Who is a Moderator on the Steemit Platform


Hi steemians,
I'm @wasa2020 from Nigeria. It is a pleasure to participate in this contest today which is organized by @simonnwigwe. The topic is a wonderful one that aims at testing our knowledge about the role of a moderator on the steemit platform.

Describe your understanding of who a moderator is in the steemit platform.

The steemit platform is a platform that has many communities in it and these communities have many users writing in them. Since the platform is built on PoB, the platform also needs people in the various communities to check every form of abuse and also help to develop the platform via the community.

Based on this concept, the platform through the community employee steemians who are much knowledgeable on how the system works guides and directs other users via valuable comments on their posts. This guidance as well as checking for abuse is done strictly by the moderators of a community in the steemit platform.

So moderators in the steemit platform based on my understanding are users with more experience in the platform guiding and checking abuse committed by other users in the platform for farming rewards. The moderator must checkmate this essence.

What are the things a moderator is supposed to check in every post?

The things every moderator is supposed to check in a post are numerous but for the sake of this contest today, I will be highlighting a few things which I say from the recent announcement made by the steemit team.

"The minimum they should check for is #club status, Steem exclusivity, plagiarism, AI-generated content, and bot use."

From the above statement, what the steemit team is interested in for all moderators in a community to check is listed already. Last but not least thing I will be adding here is drooling a valuable comment on the article as well.

Comments go a long way to encourage users to the effort they have put to publish an article. People feel happier when they see a user reading through their blog and dropping meaningful comments.

What criteria do you think a user must obtain for him/her to become a moderator?

I know the work of a moderator is never an easy task and that is the reason several criteria are checked before anyone is selected as a moderator. One of the first things I know that must be considered is that the user must have basic knowledge of how the system works.

More also, a user must have been on the platform for at least 6 months to be able to be given the position of MOD. He/she should have at least a reputation of 60 and above. Must be a regular poster too.

If you are not yet a moderator, which community will you like to work in as a moderator, and give reasons for your answers

I'm a new user of the platform and I will like to be a moderator someday in the platform as well. I admire the work of most MODs as they always try to guide you and direct you and what to do at any point in time.

I will love to work as a moderator in the steem4nigeria community as it is my country's community. I will love to contribute my quota to the success of the community as well. I do hope I will get the chance someday.

I like the way the moderators work because I notice they do shift and they hardly skip any post. I want to work with people of like mind and I guess the steem4nigeria community has such people.

Finally, I want to invite @dave-hanny, @yakspeace, and @obiking to also share their entry in this contest.

 last year 

Hello @wasa2020, thank you for publishing your content in our community, you are doing good work and i guess you would be mod of your favorite community steem4nigeria, wish you best of luck.

Club Status#club5050
Steem Exclusive
Plagiarism Free
BOT Free
Voting CSI6.8
Score (quality/rules)9/10
Verification date:2023-14-04
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