Steemit Engagement Challenge S11-w3| "My Favorite Fable"

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Hello friends!!

Am lover of stories and when I saw this engagement challenge theme I got interested

What is your favorite fable, Give your reasons why?

Like we all know that fables are means of telling stories by means of using animals.

Growing up I my mum told us alot of fables, most times she corrected us by telling us stories, we believed everything she said to us.

My favorite fable is the The stingy tortoise attending a party in heaven


My reason for this fable been my favorite was the very way my mum told us the story as a child, secondly because it has a lot of lessons to learn from it, lastly because Its interesting and captivates my interest.

Let me share the story with you Alitle

Story story..
Therr lived a very stingy tortoise in the land of animals. He always like to eat alone and didn't share his things with anyone.

A time came when famine broke out in the land and there was no more food to eat. The animals wondered how to survive and one day news came from heaven that there would be a party and all animals are invited to come and eat and drink.

It was a good opportunity for animals to travel to heaven especially those animals who can fly. Tortoise didn't know how to fly so he begged some birds for their feathers and surprisingly they helped him with some.

On the date of the party, before the animals flew to the party, the all decided to chose a name to bear when they get to the part because the party was very classy. After all the animals chose their names, tortoise decided that his name is All of you

All flying animals flew to heaven and got to the party destination safely. The animals enjoyed all part of the party and it was time for food and drinks.

Whenever the waiter brings the food, the animals would ask who owns the food and the waiter would say "All of you". Tortoise would rejoice and tell the other animals that the food was for him since his name is all of you.

Tortoise ended up eating all the food and drinks without sharing with any other animals. The party was over and it was time to fly back to earth. All the animals was so upset at tortoise because he ate all the food and drinks alone and didn't share with them.

They all decided to collect the feathers they borrowed to tortoise and left him with a feather. They went back to earth and left tortoise. Tortoise not knowing how to fly back to earth sent one of the animals to tell his wife to bring out his bed out side the house and any other soft object so that when he jumps down from heaven he would land on it.

The animal he sent came back and told the wife of tortoise a lie. The animal told her that tortoise has asked that she looks for all the rough,sharp and hard objects outside that he was coming back to replace them.

Tortoise jumped down and fell on those hard objects and broke his shell, got injured and almost lost his life. This is why tortoise has a rough shell

Did the fairy tale teach you anything did it influence your life?

Yes this fairly tale influenced my life and even taught me alot of lessons and here are some of the lessons I got from the fairy tale.

  • To be a giver and not to be a stingy person.
  • In life I need the help of others so I should be careful how I treat others.
  • Not to pay good with evil
  • It also thought me forgiveness
  • Lies always have it's consequences
Haw many fables have you heard through them? Mention a few titles that are still in your memory

I have heard many fables and they are all very interesting driving out lessons for everyone who is willing to learn from it. Some of the titles that are still in my memory..

  • The dog who betrayed his friends
  • The clever Ant and the big Elephant
  • Three little pigs
  • Two little black birds
  • The ugly Duckling
  • The disobedient Dog
For now when you have become the father or mother of children or you are a sister and Aunt, do you tell them fables? Which fables do you often tell and why?"

Am not a mother yet but I hope that when I become a mother I would definitely tell my children fables. Children are more captivated with stories. And since I love stories, I think it's a great way to relate with my kids.

For now I can say I am an Aunt because my siblings have children and each time I have opportunity to see them they always want me to tell them stories.

There are three fables I always love to share with my nieces and nephews..they include;

  • The disobedient Dog

I always tell them the story of the disobedient Dog because I want them to know how important it is for them as children to always obey their parents.

In the story the mother of the dog gave an instruction to the dog never to open the door to strangers when she is not at home. The dog wondered why his mother gave such instruction and decided to Disobey, then he was eaten by the lion.

I noticed each time I tell them this story, my nieces and nephews make promises not to Disobey their parents, they even go as far as apologizing to them for their wrongs in the past.

  • The stingy tortoise attending the party in heaven

This is another fable I like to share with my nieces and nephews whenever I see them. They all love this story and one of the reasons I love yo share with them is because the stories teaches about giving or sharing with other, teaches forgiveness, teaches love for one another.

Friends join this contest @ninapenda @okere-blessing @yakspeace

my introduction post



This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06. for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @eliany

Thank you so much @eliany

 last year 

Wooo amiga

No había escuchado de esta fábula y me parece interesante las lecciones que podemos extraer de ella tal como la tortuga le fue mal por mentirosa Y tacaña nosotros debemos fijarnos en ello y actuar de forma contraria siendo dados bondadosos y nunca decir mentiras.

Te deseo éxito y bendiciones en tu participación.

Yes you are right..
The story has lots of lessons and am glad you see that too.

Thank you for your support

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