in Steem Kids & Parentslast year

Hello, everyone. My topic for today is Time management. Planning and managing how much time is spent on various tasks in order to accomplish specified goals is the process of time management. This includes creating objectives, prioritizing work, and efficiently managing time. People who have good time management skills are more productive, experience less stress, and accomplish their goals. In the context of the material provided in the literature, time management is stressed as the most underappreciated secret to success, and efficiently managing time is essential to attaining one's goals.

The most undervalued key to success is time management. To achieve our objectives, we must manage our time effectively. Everyone is the manager of their own time; if you manage your time incorrectly, it will have a negative impact on you, if not today, then tomorrow. We realize that we will never get that time back.



Everything God created has its own purpose, function, and uses. Time was not designed solely for amusement. It was created for a reason; we don't use time like we do mirrors. Time is extremely important in humans' lives and activities. People were given time to put it to good use. What I mean is that the clock was created to assist individuals in carrying out their plans successfully.

People who understand the value of time do not waste every minute of it. What they have in their plan will quickly collide with what they have at the same time. Successful people are those who can make good use of their time; they are good time managers. They have time to work, time to take breaks and rest, and time to attend meetings. Sometimes I wonder if they ever slept until I met one of them and interacted with him. That's where I discovered how well they manage their time.

They have set a schedule for themselves. So we must make a timetable for ourselves and plan our activities accordingly. This would be the most effective way for us to begin managing our time effectively. We will be able to manage and follow a timetable if we can set one for ourselves. We will not rush into certain tasks; rather, we will complete them one by one in accordance with our timetable.



Successful people are those who do not play games with time. From this vantage point, I recommend that we begin managing our time well; if we want to be successful, we must be time conscious, manage our time, and treat our time well. Knowing that if we misuse it, it will harm us in the future. When we mix up our time, it becomes a huge issue for us.


Everything has its own time. Even God by himself. He has his own schedule and seasons for everything. I've been hearing from God through the scriptures. When he wants to do something specific, he will say, according to this time. That is, God has a set time for doing things. God operates on his own timetable. There will be times when you will call him and he will not respond quickly, not because he does not hear your voice, but because it is not yet his time.

I once presented an opportunity to a close friend. And his response surprised me after only a brief conversation with him. He replied that he does not have time because he has been so busy.I questioned him about his recent activities.
He couldn't tell me what was going through my head. And I later discovered that he did not make good use of his time. He hasn't made a reasonable time schedule for himself, which is why he couldn't tell me what he's been up to.

I asked him if he was that busy and if his account balance was as busy as he is. He said no, that he is even in need of funds. I told him, friend, you're busy doing nothing. You need to make a good timetable, give yourself a little rest, and use your time wisely.

This is what I told him, and I believe it will help you as well. I told him we only have 24 hours a day. You put in at least 9 hours per day. You slept for 7 hours. What are you going to do with the remaining eight hours? This is where we usually waste our time, and I don't blame him or myself for that, but at least we were able to put some things back together.

If we can check the price and quality of whatever we want, we should also check our time. Time is money, as they say, and we should manage it more than we manage our funds.

 last year (edited)

Thank you @thomaso so much for sharing this quality content with us. You have written about time management in a great way

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