"Contest : Protected animals in my country Indonesia"

in Steem of Animals3 months ago (edited)


Hello steemit friends. How are you today?

Hopefully always healthy. Today I am participating in a contest organized by @steem.ofanimals because I think the discussion is very interesting to discuss because it concerns endangered animals in my country. Indonesia is a country that has a very diverse flora and fauna. Today I will discuss one animal that is almost extinct because of its uniqueness, namely the Sumatran tiger.
Animal population status Sumatran tiger ,Indonesia.


one of the tiger species in Indonesia, which is currently threatened with extinction. As the name suggests, this tiger lives on the island of Sumatra, especially in the province of Riau. The population of the Sumatran tiger is estimated to be only about 400 individuals left in the wild. Many people hunt the Sumatran tiger because it has unique characteristics and is slightly different from other tigers. The Sumatran tiger is the smallest tiger in the world, with reddish-orange fur adorned with black stripes. They are predators in the Sumatran forest ecosystem and play an important role in maintaining the balance.

What causes habitat and environmental changes so that this animal is threatened with extinction or why this animal has become a typical animal of that region or country.



The Sumatran tiger is a unique animal from Sumatra, as it is very rarely found elsewhere. This tiger has a small body, making it different from tigers in general.
There are many factors that have led to the Sumatran tiger being on the brink of extinction, including:

  • Habitat destruction: extensive clearing for oil palm plantations, rampant deforestation, and infrastructure development that has destroyed the natural habitat of the Sumatran tiger.

  • Human conflict: Rapid population growth and the expansion of human settlements have brought the Sumatran tiger closer to villages, leading to conflicts with local residents.

  • Illegal hunting: Many people hunt the Sumatran tiger for its body parts, such as bones and skin, which are widely used in traditional medicine and illegal trade, as well as for fashion products. Illegal hunting is the biggest factor in the extinction of the Sumatran tiger.

Legal Status and Legal Protection


Indonesia is a country of law, certainly a lot of efforts are made to maintain the population of Sumatran tigers. Indonesia also issued laws to protect animals and plants that are considered almost extinct.

  • Law No. 5 of 1990 concerning the Conservation of Biological Resources and Ecosystems: in this law, we are prohibited from trading, hunting, and owning protected wildlife, including the Sumatran tiger.

  • Government Regulation No. 7 of 1999 concerning the Preservation of Plant and Animal Species:
    There will be many punishments given if we violate these rules.

There will be many punishments given if we violate the rules.
Not only that, there are still many conservation efforts being carried out by the government, as well as non-governmental organizations, and local communities. Some of them are:

  • Law enforcement: The government has been conducting forest patrols to prevent poaching and illegal trade.

  • Rescue and rehabilitation: Caring for the Sumatran tigers, and releasing them back into the wild.

  • Education and public awareness: The government has also held seminars for the public on preserving endangered animals and plants.

  • Formation of conservation areas: This is done to protect the original habitat of the Sumatran tigers and provide space for them to breed, so that their popularity increases from year to year.


This is a brief discussion about one of the endangered animals in Indonesia. Hopefully it can increase our knowledge and make us more aware of the nature around us. Thank you to @steem.ofanimals for organizing this contest, especially to @asiahaiss, @sailawana, and @saintkelvin17. I invite you to also participate in this contest.

terimakasih, wassalam

28 April 2024


About me

 3 months ago 

I suspect you took the help of AI to create your post. Which spoils the beauty of this platform. Do you have anything to say about this.....?

I did not use AI in writing the post. In the data section, such as the laws that regulate the protection of nearly extinct animals, I got references from many articles that I read.

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