SEC | S11W3-""Discipline""

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year

Hello, welcome to another beautiful addition of the engagement challenge, I want to appreciate God for the gift of life, and I want to appreciate God for each one of you, may the Lord Grant us success as we write @vickyson

How do you view discipline?

Discipline is the art of showing love to a child while he is still young, many families have ended up in had I know, which cannot be revised, many wish to be disciplined and get corrected but is too late discipline, in my definition is simply means following an order given to you by your parent's guidance at the working place in so many places you receive discipline and if you can keep discipline in mind you earn a reward at the end of the day


Discipline is the practice of training oneself or others to follow a set of rules, guidelines, or principles to achieve specific goals or maintain order. It involves self-control, focus, and consistency in adhering to desired behaviors or standards, Discipline can apply to various aspects of life, such as personal habits, academic or professional pursuits, and interpersonal relationships. It is often seen as a key factor in achieving success and personal growth.

Have you been disciplined before or have you ever disciplined someone?

In a hard way, I have received discipline in life, I left my parents when I was 5 years old to stay with my uncle and his wife I never imagine experiencing such treatment from their hands but I'm glad at some point that I went to stay with them

even though they harshly told me the discipline I almost lost my ears to beating sometimes I wondered if I was an orphan or if I lost my way to their Arms, sometimes I cried and wished that death should take my life away because of the hardship, sometimes I will have to hide in the toilet because of beating for urinate, I run all the errands without complaining,

That has helped me a lot in the present and future, because of the hard work I undergo when I was still growing up in which I learn the tough way all the choices are carried out by me but because I'm staying with them I don't have to complain

I'm seeing that as a lesson today because I have encountered so many situations that I have to fix it alone without complaining because I have learned and I receive the disciplinary mind, after college I left to work as a housekeeper tolerate the misconduct of their kids because I have received patient discipline

As a mother I always discipline my children especially the small ones he always wants the final saying to be his own so he always gets the punishment more than his elder brother if you fail to punish a child now that he's Young when that child grows older he can never receive any discipline that will help him in future ( they say you can only bend fish when is Fresh but when it's dry it can only break wise saying)

Do you consider discipline as love or hatred despite how it is given?

When I did not understand I label my uncle and his wife as the most wicked people I have ever seen but as time passes by I understood that it was love that they showed me to help me fix my life on track, I see discipline as love exhibit to me in a hard way which I remain grateful till today and my children are benefiting from the same treatment

One thing that we need to understand about discipline it did not depend on beating alone there are so many ways you can offer discipline to a child because the training of a child begins at home from breastfeeding when you are breastfeeding a child and the child bite you, you overlook it he repeated the same thing you have to start from there he needs to know that what he's doing was wrong

Do you think discipline is beneficial to kids?


Discipline is the first beneficiary certificate that parents can offer to their children when they are going to nursery School, there they obtain another beneficiary discipline from the teachers and move further to society, and their children pass it down to another generation discipline is very beneficiary to kids,

any child that did not receive discipline their morals are always different disrespect is always found in them enduring hardship self-control and application to life experience is difficult for them to handle, like I said start from breastfeeding

Your personal advice to those who give discipline and to those who receive it."

To those that give discipline, I advised that they should not do it in such a way that it will leave a mark in the child's mind as hatred, let discipline be given with love in an appropriate manner that way it will remain forever as grateful not regret

and to those that receive discipline, it doesn't matter how it comes you have to endure because they say nothing good comes easy not even disciplining the foods that you eat is not easy

Let me use this great Honor to invite my friends to join the contest @patjewel @bossj23 @rdp89.


Thank you, friend!
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How hard was your discipline my friend, I was very saddened, but something I did not understand, you say that you left your parents, because they were alive.

Because my mother used to say that if children spend hard times with their mothers, they spend them together, because there is nothing like being with their mother.

My father left home years ago, he is alive, but he really hasn't missed me much.

I have received a good example of discipline from my mother, it is true that sometimes a punishment for indiscipline in time is to correct.

But no physical punishments, tortures, those remain forever in the soul.

 last year 

They seek permission from my parents to take care of my fees while I live with them and it was a distance City from my village, as child i was happy because I'm living the village, thank you for the visit

 last year 

Greetings friend.

Discipline is the first beneficiary certificate that parents can offer to their children.

This is to say that discipline like charity begins at home before the children go out into the world to learn more about it in schools and apply it in their lifestyle.

It is the first responsibility of a parent or caregiver to their children, to let them know what is right to do and what is wrong.

And those who rebuke discipline as you have said, come up with disrespectful manners. Thank you for these lessons and all the best in the contest.

 last year 

Thank you so much dear🙏

 last year 

That's true dear, nothing good comes easy. I always discipline myself to achieve lots of things in life.

 last year 

Thank you dear for your time

 last year 

To those that give discipline, I advised that they should not do it in such a way that it will leave a mark in the child's mind as hatred, let discipline be given with love in an appropriate manner that way it will remain forever as grateful not regret

Actually some people give discipline with hatred and malice which is not good and can result to an everlasting mark to who so ever is been disciplined,i wish you good luck in this contest

 last year 

Thank you so much for your time dear

 last year 


In my opinion, discipline is very beneficial for children because if we don't discipline them from a young age, it will be difficult for them to turn into disciplined people in the future.

 last year 

Every knowledge that we have start from tender age. Thank you for stopping by

 last year 

It is sad that you had to experience such cruel treatments from your caregivers. In this case that was not discipline but poor anger management. But I am glad that you are fine now and you can help your kids better. Good luck with the contest.

 last year 

Thank you so much for your time, and for the visit.

 last year 

La disciplina es una manera de corregir los errores, sin embargo hay que darla con amor.
Las personas que han recibido disciplina han llegado a ser mejores personas.
Feliz tarde

 last year 

Thank you dear friend,due stay happy too🙏

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