in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago
There are some things you can't change no matter how hard you try. Many motivational speakers deceive people into thinking they are capable of anything, but the truth is that human beings will always have flaws and limitations. The sign of maturity is learning to accept these things.


In order to be accepted, you must first accept yourself and accept the part of yourself that you cannot change so as not to weaken yourself. When you accept your flaws, you will know how to correct or live with them.

Contrary to what many people think (especially those who talk about motivation), you do not have unlimited and unlimited possibilities, you are very limited and the earlier you know this, the further you will progress. You are putting unnecessary pressure on yourself to do what you know you can't do.

Knowing your weaknesses will make it easier for you to know your strengths, and the more strengths you have, the fewer your weaknesses. Knowing your weaknesses does not mean accepting them, but identifying them and knowing how to overcoming them.

To use and enhance your strengths, you must know which area you are more strengthened and where you are weak direct your energy to your strengths. At some point in your life, you will realize that there is more important work to do than trying to change who you are (I don't mean bad attitude, I mean your natural limitations).

It is much easier to improve than to begin to completely change your existence. I remember when a friend of mine came to complain that people were teasing him about his stutter and asking how to fix it. I noticed that they were afraid of him and when he was afraid to speak in front of them he stuttered even more.

I remember telling him that he should ignore their opinions of him, understand that he was not at a disadvantage and that he should feel free to express himself without fear of anyone. By following his advice, he learns to accept his way of speaking and his confidence returns. Surprisingly, he now speaks better than before.


All this is possible because he has learned to go with the flow, not fight it, and accept what he cannot change. The same goes for letting go your past and focusing on your present and future. You have to accept that you can't change your past, but the good news is that you can do something today that will have a big impact and positively change your future.

Thank you.

Read, Ponder, Love.
© whileponderin

 2 years ago 

Thank you @whileponderin so much for sharing this quality content with us.

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