SEC-S11W1:"The most embarrassing moment of my life as a kid or parent"

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Hello Steemkids and Parents, It is nice seeing you join this very season. And with much enthusiasm, I will be making my entity on the given topic " My most embarrassing moment as a Child or Parent".

As a child, there are so many moments of this nature which we may likely not either remember or have a clear cut on what transpired. However, I will be making my entry at this moment as an adult. It is a time I can hold strong my actions and inactions.

Have you ever been embarrassed? Tell us the scenario and how you felt.

Being embarrassed is a moment every human must have passed through irrespective of the degree of occurrence. The damage may be small or big in its fonts but in all, it comes with a relative discomfort. I can say that I have witnessed several embarrassing moments either from a personal ground, from the activities of children, or that of friends.

However, I will be spelling out one of those moments. It was sometime in 2013 when I may say I had the prime or at the peak of my career in terms of performance indices. This made me become the pride of my office and a friend to my line manager. My line manager had a female friend who wasn't part of the work system but was openly known of her status to this manager.

It happened that this was a lady that I also partially knew through her elder sister and she kept making passes on me each time we met. Though these passes were made out of jokes which probably made others feel she was the playful one, I already had a different perception from my instinct. I knew she was serious with those uncomfortable passes.

I was able to manage this situation not until I had my birthday celebrated in one of the decent places at that time. Colleagues and friends all came to felicitate with me on this day. It was already evening and my line manager called to know where I was so as the join us in the celebration. On my way out to give the required direction and also wait to pick them up, I got an embarrassing welcome from my manager's female friend.

What really happened that got me embarrassed? They both came down from the car and approached my direction, and with unguarded excitement, she ran towards me, jumped on me for an all-inclusive hug, and quickly stole a kiss from me in a glance. That was really a put-off and uncoordinated moment for me. It looked as if this was a pre-planned action from both of us and it did send the wrong signals.

This not only got me embarrassed but also my manager who was in limbo watching in a fix surprise. He quickly walked back, went straight to his car, and drove off with the same lady who chased him to the car and hopped in. He could no longer come to the venue but left unsettled and angrily. I quickly reached out to him via mobile to apologize for this unforeseen embarrassment which he admitted was out of my defense given the circumstances behind the entire scenario. He probably knew the lady went too far in her playful deeds and excitements.

He understood and made up with everyone but couldn't come back to the venue. It was really an embarrassing time. I felt ashamed at that moment because I'm not the kind that is identified with such rascality and indecent lifestyle.

Do you think you deserve the embarrassment or it should have been someone else?

Just as I previously said, I am a private person which entails that this was a serious abuse to my personality. I will say that I was desecrated and at the same time taken for granted that moment. I did not deserve to be openly embarrassed that way and I do not think anyone else deserves to be embarrassed in the same manner.

On the contrary, there are people who are loud and as well like such publicity. Hence, this kind of outburst isn't viewed as an embarrassment. But on the general ground, no one deserves any form of embarrassment.

What have you done to avoid such a scenario from reoccurring?

From her, there won't be a reoccurrence of such trivial as there won't be any meeting point for such incidents. However, I made a firm caution as I do not align with such a careless or carefree lifestyle as far as my privacy is concerned.

However, I have to go back and ruminate on the possible causes of such embarrassment and what best to do to stop further reoccurrence. I had to limit the door or familiarity which I feel was abused. This was not just to her but to others for possible reoccurrence. Boundaries and privacy checks were hiked and made known to limit some unwarranted excess.


Embarrassment is something that most times are inevitable. They occur without our consent and in a manner that startled us. All we have to do is to apply damage control at moments like that and as well prevent future occurrences by avoiding such lapses.

Thank you, friends. This is my entry.
I would like to invite @ruthjoe, @okere-blessing, and @chilaw


Hey there! Your post about your most embarrassing moment is so relatable and well-written. It's not easy to share such experiences, but you did it with honesty and humility. I appreciate how you took responsibility and handled the situation with maturity, apologizing to your manager and setting boundaries. Learning from such experiences is essential, and your insights on privacy and self-respect are valuable for everyone. Keep sharing your stories and reflections; it's inspiring and helps others learn from their own experiences too!

Exactly my friend. Not an easy one. It is challenging but we have to get things straight to avoid repetition. Thank you for reaching out

Hmm this incidence seem very interesting go me even though you might call it embarrassing.

Why would you boss be upset? Was it your fault? No! Well, as a lady I would say what that lady did , she did innocently, she was excited and expressed how she felt.

Well sorry you felt embarrassed, maybe I would feel the same way if I was in your shoes too.

Life oh life..the lady went for what she wanted hahahaha

Thank you for the wishes

Hahaha, this was why I said in one of the paragraphs that may be a usual vibe for some others. Except for my exceptional relationship with my line manager, that was career killer for some characters.

Yea you did..I would need to get a dictionary to understand what you just said. Hahaha

All the same all the best in this contest

 last year 

Out of excitement , she jumped at you, hug you and kissed you. That's way too far. I don't understood what made her gone too far but it's okay.

Your manager boss should not get angered at this. This is should not be taken personal.

Yeah, it was adequately managed without hard feelings. There is always a moment of such. We get to deal with them accordingly. Thank you for coming

 last year 

Welcome @xkool24 at my part of this platform.

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