in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago


Hello dear members of steemkids community, trust you are all doing great? We were happy to see all your entries last weekend. This weekend I believe you will do more. Remember it is a comment, let's have fun this weekend together with your kids. To win, remember to observe all the rules, yes let's go


First winner:@nohe15 8steems
Second winner: @anderannahysa 6steems
Third winner: @emmybless 4steems

The remaining 12steems was shared among all the participants: Each person received 2steems


Please note that all your reward has been sent to your wallet, you can confirm this.


This is a comment and engaging contest where everyone both kids and those whose kids are below 13 years are expected to give us updates on how their weekend is going.

The kids will tell what annoying, funny and exciting thing they are experiencing during their weekend while the kids lovers will give us update of how the kids around them are behaving.

We can't wait to receive entries at the comment section of this post.


We will count the number of entries you have made within the weekend, the highest participant wins. You can make entry as many times as possible. But please, try to make comments on other Participants entries. And the pictures should be real ones. Don't edit it and don't add any effects on them.

Engagement is the main reason why we have brought this contest back. So we expect to see at least one comment you make at other people's post for any entry you drop.

Remember to tell us which country you are making your entry from and what time it is there.

Can we do it????, Yes we can, let's do it


1st place- 8 steem
2nd place- 6 steem
3rd place- 4 Steem

We will then share 12 steem to all other Participants.


  • Pictures must be yours and must represent what is actually going on around you as regards the kids or you our kids. Please I've observed that some people will be saying one thing but the picture depicted something else, this kind comment will be invalid

  • Your entries must be what is happening around you and so there must be a backup picture

  • Each comment must be upto 50 words

  • You must upvote this post, resteem it to get more popular and you must follow steemkidss

  • We will consider those who have joined our Curation trail and set it at 100%. We will also consider those who have Delegated to steemkidss to help us grow. To join, and delegate, please click here

  • Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated

  • Entry ends on Monday 04/04/2022 by 11:59pm Nigeria time.

Please make sure you follow all the rules religiously

I wish you all success, enjoy your weekend



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50SP 100SP 250SP 500 Sp1000SP2500SP
 2 years ago 

Saludos querida comunidad Steemkids, agradecida con todos y en especial con la comunidad por tan hermoso regalo al mencionarme, gracias, también felicito a todos mis amiguitos participantes en este concurso y quiero decirles que nunca dejen de soñar y no pierdan las esperanzas.

#ContestAlerts #winwithsteem

This contest has been included in the daily Active Contest List

👉 Contest Alerts: Active Contest List on 02nd April 2022 – Win 1350+ STEEM

Follow & Resteem for more updates.

Venezuela sábado
Hola mis queridos amigos hoy estoy muy contenta por mi participación en baile, hoy mi día fue excelente espero que le gusten mis fotos



Con mi profesora de baile y modelaje y mis compañeritas, como pueden ver soy la más pequeña de tamaño y de edad

 2 years ago 

Hoola! Que linda te ves 😍

Un fin de semana que incluya una presentación de baile es simplemente perfecto, para mi son los mejores!

Me encantaron tus fotos.


Gracias amiga 😊

 2 years ago 

Wonderful kids! They look beautiful ❤️

Gracias 😀

 2 years ago 

You're welcome 🤗

Venezuela viernes
Hola amiguitos les quiero contar que hoy fuimos a visitar a mi abuelita que está muy enfermita y ayude Ami tío a darle su comida, no me gusta verla así, con el favor de papá Dios va a salir portó de su enfermedad



 2 years ago 

Espero se mejore pronto tu abuelita!

Con el favor de Dios 🙏

 2 years ago (edited)

Hola amiguitos! 😊

El sábado fui con mi mami hacer unas diligencias y aproveche de comprarme una cadenita que había visto hace días, la pude comprar gracias a las recompensas obtenidas en la plataforma. Me gusto mucho salir ya que me distraje un poco.

Sábado 02/04/2022 Hora: 11:15 am / Venezuela

Que bueno que compraste tú cadenita

 2 years ago 

Siii 😊 Estaba feliz!

 2 years ago 

Fine girl I see you were pretty excited about the chain I hope it looks good on you!

 2 years ago 

Yes, I love my chain, it matches my going out clothes and my school uniform!

 2 years ago 

Y hoy (domingo) fui en la mañana a misa y la tarde a sido para compartir con una amiga que vive cerca de mi casa, todos los domingos lo pasamos juntas... Hablamos, jugamos, cocinamos cualquier invento loco que se nos ocurra y la pasamos muy bien entre risas y bochinches.

Domingo 03/04/2022 Hora: 2:00 pm / Venezuela

 2 years ago (edited)

Hola amigos.

El día de ayer salí al centro con mi mamá y nos dirigimos a un instituto donde dictan diferentes cursos, allí estuve observando la cartelera y me llamo la atención el de manicura el cual me inscribí y me emocione mucho porque ame encanta esta profesión y estoy contenta porque comienzo mañana lunes.


Que bien te felicito 😃

 2 years ago 

Gracias :)

 2 years ago 

Esta genial que donde vives existan lugares donde dan cursos así, todo lo que podamos aprender es bueno para nuestra formación!

Te deseo mucho éxito en tu nuevo aprendizaje!

 2 years ago 

Muchas gracias!! :)

 2 years ago 

Wow it's good to learn something with your hands, I wish you success in advance!

 2 years ago 

Last weekend the kids in my school were so excited as Worldsmile put smile on their faces by donating new school uniforms for them.


Kids were excited receiving gifts, the incident took place on 01-04-2022. I'm reporting from Nigeria and the Time is 7:46pm.

 2 years ago 

Good evening My friends! It's my pleasure to join in this amazing Contest, I'm reporting from Nigeria and the Time is 7:12 pm. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.


Look at them they put on my shoes and said they are Mummy, I'm a girl, I was laughing so hard. Isn't it funny 🤣

 2 years ago 

Thanks very much @steemkidss and congrats to all the winners

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