Homework post on social studies lessons: What is Culture?.

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year


I would like to first of all thank @udyliciouz for creating this wonderful homework post on culture. Stay with me as I define culture, its components and characteristics.

Defining the term Culture.

So to my best of knowledge, Culture is best described as the way of life of people, or group of people, their ideas, social behaviors and customs leaving in a particular community.


Listing and explaining 5 components of culture.
  1. Language.

    Some cultures may have two to three languages, take for instance, in Nigeria we have three major ethnic groups, which are the Yorubas, hausas,and the igbos and some other minor groups and we all speak different languages.

  2. Religion.
    Different ethnic groups have different religions, in which they believe, in Nigeria we have the Christians, Muslims, the peagants and traditional worshipers.

  3. Aesthetics.
    Just as culture differ in religion, languages etc they also differ in their taste for art, drama, music and the likes of them.

  4. Mode of Dressing:
    Not all ethnic groups have the same dressing pattern let's take for example, the Hausa-Fulanis they usually wrap their heads with a piece of clothing, ‘danshiki’ and their women usually wears cloth that cover their whole body. This mode of dressing differ in the other ethnic groups.

  5. Food and drinks
    Different ethnic groups can be easily identified by the food they cook. Like the hausas' they eat tuwo and danwake and drink their burukutu and sekete the Yorubas eats amala. Palm wine is popular in among the Igbos and Yorubas.

Difference between material culture and Non-material culture.
This aspect consists of the things that are made by a society in order to satisfy the wants of its people.This aspect consists of the things we can't see.
Examples are work of arts and crafting, agricultural tools, houses for shelter, cloths made to suit weather conditions, weapons for hunting and protection.Examples music, morals, values and norms, religion, music, literature etc.

I want to first thank @uduak3287 for inviting me to participate in this homework post contest. And I will love to invite @usoro01, @spanky-dollar and @bossj23 to participate in this #learnandearn contest.


 last year 

Thank for posting in the community.
I wish you success in the contest.
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 last year 

Nice one, speaking about the food, many cultures have their unique food, just like you said Yoruba like Àmàlà, it one of my best food

 last year 

That's good to know sir

 last year 

Mode of dressing is an important part of culture as it says so much about where we come from.

This is an interesting content you have here.

 last year 

Thanks @usoro01

 last year 

very precise and concise post.
keep up the good work @vudeme123

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