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RE: SEC17 WK:#2: your family and leisure activities

To us the makeup of a family can be one parent with children or an adult with children and pets are included.

I find it hurtful you state with your text all those single parents with or even grandparents do not count as a family to you!

For expressions (opinions) like this I have not much respect. You might call me sensitive or overreaction but the fact is mostly women do the raising, at times (a single) father does.

The rest of your article might be good but the way you started is a big NO to me. Was there a need to explain what a family is?
I gave you a 100% upvote but although we met before I regret it somehow because of this sentence.
It's fine if you do not respond on this comment.

A single mother who did a way better job than most married couples


Am sorry for making you feel hurt, and also sorry for not mentioning grandparents as well, next time they will be included.

Meanwhile thank you so much for the 100% upvote. And thank you for visiting my blog an being patience to go through it.

With me you make each single parent feel hurt. With your definition of a family you say we, the biggest parts of the families in this world do not count. I wonder why you think this way. Are you looking down on those with the hardest task on earth?/

I hope for you, you will always count, dear.
Good luck on Steemit.

 5 months ago 

Calm down dear Kitty and forget it as we all feel what we see. Now that she has already accepted her fault you should forget it too! Remember f & f formula! 🎉

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