SEC - S18W3 : Activist Journal | My wife was angry, because she dreamed I was making love to another woman.

in Steem of Animalslast month (edited)


"Today was an unexpected day, my wife suddenly scolded me because she saw me making love with another woman in her dream." 🤣

🙎‍♀️ Faced with my wife's angry attitude, she dreamed that I was cheating on her.


My wife is still angry, she doesn't want to be taken to the photo.

This morning when I woke up from sleep I saw my wife crying in the corner of the bed, I asked why my dear? That's the romantic language that I always say to her. Hehe.

Then she explained that she had dreamt of seeing me being seduced by another woman in a room, the seductive woman was so sexy. That's why she was angry with me this morning.

I said, "It was just a dream, so what did I do wrong? Don't get angry like that again." But no matter what my wife was still angry, she said the events in the dream were so real that it made her very disappointed and devastated.

Because she kept getting angry, I finally had no other choice. I said, "Yes, brother, I'm sorry, it was just a dream, nothing like that will happen. I will always be loyal to you." I said that while hugging him to reduce anger.

How great the word sorry and a hug, my wife immediately changed her attitude and was no longer angry with me. Hehe. I have understood some of the nature of women, one of which is what women want is that we as partners must be willing to give in and be willing to say sorry.

Hopefully this secret can be an important note for every man who wants to solve problems with women.

👨‍🎓 Plans to become a Lecturer in the future, the importance of maintaining balance.

Towards noon, like the usual routine agenda that I do on campus. I attended a lecture on integrated quality management at the IAIN Lhokseumawe Postgraduate campus.

A photo of the atmosphere in the lecture hall listening to some lectures from the lecturer.


A photo of me in a lecture hall working on a research proposal.

Look at how diligent I am, on the one hand I have to work every day to carry out my duties and obligations at school, but on the other hand I continue to improve my knowledge and academic status in order to achieve glorious goals in the future.

Every day there are tasks given by lecturers, but this does not make me complain let alone have to stop halfway, I must be able to balance between the two, between work that must be completed properly and also completing education, therefore requiring good time management.

In addition, the toughest thing I faced in pursuing my master's degree was the cost. The high cost of education made me have to work harder to earn money in order to meet the cost of education. The other most important thing that I could not ignore was the cost of daily living needs with my family.

Everything needs a balance between my responsibilities as the head of the family and meeting the educational costs to fulfill an academic degree, therefore the solution to dealing with these two things is how to make more money, not better management of financial plans, because being good at managing is not good at producing the same in vain. Hehe.

As the day wore on, my friends and I took a lunch break at a coffee shop while eating and drinking a cup of coffee, we spent our time chatting and joking around.

Drinking coffee with college friends while chatting about many things

My friends are also so generous, it's nice to know them all. After we ate and drank I offered to pay all the bills, but some of my friends refused, this time they wanted to pay. That's how my friends and I are, we always compete to be the most generous so that we don't bother others. We firmly believe that kindness will be rewarded with kindness, good deeds will be rewarded many times over.

🐾 Praying for a sick cat because you can't afford to treat it.

In the evening I visited a neighbor's house and saw a cat that was in a very worrying condition, he looked limp sitting on a chair, this cat's face looked very lackluster and looked like he was experiencing pain, out of curiosity I approached him and observed all parts of the body of this animal.

In the ears of this animal there were some unnatural things, like skin diseases.


Animal photos taken up close

Sure enough, he was experiencing serious pain so that his body felt weak and lackluster, in the ears of this animal there were some unnatural things, like skin diseases. I'm sure this animal had an itchy skin that made it uncomfortable.

I really want to help cure this animal's illness, but I don't have enough knowledge to help treat this animal, I can only pray that he will be given a cure.

From the life of this animal we can also take an important lesson, if only he became someone else's pet cat would his life be happy? It is a provision that his life must be a wild cat hoping and struggling alone without the help of others.

What about our lives as humans, yes we also struggle alone without having to rely on the help of others. We determine the good and bad fate of our lives in the future, therefore it is necessary to plan and always think about what to do tomorrow.

garis pembatas @miftahulrizky.png

Thus this article, I hope it is useful and inspires all who read it.I also invite you to participate in this contest. @patjewell, @fantvwiki, @sduttaskitchen @fadia

Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to comment.
Greetings by @miftahulrizky

 last month 

Saludos amigo
Un día interesante comenzando con un poco de angustia a ver a su esposa afligida y luego enojada por su Aventura imaginaria/Soñada 🤭
Qué bien que luego de unas sabias palabras y gestos amorosos cambio la actitud de su esposa espero cumpla con esa promesa cada día;
Esta muy bien ir preparándose para mejorar sus conocimientos y luego facilitarlos a sus estudiantes,
es bendecido de tener buenos y generosos amigos,
realmente la fotografía muestra la tristeza de este pobre gato espero pronto sane, con los cuidados necesarios;
Gracias por compartir su día,
éxitos en el desafío,
Saludos cordiales!!!

 last month 

Hello my friend, it's great to get a comment from you, you have read everything well till the end of this story. I really appreciate you for taking the interest to read this post.

I agree with what you have said that increasing knowledge can be useful for my students later, of course as a good teacher is a teacher who can provide new insights to his students.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 last month 

🤭🤭🤭 saya tidak berani tertawa hanya senyum saja,melihat istri bapak yang marah gara2 cemburu, memanglah perempuan seperti itu bahkan saya pernah mengalaminya, tapi malu nak mengakuinya 🤣🤣🙏🙏🙏

 last month (edited)

Hahaha. 😅 Kami laki-laki jadi korban nya, mereka yang bermimpi kami yang harus disalahkan. menarik sekali ketika berbicara pernah mengalaminya, apakah yang terjadi selanjutnya? apakah suami menjadi korban omelan istri. sungguh menyakitkan.

 last month 

Hihihi itu lah uniknya perempuan, gampang marah gampang pula baiknya, itu tandanya dia sangat cinta dengan bapak 👍👍 semoga akur selalu ya pak 🤲

 last month 

Terimakasih banyak Ibu atas doanya, saya doakan Ibu bersama suami juga dapat akur selalu. Sifat wanita memang unik dan menarik, yang paling susah itu ketika dia menginginkan sesuatu tapi tidak diungkapkan, diam aja sampai pasangan nya tau apa yang diinginkan. Begitulah saya di kampus sering meneliti kajian khusus masalah wanita.

 last month 

Amin terimakasih juga atas doanya untuk saya,
Kalau sudah diam, itu tingkat yang paling susah untuk di pecahkan pak....maka jangan biarkan sampai istri bapak diam🤭🤣🤣🤣

 last month 

diam diam menghanyutkan, diam adalah jurus yang paling sulit untuk di selesaikan. karena kami laki-laki tidak tau harus berbuat apa, harus menyelesaikan masalah dengan cara yang bagaimana. hehe.

saran saya untuk pertumbuhan akun Ibu, coba mari sedikit berpikir mana yang lebih menguntungkan antara membakar steem dengan memberikan ke null atau membagikan hadiah ke komunitas? coba di pelajari lagi

 last month 

Siap pak, terimakasih atas sarannya, nanti saya akan pelajari lagi dengan @alee75

 last month 

Ibu bisa belajar dengan melihat beberapa postingan saya, pada postingan tertentu saja saya membagikan hadiah dengan membakarnya ke null, sedangkan banyak postingan saya yang lain selalu fokus membagikan hadiah ke akun komunitas, semoga membantu pertumbuhan dan kerja kerasnya di Steemit.



Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcuratorXX We support quality posts, good comments anywhere, and any tags.

Curated by : @soulfuldreamer

 last month 

Thank you for your support my friend

 last month 

Hola amigo, que mal que tu esposa tuvo ese sueño perverso. Menos mal ella luego que le pediste perdón y la abrazaste te entendió y cambió de actitud.

Me alegro que se esté esforzando en su estudio porque al final eso le ayudará a ser un gran profesional y todo lo que se aprende nos sirve para la vida y eso es lo importante.

 last month 

I don't understand what you have said? Do you mean which words I have said are wrong in your opinion? What actions have I taken that have caused me to be rude, maybe you have misunderstood what I have explained in this post, The existing machine translation is not accurate so it gives a different meaning in your language.

 last month 

😂😂😂😂 bolehkah saya tertawa? Istri anda pasti cute...

 last month (edited)

Hahaha. Apa salah ku, dia yang bermimpi saya jadi korbannya. ini benar-benar tidak adil bagaimana hal ini bisa dibenarkan. sangat merugikan bagi kami laki-laki harus menerima omelan yang tidak kami lakukan karena mimpi buruk yang dirasakan.

Wow, great, I enjoyed reading your post. I really liked the way you talked about the start of the morning today and told about your wife that she was angry since morning and the reason for her anger is doubt. It was because they didn't like you being involved with someone else. It's really true. No woman can tolerate sharing her husband with someone else because it's a relationship that It is only based on trust and belief. If there is no trust in it, it doesn't take long to break the relationship. The kind of activities you have shared with us today are amazing. Step by step you have done all your work. Thank you so much for sharing the situation with us and also enjoying it. I will take care of you.💕


 last month 

some say that if a partner dreams like that it means he really loves his partner, there are also those who say that a partner dreams like that because he is afraid of losing. It's not just women who can't tolerate sharing their husbands with other people, but men do too if their partners break their trust. In a relationship there needs to be mutual trust and loyalty.

 last month 

Women are not willing to give their husband's share to anyone even in their dreams. You managed to break your sweetheart's anger and give a loving hug that made for a beautiful morning. You can balance income with expenses to finance your degree. I believe your willpower will carry you forward. The cat needs to be taken to a veterinarian for treatment.

 last month 

I agree with what you said that women will not be willing to share their love even if only in dreams. It's true that women vent their burning anger, but we have to have various ways to make her calm and comfortable. Anger met with anger will result in ongoing arguments.

 last month 

I have seen many women who think that even if they go to heaven, their husbands will not get Hoor. Amr has a friend who is enough to make his wife angry by talking about a second marriage. Women can never think of giving the share of their beloved to someone else. Willing to fight and fight with husband if necessary.

 last month 
Hola amigo, espero te encuentres muy bien... Al igual que tú esposa he tenido este tipo de sueños y realmente parecen tan reales que duelen, aunque no tenías culpa ya que solo era un sueño supiste manejar la situación con palabras que la hicieran sentir bien y segura de tu lealtad y amor.

Me alegra que te esfuerces e inviertas en tu educación, mantener un equilibrio en todas las áreas es importante para que todo funciones.

Pobre gatito, espero que su dueño pueda ocuparse de su salud y brindarle los cuidados que requiere porque realmente luce enfermo.

Saludos y bendiciones.

 last month 

Several women have admitted that they have had similar dreams, I understand how women feel, they are angry because they are not willing to share their love with other people other. Thank you for reading this post and leaving positive comments.

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