SEC-S18/W2 | Lushka, you will be missed!

in Steem of Animalslast month


How happy I was when I had a cat who was very smart and could understand humans but this has become a memory and only sadness remains when I think back on it, yes I had a cat who was very smart and understood humans in the past and my cat has been dead for about 10 years ago. I can remember when the cat routinely woke me up every morning by making its distinctive sound, namely "meow" in my ear on the bed, yes the cat really understood that when morning had arrived it was time to get out of bed.



Apart from this, my cat also often accompanies me when I come home from studying in the middle of the night and he is waiting as usual, namely in a mango tree and always faithfully accompanies me when I come home in the middle of the night alone, this is what makes me feel very sad when the cat is gone and remembering it again is a very sad thing for me.



Apart from that, there is another thing that is interesting to me that the cat does, namely, if I scold it with feelings of annoyance towards it, then the cat will do something that wants to make me happy, namely by catching a mouse or bird and then putting it in front of me without eat it, as is known mice are food that cats really like, but my cat didn't want to eat it and handed it over to me so that I wouldn't feel angry and happy again towards him, I think that this cat is very extraordinary and smart because he can understand humans and he did this repeatedly.



And I remember when daylight had arrived, that the cat was not at home, maybe at that time he was outside, which I don't know, and suddenly the cat came home, maybe he remembered that we enjoyed lunch together, therefore he came home at noon because he wanted to enjoy lunch with us. Remembering the moments with that cat is an extraordinary thing because having a cat who is very smart and can understand humans, but when you remember it again it can cause deep sadness because you have such an extraordinary cat.

thank you to @steem.ofanimals who has held this challenge, with the title "Lushka, you will be missed!", This challenge means a lot to me when I remember my cats back in the past.

I also invite @dove11 @imadear and @shiftitamanna to participate in this contest

Best Regards


Achievement 1

 last month 


Love with animals or pet is great deed and how affection we have connection with them. As you told about your cat how cute she was and how much live you connected with your beloved pet.

You mention how much love both of you gave cat understand your talks and gestures whatever you asked her it shows your love with pets.

Moreover cats are really beloved animals and perhaps very loyal I knew because melt mom also have.

Your lovely cat which you ate going to memorize and I am also feeling sad for her.

Good luck

 last month 

Thank you friend for reading this post, I really appreciate it, I hope you are lucky too

 last month 

Cats are loving pets to be kept at home. I like pets like dogs which I have also participated in the contest. Good luck to you.

 last month 

Thank you friend for a wise comment 🙂

nicely written dear friend, indeed you really love your cat, the quality time spent with him is a enough reason to remember a smart 🐈

Nice one and good luck here..

 last month 

Thank you friend, you understand what iam feeling about the cats, i hope you lucky too

 last month 

Hello dear @murezac!

This is heartwarming. Your cat loyalty especially waiting for you in the mango tree at night is truly touching. Thanks for sharing this beautiful memory.

 last month 

Yes friends If I remember it, only sadness arises in my heart.

 last month 

Saludo @mvrezac, los gatos son muy interesantes y curiosos.

Que bueno que aún recuerdes a tu mascota aunque han pasado tantos años, me imagino lo feliz que eras con tu gato, y la alegría de verlo cada noche cuando te esperaba de regreso de tus clases.

 last month (edited)

Thank you for your comment in my post.
I hope you always success

Thanks for inviting me to your lovely post. I have no personal pet right now but I love their activities as and when possible.

 last month 

Yes friends, I am happy to invite you to this contest, I hope you have a pet in the future so you can share fun activities, friend.

So sad on how you lost your cat, i know the kind of love you might have for this partticular pet of yours. To your description, the cat must have shown so much love to you while it was alive. And i can see you truly like cats a lot, and that's incredible.

 last month 

Thank you my friend for your attention about it, i apreciate it, i hope always success

 last month 


Que lindo se expresa de su lindo gatito el cual ya no esta con usted desde hace mas de 10 años. Esto demuestra en gran lazo de amor y cariño que nos une a nuestras mascotas, ya sean gatos o perros. Son animales muy fieles y leales.

Un placer leer su historia, éxitos en el reto.

 last month 

Thank you my friend for your reading my post

Sangat dirindukan sekali dengan kelakuan kuncing, yang selalu menemani tuannya setiap saat apalagi ketika kita sedang sedih pasti dia akan ada di sekitar kita untuk menyemangati walaupun tidak bisa berbicara di bisa menggunakan perasaannya

 last month 

Iya bener dan itu adalah hal yang menyenangkan.
Terimakasih sudah membaca postingan ini

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