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RE: Diary game for Sunday, 25th February | A global worship service.

in Steem Kids & Parents4 months ago

Hello there! 😄 It sounds like you had quite a busy and fulfilling day!

Starting off with prayers and choir practice sounds like a wonderful way to set the tone for the day. It's always refreshing to gather with others and seek spiritual nourishment together.

I loved how you shared about searching the Scriptures and finding comfort in the power of God over sickness and death. It's truly amazing to see how the stories from the Bible can provide hope and encouragement in our daily lives.

Cooking soup with bitter leaves sounds like a delicious and nutritious meal! It's great that you took the time to prepare a homemade dish after a busy morning.

And tackling those assignments on Arthropods sounds like a fascinating endeavor! Drawing mosquitoes, black flies, and house flies must have been quite the artistic challenge. But hey, at least you had some insect inspiration buzzing around!

Overall, it seems like you had a productive and spiritually uplifting day. Thanks for sharing your journey with us! 😊🎨🦟

 4 months ago 

Thank you very much for your wonderful engagement.

I appreciate all your kind wishes.

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