in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago

Hello, friends and lovely kids, welcome back to my page, I am glad to participate in another interesting contest in this great community of ours, you will agree with me that, this is a concerned topic to humanity as a whole, I’ll tell you why. I said so because at one point or another we are moved by compassion to express certain attributes knowingly or unknowingly in our lives to our fellow humans. Mankind needs compassion in general. I am so grateful to @steemkidss and all her representatives for creating this contest giving all of us friends of kids and kids themselves this great opportunity to express what compassion means.

What do you understand by compassion?

The feeling of compassion has just one common language as far as humanity is concerned. And this has to do with pity of others' misfortune. This is what all of us feel when we see others in a bad state either mentally or emotionally. For the benefit of our lovely kids here and also friends of kids, let’s pause a little and consider one imagination.
Let’s visualize a common scenario, please try to imagine this scenario and you will agree with me on my definition of compassion.
Now, think about those moments you see the blind struggling to walk on the street, how do you feel?
Think about when you see a young beautiful girl or boy who is deaf and dumb, how do you feel?
Think about when you see the lame who is in a wheelchair, how do you feel?
How about when you visit the hospital and see people in pain on a sickbed? What’s that feeling in your mind?
Now that’s compassion.

So, in a nutshell, I’ll say that compassion is the innermost feeling of pity or the urge to assist others due to the predicaments they are facing of which they could help themselves in a little way or no way at all.

Even with this condition, they are not poor, do you know why? Because they are happy, they feel loved💕

For many of us who believe in the supreme being who happens to be my creator, you will also agree with me that he has this quality in abundance for humans. So apart from him putting such quality in us, he is also a very good example to imitate irrespective of whether we are kids or adults.

Who can show it and why?

All mankind has the responsibility to show or express compassion to others, no one is exceptional, so that means that you who is reading this article and me that is writing it has the responsibility to show compassion to others.
The reason is that most times we are not worthy of some favors from our creator but because of the love he has for us, he is most times moved with the passion to assist us. That alone is even enough reason for us to show compassion to other mankind.


Have you shown someone compassion, how did you do that and how did the recipient feel?

Of course, I have shown compassion to so many people on so many occasions they are uncountable and I am still doing it the best I can. one of such was when I visited an orphanage home, to be honest, I am always touched whenever I visit there. I wish I could change those children's conditions. I like assisting pregnant women whenever they want to climb the staircase if they have no assistance. They always feel happy and wish me a better wife in the future.

I have also done that by giving some people I met tips from the holy book on how to cope with some present life challenges and also alert them about a better future that would settle all challenges we are experiencing today in the universe. I have also done that by not going to the orphanage empty-handed.
Seeing the joy in their faces shows that they are truly happy and I am happy too.

Has anyone shown you compassion before and how did you feel when it was shown to you?

I would say yes. that’s my answer. I have been shown compassion on many occasions. My creator has and is still showing me compassion, my friends, my family even strangers have shown me compassion.
I feel appreciated whenever compassion is shown to me, I feel belong, I feel loved.

Express your compassion to someone in a practical way.

For example, I do give out some of my clothes that do not size me anymore to those who don’t have both to my friends and neighbors, not because I have it much, but because I know how it feels not to have at all.


Do you think compassion is a virtue that should be cultivated by all and be demonstrated in a practical way?

It is, we all need to cultivate it and we need to act on it always. After all, we were not made of a heart of stone. Everyone has this as a responsibility to demonstrate it.

How did you learn to show compassion and where?

First, I learned from my Immediate family as I found myself there first in the universe, I keep noticing compassion being expressed to me as I was growing up as a kid, thanks to my creator too for not giving up on me in regards to compassion. Honestly, it has become part of me and I am grateful.

How will the world look like if everyone cultivates this quality?

To be honest, if folks cultivate compassion and keep expressing it practically trust me so many in the world would feel appreciated and loved and guess what would happen in the world? well, it will turn to a better place that is safe for our lovely kids who are looking upon us adults. It is also going to be a better place for us adults. but until then, may we always consider compassion as part of us as a living soul, and may it be part of us to always express it.


Worthy compassion is not optional, it is our full responsibility as humans to express that to our fellow mankind. May it be our ought most concerned to we always to assist others. Remember when you do this, you will be happy that you did it. This is both to our lovely kids here and friends of our lovely kids. I would like to invite @alena-vladi, @olesia, and @ir3k to follow this link to participate in this beautiful contest.

20% reward of this post goes to @steemkidss


Compassion is a virtue that anyone should cultivate

 3 years ago 

Exactly...,thank you very much for visiting my page.

 3 years ago 

Interesting, well done for explaining compassion this email at, it's so understandable thank you for participating in this contest

 3 years ago 

Thank you for visiting my blog and also reading my post.

Yes, compassion should be shown by all, rhanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

 3 years ago 

I'm glad you went through my post and also appreciate my points. Thank you very much @charis20

 3 years ago 

Thank you for sharing your quality contents with us here, compassion truly is a virtue, a must quality to cultivate. Continue to be active in our community. We appreciate you 💕

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much for reading my post and sure i'll always be active here, thank you @steemkidss.

 3 years ago 

Compassion is a must quality for every human being to reap. Thank you for being active in our community, we appreciate you 💕

 3 years ago 

I am grateful.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for sharing this with us it's good to be compassionate

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much and thanks for visiting my page.

I can see that you are lovers of children, keep doing the good work.

 3 years ago 

You can say that again, infact my nickname is father Abraham.

Thank you very much @desiredlady

Hahaha, l like that.

I really appreciate your way of explaining compassion, it is very true that if all show compassion we will feel loved and appreciated, thank you

 3 years ago 

You are welcome.

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