sknp-schoolrunsw9: My school experience

in Steem Kids & Parents4 months ago

Hello Steemians, I'll be participating in this contest as a student.

As a student in a Nigerian University, we are grounded by many rules and regulations where attending classes is one of them, of course as a student you have to attend lectures.
A semester is usually three to four months and there is usually no break till the end of an academic session. In order to be qualified to write examinations in a particular course you need up to 75% attendance, so going to school everyday is very necessary in my school.


Are you a student, parent or teacher? How many days within the week did you go to school this week? Were you punctual all those days or there were some days you went late. What happened? Just be sincere

In a week, I go to school six days from Monday to Saturday, this is due to the number of courses I'm offering this semester, the timetable is so clustered that some lecturers had to pick Saturday for their lectures, but this week I went to school Starting from Monday to Friday which is today and do not intend to go tomorrow because the classes has been cancelled due to the commencement of our exams that is Monday.

I was punctual all the days except today because I woke up quite late as my alarm didn't ring so loud but I was still able to meet up with all the activities I had for today.

What school related activities did you engage in to ensure that you, your kids or your students enjoy every school day?

As a student the activities we engage in to ensure we enjoy our time in school is interdepartmental competition which is all the department in my faculty organizing something interesting like a football match or any recreational activities, so we engage in it after our lecture hours.

The stress you faced due to school activities? Are They burdensome or you enjoyed them?


The stress I face due to school is running from lecture venue to another which are so far apart, running to submit assignments in a lecturers office and even the practical aspects of my course is very chocky. The are burdensome but I definitely enjoy them because I really can't back out now.

What is your expectations for the coming school week and how are you going to achieve them?

My expectations for the coming school week is to do perfectly in all my Examination as we are commencing on Monday and also be punctual so I do not miss out on any paper because when once an examination starts you can't enter again so that's automatic carry over.
How I intend to achieve this my supposed goals is by intensive studying and staying focused and attending tutorial for difficult courses. The second way is by waking up very early which is why I bought a new big alarm clock this evening.

Why should you not miss any school day? As a parent, why should you not allow your children to miss school any day?

image from my Facebook

Why it is not advisable to miss school everyday as a student is because if you miss class you tend to lack behind academically as nobody will repeat a course because of your absence and you will also miss out on important updates. It is also important not to miss school so you do not get to lose marks in case a test is taken or so. Participating actively in school increases our level of intelligence because all activities including the extra curricular activities are very important to boost our mindset.

Thank you for reading my blog, give me a follow and I'll love it. I am inviting @zekanem, @comfortpeter and @usoro01 to participate in this contest.


All images are from my gallery except stated otherwise.


It very hard to take 70 or above 70℅ of the attendance.
But this is important

Yes very important

 4 months ago 

Hello dear,you write well, your post is interesting and amazing, thanks for sharing your experience in school with us, you had a nice days in school.
Best wishes dear

 3 months ago 

reflects a deep sense of community awareness. The images you've shared not only complement your narrative but also bring us closer to the realities faced by your neighbors. From the economic hardships signified by the rising costs of basic commodities and water scarcity to the lighter moments of children playing, your post paints a comprehensive picture of resilience amidst challenges. It's these stories that remind us of the strength found in communities and the importance of looking out for one another. Keep sharing, as your stories not only inform but also connect us on a human level. Looking forward to seeing more amazing content from you

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