1000 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 16 - Mini Challenge #3 - Steemit T-Shirts

in Steem Gaming4 years ago (edited)

Hi Steem Community, Thanks for the Mini Game and giving opportunity in partcipating in the game and express my thoughts on the same.

Branding of Business, plays a very important role in boosting it.
Promoting Business can be in many forms, like putting Poster, Banners, Slogans etc., but all these medium will be stable and can be recognised or seen only when someone passes through it.

The best way for promotion according to me is to put it the Brand somewhere which can move like on Car, Bike, Trucks etc.,

The Best way to do is by wearing the Brand name in the form of T-shirt, it will help in increasing the audience as people who arecurios will walk up to ask about the Brand and how does it work.

As on many Football Team Jersey you might have seen Company's Logo.Like in the below pic.


Photo Source:- https://www.google.com/search?q=bayern+munich&sxsrf=ALeKk039gTHAinb4ybU5rBNFo52hxbhBiQ:1596032552318&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiyt9LK1PLqAhVR6XMBHToiDScQ_AUoA3oECCMQBQ&biw=1600&bih=757#imgrc=dZQ79pM40j0OZM

I also once have worn a *Snooker Room Brand T-shirt as I was part of the promotion. People after seeing me in that
T-shirt used to aske me about the Snooker Parlour.

Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 7.51.05 PM.png

How I will make the promotion for Steem community is after wearing the Steem T-shirt and imparting my knowledge about the Community and help people to join the Community and to target the larger audience.

Please let me know, How you will add value and promiting the Steem Community.


It's a nice post, Ankit!

Also, I see that you have participated in all 3 mini-challenges, which is great!

I am sure you are going to give a lot of competition to other participants in the diary game season 2 and wishing you good luck!

Just a suggestion - to mention the "source", you can start using markdowns.



Thank you Neeraj.
I will start using mark downs from here on.

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