Sec season 14 week 1||The neglect in families the effects on kids||

in Steem Kids & Parents8 months ago
Hello Everyone greetings and blessings to you all my friends

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I am @sualeha from Pakistan it's pleasure for me to participate in first week of engagement challenge season 14 hosing by #steemkidsand parents community with very interesting topic about how kids are neglected in families so guys let's start my blog.

The contest post link share here

👉What does neglect of responsibilities mean in a family🙇?.



Well some time in a family member not seriously behaved that family needs your time and attention being a parents too , When someone in a family neglects their expected responsibilities, it means that they are not performed there duties as he or she had ,the family functioning as a unit so if all members put there right efforts in correct way like fulfilled there responsibilities or providing emotional support if need to your kids or family It could cause stress in family dynamics and relationship became weaker and bounding between family members getting far away.

👉Have you been neglected or seen anyone neglected? What are the effects on the kids



Yes, I have seen but not experience personally but in many cases of different families Many parent's who are doing job or working mother's fac d that problem because she never balanced in proper way the house chores and her professional work due to shortage of time kids were neglected out of home , Parents who didn't given proper time to their kids do the results are some time horrible there kids need care , love , attention and understand the problem of thier parents these non serious attitude building confused and broken personality kids .

In some cases parents had bad relationship between them ,they fight in the result kids became afraid and not believed on relations because they saw bad image of there parents general mental health and academic performance may be neglected.

👉Your advice to parents who neglect their responsibilities towards their kids.



Well our kids are innocent angles they need parents care , time , attention, emotional support not only finance them that's enough if you want your kids are obedient you served first respect there emotions and support them any where they needed.

It's really so sad that only birth your baby enough for become parents ,good parents always trying to spent time with there families non serious attitude of parents and in results kids are neglected badly and negative activities like harm there life's or addict.

👉Your advice to the kids who are neglected



Without children no colour and fun exit well !!!
Kids are the precious gift all of us and thankful to almighty who blessed us with this beautiful gift Ask from that couples who are married and awaiting for this blessing for couple for years.
Well I advise for kids who neglected by parents they must understand that may be your parents busy due to there out side responsibilities but they love you too much and care you they work hard for your well being and for your good present and excretory future.If any discussion need trying to express there feeling, emotions and understand there issues.

I hope you like my blog waiting for your valuable feedback on my post ,to finish I would like to invite my friends
to participate in wonderful contest and share there fabulous entries in steemit engagement challenge season 14 week I

it's pleasure for me to being with me will be right back soon with my new blog till then take care your self and your love once 💓💓Allah Hafiz Regards@sualeha 🦋


Sure @Sualeha does a good job discussing the impact of neglect in families on children. She emphasizes the importance of parents fulfilling their responsibilities, offering emotional support, and spending quality time with their kids. The advice provided to both parents and neglected children is insightful, emphasizing communication and understanding. Sualeha's call to participate in the contest is a nice touch, encouraging engagement within the wishes for you 🌺.

 8 months ago 

Thanks dear for your valuable feedback
Greetings 🤗🤗


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 8 months ago 

Hello @sualeha good to see your entry you have raised very good points about neglected kids ,it's very important to treat them equal Infront of other family members and give them your trust is very important as a parent best of luck dear ✨😊

 8 months ago 

Thanks dear for your beautiful words about my blog 💕💕

Dear, you have beautifully illustrated the plight of neglected children. You mentioned working parents. Their sons and daughters are neglected. Neglected children are often at risk. So all parents should fulfill the basic needs of children. Good luck to you.

 8 months ago 

Thanks dear for your valuable feedback on my post.yes it's not a small issue need attention in families.
Greetings 🤗

Saludos amiga.
Qué importante es que la familia esté completa, para que los niños tengan una buena crianza, llena de amor y protección.
Fue un gusto leerte.
Te deseo mucho éxito en el concurso.

 8 months ago 

Thanks dear for visit and valuable feedback on my blog 💕💕

 8 months ago 

Muchas so las familias que descuidan el cuidado de sus hijos ya sea por querer trabajar más de lo que se necesita y pasan todo el día trabajando y olvidan que en casa tienen a sus hijos que necesitan de su amor y cariño, talvez también por pelas entre el esposo y la esposa, los hijos son una bendición de Dios y por lo tanto debemos darle mucho a mor y cariño y no poner otras cosas antes que ellos

 8 months ago 

Very true 👍👍
Thanks dear for visit and feedback on my post

Good one, a family is not complete without the children so neglecting them is not good. Parents should endeavour to take good care of their children because they are the hope of tomorrow.

Children are the heritage and the seed of God.

 8 months ago 

Yes definitely all parents need to give more attention and support to there angels 😇 gifted you from God .

 8 months ago 

You've given a good point here

It's very important never to neglect the children

Have a blessed day ahead

 8 months ago 

Thanks dear for visit and feedback 😊😊

Hello @sualeha
It is so true that most parents neglect their children this could be as a result of their work and other issues. It is proper for parents to actually take good care of their kids amidst all the issues or challenge they go through it aids in the kids mental and academic stability. The kids are indeed the fun and excitement in the family and should never be neglected. Success sin the challenge my friend.

 8 months ago 

Thanks dear for your valuable feedback on my post
Greetings 🤗

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