Thanks for the review team. I learned a lot from this topic.

 9 months ago 

Saludos amigo

Excelente lo que cuenta sobre tu país, y lo fértil que suelen ser los suelos, creo que todos en algún momento hemos vivido esa bonanza de productos y alimentos agrícolas a la puerta de nuestras casas, sin embargo con el crecimiento de la población, además de los inventos tecnológicos nos hemos olvidado de lo realmente importante nuestros, que son nuestros animales y demás recursos naturales que son de Gran importancia para la estabilidad de nuestro ecosistema.

Actualmente es sumamente necesario que a estas actividades ganaderas o agropecuarias se le coloque un poco de conciencia ambiental, porque somos nosotros mismos lo que estamos acabando con el planeta.

Las generaciones futuras nos agradecerán lo que hoy hagamos por nuestro planeta.

Éxitos y buena suerte con tu excelente entrada

 9 months ago 

The shift in focus is indeed a concern. Promoting environmental awareness in agricultural and livestock activities is crucial right now because human population is growing and hence demand for food items too.. What we do and decide today will shape the legacy we leave for future generations. Thank you for your kind wishes for success!

 9 months ago 

¡Hola @virajherath!

Aprecio tu reflexión sobre la situación de los precios de los alimentos en Sri Lanka y cómo esto te llevó a considerar la huella ambiental de nuestras elecciones alimenticias. Aquí hay algunos comentarios sobre tu entrada:

  1. Reflexión Personal:
    Compartir tus recuerdos de la abundancia de vegetales y frutas en tu infancia y cómo la situación ha cambiado a lo largo del tiempo añade un toque personal a tu entrada. También, destacar la sorprendente subida de precios y la conversación con tu madre sobre la forma en que solían compartir libremente los productos en la aldea es impactante.

  2. Impacto Ambiental de las Elecciones Alimenticias:
    Abordar la cantidad masiva de animales sacrificados diariamente para el consumo humano y cómo esto contribuye a la huella ambiental es un punto clave. La conexión entre la producción de carne y la deforestación, el consumo de agua y alimentos destaca la necesidad de reconsiderar nuestras elecciones alimenticias para abordar los problemas ambientales.

  3. Cambios para un Futuro Mejor:
    Tus sugerencias sobre encontrar fuentes alternativas de proteínas, utilizar la tierra de manera sostenible y apoyar a los agricultores locales son acciones prácticas y valiosas. Además, tu mención sobre la investigación en curso para crear sustitutos de carne cultivada en laboratorio es una visión interesante del futuro de la alimentación.

  4. Promoción de Elecciones Informadas:
    Educar sobre la conexión entre cuestiones globales como la inflación, la salud y el cambio climático es esencial. Hacer que las personas reflexionen sobre sus elecciones alimenticias y cómo estas afectan al medio ambiente es un paso importante hacia un cambio positivo.

En general, has proporcionado una entrada informativa y reflexiva. La combinación de experiencias personales, datos impactantes y sugerencias prácticas para el cambio crea una entrada equilibrada y valiosa. Sigue compartiendo tus perspectivas sobre temas importantes. ¡Si tienes más preguntas o necesitas ayuda en el futuro, estoy aquí para ayudar! 😊🌍🌿

 9 months ago 

Your summary and point form comments are top-notch! I'm really impressed, and it's cool to know my entry meant something for the contest.

 9 months ago 

Your suggestions about the importance of thinking about global statistics and the relationship between issues such as inflation, health and climate change are very relevant. Quick action and wise decisions are crucial to ensuring a sustainable and better future for nature and society.
Good luck in this challenge 👏👏

 9 months ago 

Big data makes it clear that all these issues are interconnected, and we've allowed them to happen. I guess we have to act fast and technology can help us to make the amends.

 9 months ago 

Strongly agree. Big data allows us to see complex patterns and connections between problems. Quick steps with technology support can speed up repair efforts.👍

 9 months ago 

Hello dear friend, Take my love first🥰

As you mentioned about 9000000 cows and 202 million chickens are slaughtered for us every day. It seems more to me. But as you mentioned the market price is still higher price than before. I have it here too. We purchased one kg of onion for Rs.350 . You mention animal decline as many animals are being slaughtered to meet our food needs. But my country is hardly slaughtered according to its demand. The price of meat in our country is around 800 rupees per kg. It has been too much. So I think that people should be aware of the increase in the price of meat and reduce its consumption. But we have to look for alternatives without meat.

I can get meat and protein from chicken. When the hen can produce enough eggs. And can produce babies. So we have to focus on global food security and increasing their production. Otherwise global food security and sustainable development of livestock are not possible. Your presentation is beautiful. You are invited to visit my post. Your valuable comments will make me happy. Have a nice day.

I wish you success in this competition. I will rejoice in your success.

 9 months ago 

The discrepancy in prices and the impact on people's budgets is a concern shared in many regions this year. The war in Ukraine has something to do with it I believe.

Increasing the production would only make everything even worse because of the environmental footprint. We spend far too much resources to maintain such livestock. The best way to find an alternative method ASAP. Thanks for the insightful comment and you too have nice holidays!

 9 months ago 

Your point about considering the big picture and how things like inflation, health, and climate change are all connected is really important. We need to take action quickly and make smart choices to make sure we have a better future for both nature and society. It's a big challenge, but I believe we can do it. Good luck to all of us as we work towards a brighter future.

 9 months ago 

I too believe we can do it and there are a lot of promising researches are going in the world.

 9 months ago 

Absolutely, I completely agree with you. It's so exciting to see all the promising research happening around the world. There are so many brilliant minds working towards finding solutions and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. It gives me hope and confidence that we can achieve great things together.

 9 months ago 

It will be so good if animal manure are used instead of chemical manure. That way they help the soil get back it's fertility. Your hit points about how climate change, inflation and health are all connected is to be looked into for our better future ahead. If only we look into it. Success!

 9 months ago 

The impact of the chemical remains in the soil for years, leading to water contamination and a surge in kidney disease problems, as witnessed in a specific region of Sri Lanka. It's puzzling why we tend to overlook the most obvious choices and repeatedly opt for harmful ones.

Greetings friend,

You have said very well that the replacement of the animal protein with other sources of protein like the plants protein and the synthetic protein can help us to overcome the maintenance issue between the productivity of animals and the environmental concerns.

Good luck 🤞

 9 months ago 

Yes, I read somewhere that Singapore is having this cultured meat restaurants already. Excited to try those and hopefully they are good for humans in long term.

We can hope for the best 🤞

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Curated by : @muzack1
 9 months ago 

Thanks for the support Team 01 & @muzack1 🎉

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