Update #57: Writing Expedition ✍️, Have Fun while Writing! fictional story - hunted house 🏠

in Steem Kids & Parents3 months ago

Hello beautiful people of Steemit. I am @STEEM-FOR-FUTRE from #Bangladesh



About 200 years ago. The then British government was ruling Pakistan Bangladesh along with Mahabharata. During the rule of the British Government, the British Government built a magnificent palace for his own residence and the palace was named Haji Mohammad Palace.. Because this palace was owned by a king and his name was Haji Mohammad.

After some time a great storm arose in their city and the whole kingdom was destroyed. However, the palace that was built in the state was intact and the palace was damaged by storms, floods and even earthquakes No problem occurred. But only 50 years after the construction of the palace, the whole people of the kingdom died in a severe epidemic and everyone died of cholera. At that time Prince Malek took his own life and went to Egypt and their lineage ended here.

However, the palace built by Mohammed now looks quite scary. This palace is inside the Gohin forest. Due to the death of hundreds of people in the epidemic, not many people dare to pass through here. But if someone wanders around the palace out of curiosity or tries to get any information then Later he was never found and was rumored to have died.



There is a small town about 15 15 km from Rajbari and a girl Natasha is born in that town. Natasha has been behaving erratically ever since she was born and has a restless nature in her mind. After the birth of Natasha in the family, their family capacity increases and their poor family is now quite well off.

But gradually as Natasha grows up, her family's worries increase. Because already Natasha is a young girl and now she is grown up. Her family worries a lot about Natasha, but Natasha is still like that five-year-old child. Natasha is now 13 years old but she still has the feeling of a child in her heart.

After hearing about the Mohammad Palace from the villagers, Natasha thought that she would go to visit the palace. However, Natasha had previously noticed or heard that if a person entered the palace alive, they would never be found again.. Even earlier such incidents have happened.



But still Natasha is very interested to know about the old palace. He is very interested to hear about the palace from the old people of his area and he wants to go on a tour of the palace. Despite many obstacles from Natasha's family, Natasha is interested in learning about the building. But while Natasha is tied inside the room during the day, Natasha stays alone in the room at night and for this Natasha decides that she will go to the royal palace at night.

It was a busy night. Light all around. Even in the middle of the night, the whole city is lit up like day. Natasha quietly left the room barefoot with a hurricane in hand and left for the forest. Natasha lives in a small town but she has to travel 15 kilometers to the palace tonight. Because Natasha wants to know what is there in that old palace and Natasha is very interested in that palace.

So it took Natasha two hours to travel about 15 kilometers with Hurricane in hand. Barren forest, darkness all around, foxes howling from the farmlands and the sound of bats all around. Even though it was a barren forest, all the animals were resting at night and that's why Natasha reached the house very well.



Natasha is a virgin girl. But even then, he did not feel the least bit of fear because he had come alone so many nights. Because Natasha is a little different from other girls and her character is a little different.. Natasha and Eriken slowly arrived at the place called Mohammed Palace in the darkness of the night. After reaching there Natasha took out water from her bag and she first took some water and rested.

Then Natasha slowly approached the palace, and after approaching the palace, she peered through the street window.. After taking a peek, Natasha was truly amazed at what she saw in her eyes.

Natasha noticed that even in this dark room there were some people who looked more beautiful than the next. Natasha was a little scared after seeing this scene, but she didn't give a place to fear in her heart and strengthened her spirit. Then Natasha went to the door and she knocked on the door.

A knock on the door showed no activity from inside. As Natasha was of a different nature, she again came to the window and called out in a voice like, 'Is there someone here?'. Suddenly there was a loud noise and immediately a flash of light illuminated the whole room.

Natasha was a little afraid at first, but later all fear disappeared from her mind. Then Natasha heard a mysterious voice from inside and asked why Natasha had come here.

Natasha told all her events. After that a suggestion was given to Natasha from inside that Natasha should leave the place very quickly. Because the place is quite scary and the place is quite dangerous for Natasha.

But in that case Natasha asked him why the place is dangerous for me?

Finally Natasha was told that there was a king named Mohammad here during the British period. King's trusted minister Rampal brought a woman here and raped her and killed her. When a virgin was killed after being raped and her body was thrown into a river, punishment was sent down to the kingdom by the Creator.A storm was given and because of that Rampal the whole village had to die under the storm.

The king's minister, Rampal, committed this crime and the entire kingdom was destroyed. But the girl whom Rampal raped was a virgin and chaste woman. So the Creator placed that holy woman still in this house and destroyed the people of the whole kingdom.

Natasha found out all the information after Ghaybi took this information. And later Natasha was sent away and delivered to her family without killing her because Natasha was a holy woman... So the holy Nadi was returned to the family without ever being killed and this is where the story ends.

Lessons from stories

The people of all the kingdoms were destroyed because of Rampal's sin in the Mohammedan kingdom. But when Natasha entered that kingdom she was turned back unkilled. Because Natasha was a holy woman.The lesson we can learn from the story is that we must be holy and good people. We must take care that no sin of the world can touch our body.

I want to invite:


Achievement 1



 3 months ago 

The first 3 tags when promoting Steem on Twitter must be in the order #steem #steemit $steem. Please take note of the corrections.

 3 months ago 

Thanks for notice me


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