
Yeah, but do not hide it in the corner like splinterlands does. Noone takes "social media corner" seriously.

I don't understand you... I'm building presence in other sites as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and a web site.

Yes, but social media presences are mostly meant to fish players in. Discord is a whole different deal. It is much more important. A player that walks into your Discord isn't being fished. They are very likely already a customer. Therefore you could say Discord is mostly focused toward retention.

Yes, you are right. Good point.

Also when I say "noone cares" I mean the client side. At the very most, we might open it up, like the social media profiles then not bother with them again. You know, just to show some support. If we are already aware radaquest exists, it's unlikely we'll bother with "presences".

Of course, social media presences are very important. Just for different reasons than Discord.

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